Global Shock: You Call This An Amusement Park? !

Chapter 145 The most terrifying tourist lineup! (Thanks for subscribing!)\r

Everyone waiting in front of a mobile phone or computer screen, staring at the remaining votes.




Weibo hot search was arranged immediately! The preparation process took three minutes!

#Jurassic Park experience ticket is second!#

Many people, including people who didn't play Weibo at first, couldn't help but go up to see how everyone was discussing!

[5,000 Jurassic Park experience tickets! I still want to see a joke!! I was killed in seconds?! 】

[I'm going!!! The minimum ticket price is 500,000!!! How can thousands of tickets be killed in seconds?! 】

【Has anyone counted how much?】

【I did the math!!】

[A-level tickets: 1.2 million. A total of 500 sheets, with a total amount of 600 million;

Class B tickets: 1 million. A total of 1000 sheets, with a total amount of 1 billion;

Class C votes: 800,000. A total of 1500 sheets, with a total amount of 1.2 billion;

Class D "040" votes: 500,000. A total of 2000 sheets, the total amount is 1 billion!!!]

[In other words, if all of them are sold out, Qin Yi will earn 3.8 billion ticket money in one go!!!]

[3.8 billion...I'm too young...]

Dinosaurs are exhilarating, but so is the fare.

Not to mention Xia Guo, most people in the world are still struggling with food and clothing, and it is impossible to imagine that such a thing actually exists.

Various conspiracy theories abounded.

[Weakly ask, is this possibly true? Is it fake?]

[Do you believe it? In a few seconds, billions of tickets are sold out? Anyway, I don't believe it]

[I am also a rich man worth tens of millions. In all fairness, I can definitely afford the money, but I definitely don’t want to spend it here... It’s just a trip for three days and three nights]

[Oh, it must have been digested at low prices internally, deliberately hyping it up like this, to increase the price of going to Jurassic Park in the future! 】

[Yes, they can talk about it in the future. Look, I will sell one million for the experience ticket! Now the ordinary ticket sells for tens of thousands of yuan, and the body is hundreds of thousands, so it is not expensive! Bah! Believe you a ghost!!]

[Yeah... This is too exaggerated, let alone 1 million tickets, few people can afford 100,000 tickets!! 】

There was still a lot of controversy on Weibo, but another hot search that appeared soon, directly put all their discussions back in the distance.

This tweet is...

#Jacoborg Suning Jurassic A-Class Ticket#

Click to see, there are already countless related news.

The first one is:

The founder of #face, Zack Borg happily posted a Jurassic Park A-level ticket! Threatened to conquer Jurassic Island!#

The sticker is displayed as Zakkoborg's fb account.

There is a screenshot of a successful ticket purchase, as well as a beautiful Jurassic Park e-ticket voucher.

He also posted a selfie with a smile.

[I grabbed an A-level ticket for the first time, but fortunately I was prepared! Sure enough, the tickets for the Jurassic Park tour were very popular! It was sold out in just a few seconds! The ticket price is also very cost-effective! Three Days and three nights, including cruise ships and accommodation, is only 200,000 meters! It is estimated that it will be difficult to have such a favorable price in the future! 】

After this hot search appeared, the crowd instantly calmed down.

Someone jokingly asked:

[Did everyone suddenly realize something]

[Suddenly found my perspective is too narrow]

【Hahahaha!!! The price is very good!!! Seeing this sentence I laughed to tears of the poor ratio!!!】

[The price is very cost-effective... I'm heartbroken, old scum!!]

[I just wanted to say who is so loud, I checked Du Niang, Zake Borg, FB founder, the assets are around 90 billion meters...about RMB 540 billion...emmm...too cheap for him now...]

Not only the 36-year-old third richest man in the world...

Others have also entered the hot search one after another.

Today, Double 11.

As long as you buy one thing, it will inevitably become a hot search.

That's the Jurassic Park Experience Ticket!

Since tickets can be purchased anonymously, the Infinite Paradise Company on Qin Yi's side will not disclose the information even if they know who bought them.

So this time, it's all about self-destruction!!

One after another proudly posted e-tickets!

Famous film and television female star, Liu Yifei: [Great! This is a solo trip! Jurassic, here I come! 】

Xia Guo's most famous second-generation rich, Wang Sicheng: [Does anyone want me to bring a dinosaur egg back? (Photos) (dog head expression)]

Zhang Zetian, one of the earliest internet celebrities, and now the lady of the famous lady, Zhang Zetian: [I got it! Like it! (thumbs up) (Mei Mei's whole body selfie) (screenshots of two e-tickets)]

These are more famous, and they are all A-level tickets.

And there are many rich N-generations who have posted electronic tickets one after another, including BCD.

Qin Yi is at the main control center on the island, through the monitors all over the place, doing the final opening inspection.

"Let me see all the lights of the 'Dragon Palace'..."

"it is good.

Someone came over and informed Qin Yi about the ticket sales.

Qin Yi was a little surprised: "So fast?"

Immediately showing an annoyed expression, he hammered his thigh hard: "It's still cheap!

Time flies.

Soon, December 1st is here!

Jianghai City, Wusongkou Cruise Ferry Terminal, densely packed and crowded!

Since there are many rich and powerful people standing at the top of the pyramid from several countries here, in order to prevent vicious incidents, the Xia Kingdom even dispatched many military police to maintain order.

500 people with A-class tickets will be the first to board the ship through the VIP channel.

Then other tourists, one after another, boarded the boat.

The 200,000-ton super-large cruise ship, the Anthropocene, carrying the local tyrants of this ship, slowly sailed out of the port.

When the ship was far away, the military and police officers in charge of order were relieved.

In particular, the two senior administrators and military officers who were in charge watched from a distance as the ships receded and headed for the high seas.

At the same time, he let out a long breath and wiped off the sweat.

Because they know that there are many big men on this ship.

Not just rich people.

There is even an admiral from the Stars and Stripes!

The real power figures of the five-legged building!

Admiral Kaiser!!

"Stop chattering! I'm almost at that broken island!!

One of the best balcony rooms on a cruise.

Admiral Kaiser, dressed in casual clothes, made a satellite phone call with anger on his face: "Laozi doesn't need you to worry about it!! I bought the ticket for 4.8 myself!! Spend my own savings!! 35

The person on the other end of the phone is still persuading:

"This is too much nonsense, Admiral Kaiser! It's not like you don't know the current situation between us and the Xia Kingdom! You are the admiral of the Xingtiao Kingdom! How can you go to the Xia Kingdom alone!! And you have to go to that Dinosaur Island!! Too dangerous Oh!! Remember the tragic news of our SEAL Team 6!! 35

Admiral Kaiser said angrily, "Dangerous shit!"

Although the Xingtiao Kingdom and the Xia Kingdom are mainly hostile, he is also very clear that the Xia Kingdom really has nothing to say in terms of security.

Dinosaur Island is indeed dangerous, but now with the endorsement of Xia Guo, there must be no safety problems.

After looking at the satellite photos sent by NASA, and the middle finger pattern above them that humiliates them...

Kaiser understood.

There was no way they could break into this island any other way, perhaps wanting something.

He will find out for himself!!.

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