Global Shock: You Call This An Amusement Park? !

Chapter 158 The Canglong Show Turns the Audience! (Thank you for subscribing!)\r

A slight mechanical sliding shaft sounded.

A full 5,000 tourists looked at the wide sea in front of them in astonishment. The two stage boards slowly sank a few centimeters into the water, then moved to both sides, and quickly retracted completely.

So far, the tens of thousands of square meters of sea surface in the middle is completely exposed.

The water was shimmering and looked calm.

Above the water surface, a mechanical boom slowly moved over from outside the field, and a fairly fresh shark corpse hung under the boom.

About half of the tourists don't quite understand at this time.

But the other half of the tourists guessed something, and those who have seen the movie have already screamed with excitement!


"It is to restore the classic scene in Jurassic World!!"

"Is it... a moss dragon?!"


Mosasaurus, the ocean overlord, is absolutely unbelievably popular.

When someone called out the mosasaur.

Although the 5,000 people in the entire venue seemed so sparse and sparse, they still shouted out the momentum of a uniform, thousands of troops!

"Mosasaurus——! Mosasaurus——! Mosasaurus——!!"

Several languages ​​are mixed together, and in the end it sounds as if they are integrated!!

040 Qin Yi was a little unhappy.

I thought it would be guessed, but I didn't expect so many people to guess it.

Spoilers ahead of time, the impact will be much weaker later...


He looked up at what looked like a giant bowl, above the Dragon Palace.

Many pterosaurs on the island have been following them. It's still hovering above.

Qin Yi thought to himself, fortunately, I have a little work to do.

This is what he discovered by accident.

A very visually striking flower live!

The boom has moved to the center of the sea.

The blood on the shark's carcass, bit by bit, fell into the azure sea water, and the color of the dizzy couldn't be seen.

This sea that was imprisoned in the Dragon Palace building... was also too big.

The sea is still calm.

The tourists were a little impatient.

"Why haven't you responded yet?

"Did we guess wrong?

"It's not a mosasaur, is it?

" look above!"

At this time, everyone discovered that more and more pterosaurs of various colors seemed to gather in the sky!

These pterosaurs are very strange, obviously big and small, different colors, many species mixed together (bcei), but they do not attack each other.

They all seemed to be greedy for the bloody shark carcass.

As the number of pterosaurs became more and more dense, the terrifying and sharp screams and the dense flapping of wings made everyone feel a little uneasy.

Cover the sky!

The whole sea has become much darker!

This sense of oppression from the sky is too strong!

Qin Yi saw that many tourists began to spray the pheromone to drive away the pterosaurs on their bodies again...

Qin Yi is very satisfied.

He didn't even know that he was actually a master at playing mind games.

All he knew was that now was the time.

Qin Yi was actually using his own skills, the Dragon King Domain, to communicate with these pterosaurs in a simple way and to control their mass gathering.

Then he stood up.

At this time, everyone's eyes will naturally converge on a person who is acting, even if he is not eye-catching.

Qin Yi is like a magician, pretending to be tricking his eyes.

He whistled a few times, and then drew circles with his hands, as if guiding the terrifying number of pterosaurs in the sky.

And with the guidance of his movements, those pterosaurs seem to have received some instructions!

They originally circled clockwise, but suddenly stopped in the air for a moment.

Then Qin Yi made another loud whistle, which spread out with the microphone!

It's as if I've been ordered to eat!

Those pterosaurs who had been circling for too long suddenly turned around!

A vertical dive of almost 90!! Each pterosaur aimed at the shark that looks extremely small now!!


Some girls have been screamed in horror by this scene!

Her father hurriedly put his arms around her head, and his eyes widened in horror!

But those who close their eyes at this moment will be very annoyed!

Because so handsome! So beautiful!!

The first pterosaur to rush down at the fastest speed was a rare ice god pterosaur!!

This pterosaur may have the longest wingspan in history!!

This large pterosaur with erythema with silver skin, when it was on the verge of the water, its claws firmly grasped the shark!!

Then on the sea, spread your wings with a rub!!

The sea was blown by a thick circle of ripples!

This scene was captured and it was beautiful enough to win the first prize of an international photography competition!!

And even more beautiful... It is the other pterosaurs behind it that are not as fast as it is, but are more numerous and dense!!

In a short moment, they formed a top-down biological tornado!!

No one doubts that this poor shark carcass may be eaten up in just one second!!

But at this moment...

The surface of the water was barely visible, and in the circles of ripples created by these pterosaurs, some small bubbles appeared...



The water suddenly broke open!!!

A terrifying monster from the ancient times, a huge and ferocious head! Rush out of the sea!!!


The seemingly terrifying group of pterosaurs, at this moment, they didn't even have time to escape!!

The giant mouth of the mosasaur, at that moment, almost swallowed everything like the sky and the sun! The tornadoes formed by countless pterosaurs were all submerged in it!!!

The audience only screamed!




Because it's so shocking!

Even if you are mentally prepared! It is still too shocking!!

The grey-grey body of the moss dragon brought up a majestic waterfall, and after a shocking leap, it fell heavily into the sea again!!


Almost all tourists were splashed with water!!

Then stood still, sluggish for a moment.

Everyone was stimulated to the G-spot and cheered wildly!!

Qin Yi is very satisfied, "Is it very original.

Everyone: "Yes-!

Qin Yi smiled and said, "The performance is a bit short, are you satisfied?"

Everyone: "Satisfied-!

Qin Yi nodded: "Okay, then let's prepare to dive. 35

Everyone: "Okay... ah?"

The mouth is faster than the brain.

They haven't responded yet.

I just felt the seat under me vibrate violently!

Then suddenly dropped! The surrounding light quickly dimmed!

All the seats around the Dragon Palace sank into the sea together!!!.

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