Global Shock: You Call This An Amusement Park? !

Chapter 161 Eight major cuisines of fish and dragon meat! (Thanks for subscribing!)\r

Go outside and be enlightened!


The sound of hot oil in the pan!

da da da da!

The movement of the kitchen knife to chop the meat and cut it on the station board!

These five thousand people came out one after another and saw a very broad comprehensive dining area.

It's like a big canteen in a shopping mall. Many shops have a combination of counters and bars, which are open to everyone and have a very open feeling.

Including the chef and the kitchen, also directly facing everyone.

This group of tourists finally saw a really lively place! There are dozens of storefronts and hundreds of chefs...all chefs from Xia Guo.

These chefs looked very enthusiastic and greeted each other:

"Yo, here we go!"

"It's earlier than the promised time! The dishes haven't been done yet! Sit wherever you want!

"Boss Qin! Come and try our Sichuan restaurant today!! 99

Qin Yi raised his hand: "Okay!"

He turned around and explained to the tourists: "Dragon Palace, to put it bluntly, it is a comprehensive aquarium and the largest single building in the safety zone. This area is the largest comprehensive dining area. Everyone must be hungry. Ready to eat."

12 After finishing speaking, seeing many people smelling the aroma, their eyes began to glow green, Qin Yi quickly added: "That... I asked the chefs to prepare a set menu, and each person received one copy and the specification according to his own electronic ticket. The set meal! If you want to eat more, you have to pay extra! I know not!"

Say it in vain.

If you can spend money to come here, who cares about paying more for a meal!

The key is the smell wafting out of these pots...

It's so tempting!

Tourists began to look for their favorite shops and sat down around the bar.

"It seems that they are all chefs of Xia Guo? Are they all Chinese food?" Someone asked.

Qin Yi said: "I expect to recruit suitable catering brands from all over the world. I don't engage in populism. Anyway, Jurassic Park is global, so I will choose as many cooking methods as possible..."

"Of course, we haven't recruited them yet, so they are all chefs in our Xia Kingdom. Friends of the crooked fruit can have a good taste... There are eight major cuisines in Xia Kingdom!"

Bell, Xiao Lizi and the others walked not far, and saw a raw food store with many ice cubes on the table, and on it were these strands of freshly shaved crystal fish meat (dragon meat)?

Wang Shi's wife, Tian Yun, saw it and wondered: "Huh? Isn't it only the cuisine of the Xia country? How come there are thorns from the East Japan country?

The chef's face was a little ugly.

Qin Yi explained: "I'm sorry, let me explain, first of all, thorns are not a special product of the East Japan..."

Tian Yun, this woman is a bit stubborn and insists: "How can it be? Everyone knows that sashimi, sashimi, and sushi are traditional dishes in the East Japan!"5

Qin Yi walked over and said angrily: "In this way, I will teach you, you take out your mobile phone, open Du Niang, and search for the word 'yusheng', or 'yuzuo' know, yuzuxia One of the oldest traditional foods in China. The earliest records can be traced back to the Zhou Dynasty.35

Qin Yi recited a paragraph like an endorsement, "It is recorded that in the fifth year of King Xuan of Zhou, Master Zhou Yu Pengya met and returned triumphantly. General Yin Jifu had a private banquet for Zhang Zhong and other friends, and the main dish was roasted turtle and raw carp. piece……"

Tian Yun's face became ugly again, and he seemed to want to argue.

Wang Shi scratched his head irritably.

Qin Yi turned around and knocked on the wheat, as if to say to everyone: "This is my pot, because I think that many seafood are more authentic when eaten raw, I guess I invite this Shandong cuisine chef to come over and make some specially Yu Sheng... It turned out to be misunderstood, he is the real chef of Xia Guo!"9

Many Xia compatriots quietly gave Qin Yi a thumbs up.

In fact, Qin Yi is really annoying about this.

Many things from the Xia Kingdom, when spread out, become special products of other countries, and then the compatriots in China will resist inexplicably...


【Ah! Moved! Someone finally got the name of Yusheng!!】

[Yeah...I always wanted to say, how come thorns are unique to the East Japan country? 】

[And I have been scolded by people, saying that the people of Xia eat raw food well...]

[Actually, it was eaten by Xia Guo at the earliest. Later, it was only because there were few fish in the sea, and there were many fish in the river, and the aquatic products in the river were not suitable for eating raw, and there were parasites.

[I wondered, BBQ rice cake kimchi is a special product of Han country, sashimi fried shrimp and so on have become a special product of East Japan country... Is it possible that as long as I buy some goods from Xia country, they can be packaged into their own special products?! 】

[Let's not talk about this! Are they eating dinosaur meat?! Wow! It looks delicious! Saliva! 】

Qin Yi eats Sichuan food today.

Sichuan cuisine, fresh and mellow, spicy and spicy.

A nearly 20-meter-long sast fish dragon was divided by several shops. Here, the Sichuan chef cut the fish fillets and put them into the pot one by one!

As he was doing it, he said: "I haven't touched it before, but now I find that this fish and dragon meat is indeed the smaller and more tender, the bigger the more chewy it is, it is much more delicious than ordinary sea fish, but it also has a strong fishy smell... So ah , We use heavy flavored condiments here, just right!!

It didn't take long.

Made by the same ichthyosaur...

Pickled Cabbage Fish Dragon!

Saliva fish dragon!

Boiled fish dragons, sea steamed fish dragons, sweet and sour fish dragons, braised fish dragons, pepper fish dragon slices... The fresh and fragrant fish and dragons are out!

How about others, I don't know!

Qin Yi himself was sweating from the food! His tongue was numb!

But it's really delicious! I've never had such chewy ichthyosaur meat!!

Also snapping teeth!!

The whole dining area has a lively atmosphere, and tourists are also hungry diners.

Among the tourists is a lonely French gourmet, who eats with glowing eyes, runs around, and tries new things everywhere!

Finally, when he returned to 040 Qin Yi, he almost cried happily.

"Mr. Qin, can I write a book about gourmet food? I've already thought about the title of the book, and it's called how the Jurassic ichthyosaurs should be eaten! It's really... so delicious!!

Qin Yi patted him on the shoulder: "Calm down brother, you have a green onion between your teeth...

Qin Yi himself has eaten a lot of dinosaur meat recently.


In fact, most of these creatures in the sea are not dinosaurs.

Ichthyosaurs, plesiosaurs, and mosasaurs are all marine reptiles, and can only be considered related to terrestrial dinosaurs.


Qin Yi still summed up a set of food experience.

They ate to and fro, and after a long rest, Qin Yi organized the crowd to go out.

People watching the live broadcast are both envious and absurd.


[So... they just took a series of precious prehistoric marine creatures that have long been extinct...]

【Eight major cuisines made?!】

【Eat all?!】

[Just what was recorded by the camera just now...]

【Sast fish dragon suitable for heavy taste cooking, very delicious, suitable for steamed fish Bessano dragon... 】

【Uh, isn’t this eating protected wild animals?】

[Which country is sick and would classify animals that went extinct tens of millions of years ago as protected animals!!!]

【So... can you eat?】

[Boss Qin is awesome—! (Broken sound!)].

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