Global Shock: You Call This An Amusement Park? !

Chapter 168 Hell-level crushing! (Thanks for subscribing!)\r

A pair of big hands covered with long black hair suddenly grabbed the gate!

The tourists and the audience watching the live broadcast were shocked!

What is this! Why do you still have hands!

Dense and tight drum beats stop!!

The gates are open!

A black-haired, never-before-seen chimpanzee rushed out roaring while hammering the ground with both hands!

Qin Yi shouted: "Please this - the largest real primate player in history - the prehistoric giant ape!! 35

The zoologist became a crazy fan, stood up suddenly, took off his shirt, exposing his greasy belly, and then took his clothes and threw them frantically, from time to time making a beast call that was more ape than a giant ape!

The gorilla was a little stunned.

Who is this guy above? Like the same kind...

The atmosphere at the scene was pushed to the highest point!

"I'll go! I've heard of it, it really exists!

"The Prototype of King Kong!"

"But he is much smaller than King Kong. Looking at the data on the screen, he is only over 4 meters tall and weighs 650 kilograms."

"It's a long experience!"

"Wow... so strong, I thought silverback gorillas were strong enough!"

"The silverback gorilla looks strong, but it's actually a dwarf, only 1.2 meters and 1.3 meters... This guy is several times the height of the silverback.

"Do you think it can beat a dinosaur?

057 "This..."

The scene is still more knowledgeable, even if the education is not high, the intelligence and knowledge are the top group of people.

Online is different.

Any kind of statement.

Most people seem to have a wonderful emotional projection towards primate beasts.

This made the popularity of the prehistoric giant ape very high for a time!

【Fuck! The Giant Ape might be a favorite to win the championship!!】

[It's possible, look at his muscles, what the fuck! Horrible! 】

[How is it possible, the tonnage difference is too far]

[The flexibility of primates! If it jumps on the back of a dinosaur and locks its throat...]

【I'm laughing like crazy, my throat is locked... I'm still slipping a shovel!!】

【This is very strange. When you usually count the beasts, no one thinks of the orangutan, but once it is mentioned, everyone seems to think that the orangutan can tear apart tigers and leopards... Why?]

[Maybe King Kong has seen too much]

[Does the silver-backed gorilla know? People can hang and beat tigers and lions! 】

【Did you play in your dreams???】

Qin Yi saw that the place was almost hot.

Couldn't help but smirk.

Then, very abruptly, he said very quickly: "I would like to invite the first official player, Kui Zhoulong, who is currently the lowest ranked player, to appear."

Drums sound, bcei stop!

Lights converge on shadows!

The iron gate is open!

A behemoth suddenly rushed out!

This is a green carnivorous dinosaur with no scales and only green stripes in different shades. It looks like an oversized lizard!

When it rushed out, everyone was a little stunned.

that is……

Humans are animals that are prone to hallucinations.

For example, the excessive foreshadowing of these beasts just now increased people's expectations.

And then because of all kinds of legends.

Unexpected expectations were given to them.

So much so that the absolute physique advantage of dinosaurs seems to be completely ignored.

Kui Zhoulong ranks the lowest, also because the popularity is too low, most people have not even heard of it.

But in the next scene, Kui Zhoulong will give it to the 4,700 people at the scene, as well as tens of millions of people watching online in Xia Guo, and tens of millions of people outside Xia Guo who are peeking at the delayed broadcast... …

A very impressive!

Every beast here is injected with a stimulant that makes them restless and belligerent!

Therefore, after Kui Zhoulong couldn't hold back and ran out, he immediately noticed the three living creatures in the arena!!

Kui Zhoulong, who had never had enough to eat, and under the effect of drugs, became extremely manic!

Bend over sharply!!

Although the saber-toothed tiger and the prehistoric giant ape of the cat family were also catalyzed by the drug, they were not completely irrational.

The mammoth also wanted to escape, but it was too slow!

When Kui Zhoulong hit the mammoth with his own body, everyone realized that the pictures they imagined were wrong!

How big were the mammoths?

Mammoths are heavy?

Could a mammoth fight a big carnivorous dinosaur?

does not exist!

It's like a 200-pound adult male hitting a five- or six-year-old toddler!

That kid... almost flew out!


It slammed into the alloy wall below the auditorium!


Fall to the ground!

Looking at the mammoth, which should be very resistant to injury, he kicked his legs and twitched a few times, as if he didn't have the strength to turn over and stand up.

Kui Zhoulong rushed over, avoiding the mammoth's two twisted tusks, burying its head on its neck, opening its terrifying big mouth and biting down hard!


The sound of blood gushing is so obvious!

Kui Zhoulong raised his face, covered with the blood of a mammoth!

The big screen was switched to a CT image.

I saw Kui Zhoulong's fine and sharp shark-like teeth, which easily ripped open the flesh of the mammoth, and several major arteries were scratched and shredded at once. high!

The mammoth was twitching, spewing blood, and was dead.

The battle ended in an instant.

Not to mention the audience.

The barrages are pressed.

People all over the world watching are dumbfounded!

This is too fast!!!

Kui Zhoulong was not in a hurry to eat, and it launched a second wave of sprints!

The speed is also fast!

Let alone saber-toothed tigers, no one thinks saber-toothed tigers are the rivals of dinosaurs.

It nimbly avoided an attack, and was swept away by Kui Zhoulong's strong tail.

After a fall, he was rushed up and bitten, and half of his body was gone.

The scene was once very bloody and terrifying!

There is a code in the live screen.

And the prototype of "King Kong", the very popular prehistoric giant ape...

In the face of absolute power, what skills are there...

In fact, the giant ape has no good fighting skills, and it also relies on brute force.

Throat lock, sliding shovel, did not use it.

At the time of life and death, it tenaciously smashed a fist the size of a casserole!

A fist smashed into Kui Zhoulong's mouth.

Take half of your body.

Kui Zhoulong bit the giant ape, hung it, raised its neck, and seemed to want to swallow it... But it was true that his mouth and throat were not that thick. After swallowing for a while, he found that he couldn't swallow it, so he chewed hard.


The giant ape's body shattered to the ground.

The scene was even more bloody and terrifying than before...

Live coding is also more solid...

Director Gao Wenbao's eyelids jumped wildly...

He made a documentary about the life of the earth before, and he was a traveller, and he was well-informed. Who hasn't seen a few beasts?

But looking at it now...

Today's beasts on earth, in front of carnivorous dinosaurs...

It's like a domestic cat and dog...



on site:


Only the chewing sound of Kui Zhoulong was clearly audible.

The smell of blood began to dissipate.

Qin Yi waited for a while before saying: " you know why the theme is the strongest animal on the surface, and the seed players I chose are all dinosaurs? Because...other animals...don't have to fight...really, a little bit Hope not at all, not at all.”

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