Global Shock: You Call This An Amusement Park? !

Chapter 182 Jurassic Final Battle! Tyrannosaurus Rex vs Triceratops! (Thanks for subscribing!)\r

This scene is very stimulating to the Virgin Elena.

She wasn't so stupid that she couldn't see anything.

When the raptor disappeared into the distance, she whispered in her mouth: "Why...they...have already eaten...why kill these little dinosaurs...why..."

Qin Yi coldly made up his knife: "See? You think animals are different from people, and you think animals hunt just to eat, do you see? No! You think so! It's because of you virgins who are shouting about animal protection every day. People, never see what you don't want to see! You live in your own illusion and never want to open your eyes!!

"Or do you think velociraptors are different too? Evil dinosaurs? Huh? Wasn't it created by your Almighty God? It's Satan's cub? Huh? You don't think other animals do that?"

"I tell you! As long as you, a noblewoman, are willing to spare ten minutes before and after meals to watch Animal World or your BBC documentaries, you will find out..."

"Killing for pleasure! It is the normal state of nature!

"Pampered pet cats will catch mice, but don't eat them, play with them, throw them, bite them, spend a lot of time, consume a lot of calories, and keep playing there until the mice are tortured and killed!"

"The naive sea lions don't like to eat sunfish that are hard to swallow, but they catch them, sometimes gnawing and playing, and sometimes tearing off the fins of the sunfish with their mouths, watching it helplessly fall into the deep sea, slowly die..."

"It was also photographed that a white-bellied sea eagle caught a fruit bat, brought it to the sea, and threw it into the sea... When the fruit bat climbed back to the shore exhausted, the sea eagle would catch it again, Throw it back into the sea... Repeat the round trip, and enjoy it until the fruit bat dies.

"In the countryside of our Xia country, especially in the north, every household used to keep some chickens. Many people have seen it, weasel got into the chicken coop and killed dozens of them in one go, but sometimes it doesn't eat meat! It's killed! Just ran away! Why? Just come to taste the food? Does it not taste good~”?”

"There is no reason..."

"They are also having fun. The animal nature that you think goes against nature is precisely the nature of life itself."

Qin Yi's magical sound almost destroyed Elena, who was not strong.

"Do not--!"

Elena shouted hysterically, and in the invisible darkness, she found another reason: "They are for training... training hunting skills! It must be like this!

Elena looked at Qin Yi, the oriental man, silently looking back at herself, expressionless, but always felt that there was a smile in his eyes.


Shame on her, deceive yourself!

"If it must be training something..."

Qin Yi laughed: "They and us are training bloodthirsty beasts... This is the most important thing in all life.

Elena was powerless to argue.

Qin Yi turned on the flashlight and led them back into the pitch-black black forest, heading towards the camp.

Elena is a fragile person, but she was born too well and was well protected by the upper class, so she always thought that she was really indestructible.

After this blow, the three views were already full of cracks.

She murmured: "Don't... do you think... the existence of life should keep fighting? Then how can we achieve peace?

Qin Yi has run out of patience.

All his words were actually not trying to argue with Elena at all.

He just wanted to talk to his own people in Xia Guo.

He really wanted everyone to see clearly the indescribable extent to which the mentally retarded were distorted by the set of values ​​of some white people in the West.

The camp was set up on the edge of a cliff on the mountainside, not far from the agreed security zone.

From the hunting ground in the high-risk restricted area to the camp in the agreed safe area, there is actually an undeveloped wild area in the middle, and that is the most dangerous place.

Such places occupy 80% of the island!

The tourists are under the protection of the instructors and guards of the umbrella company, and they go up by car, so they are all safe.

And Qin Yi and others have fallen behind.

He left the jungle, looked up at the bonfire on the mountainside, and called Wu Fa: "Come pick us up and see the location."

With Qin Yi there, there would be no danger, but he was too lazy to go that far.

As a result, by coincidence, we saw the last dinosaur battle.

At the foot of the mountain, there are two towering trees that are twisted and surrounded by knots.

The two trees seemed to form a slap-shaped barrier, in which two small dinosaurs shrank, shivering.

In front of that, two huge black silhouettes that are quite shocking are in a tense confrontation!

Half a full moon was exposed on the top of the mountain, and a limited amount of silver light spilled casually and flowed down from the mountain.

On these two huge dinosaurs, a layer of silver was plated.

It's so beautiful!

The cameraman was taken aback: "What dinosaurs are these two?! 35

Qin Yi can recognize it from the outline: "It is the most famous two dinosaurs, Tyrannosaurus Rex and Triceratops... the enemies of life.

The Tyrannosaurus Rex turned his head and glanced at them, then continued to focus on the prey in front of him.

Roaring in a low voice, he took a step closer.

The adult Triceratops took a step back.

Behind it are its children.

"It's inaccurate to say that the enemy of a lifetime, and the old enemy is not right, after all, one is the predator and the other is the hunted... But they are really interesting.

Qin Yi had already heard the sound of the jeep driving down the mountain.

He said: "One is an indestructible spear, and the other is an indestructible shield. It's a very contradictory CP relationship..."

In the dark night, the Tyrannosaurus Rex took another step forward, testing!

The Triceratops no longer retreated, but instead jumped forward with a huge bone shield on it!

Tyrannosaurus rex quickly jumped aside to avoid its edge!

Elena watched nervously, but said nothing, but Qin Yi was very interested: "Many dinosaur lovers exaggerated the attack power of Triceratops, in fact, its evolutionary direction is the opposite of Tyrannosaurus Rex, the bite force of Tyrannosaurus Rex. Invincible, Triceratops (of Li Zhao) is a perverted defense force."

"First of all, Triceratops has such a large bone head shield, and it is solid, which can protect the fragile neck like a shield. And it has a layer of horny face on its face, forming a mask-like structure, which is really thick The skin of the face...the skin under the neck and the abdomen is also thickened, which is very resistant to biting... Finally, a layer of bristle structure grows on the back and buttocks, which is used to defend against attacks from the side and rear.

Qin Yi spread his hands: "In short, its defense system is designed to deal with the Tyrannosaurus Rex!


Tyrannosaurus was impatient.

It raised its neck, and its huge head seemed to swallow moonlight!

"Roar! Year!

After the attacking horn sounded, it began to accelerate forward!!

Since you can't outsmart and your opponent is too stubborn, then take it!

The smaller Triceratops are not to be outdone, they bow their heads and charge! Just looking at the scary head shield and thick horns!! Poke it violently!!.

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