Global Shock: You Call This An Amusement Park? !

Chapter 185 Main quest completed! SSS level! Permanent attribute bonus! (Thanks for subscribing!)\r

The camp where everyone rested after hunting was originally chosen by Qin Yi himself.

Because the terrain here is the highest and the scenery is the most beautiful.

There is a relatively flat gentle slope extending halfway up the mountainside, where the tents are stationed, and as we go forward, or to the east, the gentle slope rises again, narrower and steeper as we go forward, but it stretches far out. the cliff.

Qin Yi stood there, facing the sea in the distance.

Basically, no one slept too deeply.

After all, they are all people who are used to eating fine clothes and jade, and the tent is not so comfortable.

At this time, when I heard the movement, more and more tourists also woke up and came out.

Gao Wenbao and the cameramen yawned and turned on the equipment, and started a new day of shooting dedicatedly.

When they got out, they found out...


"This scenery is too sassy!! 35

Director Gao Wenbao and the cameramen were all excited and quickly adjusted the most appropriate camera positions.

After everyone walked out of the tent, their first reaction was to look at the sky.

Be captivated by the majestic scenery you have never seen before!

In the direction of the east, the sun has not yet risen from the sea level, but this moment is extremely subtle "zero five seven"!

Sky - The color of Shendai emerges from the black ink, and extends downward in a very layered way, like a drop of ink being rapidly diluted in the boundless sky...

On the side of the sky closest to the sun, the color became a bright light blue.

They waited, patiently, quietly.


The ray of red clouds gushing out from the sea level!

The sun is rising, and its path is bright!

A red sun jumped out of the sea, and the deep blue sea water sparkled red in an instant, and it was quickly rendered into a boiling color!

Clouds formed into stacks of clouds on the horizon, pressing down on the sea surface, as if connected by the sun, hand-to-hand!

The flames of the sunrise made Qin Yi on the edge of the cliff an insignificant black spot.

But so eye-catching.

Everyone was fascinated by the sight.

"How about it?"

The black dot moved.


"Sunrise in Jurassic Park, is it worth it?

The sun is a bit harsh.

Tourists covered their eyes.

Sunrise on Jurassic Island, there is no earthly taste.

Pure, bright and clean, without a trace of fireworks.

This vast feeling of being in the sky and the earth is the emergence of three-dimensional through the five senses.

Words cannot express its beauty.

They couldn't see Qin Yi at the moment, but they could tell from his tone that this guy was smiling.

Elena had a headache from a hangover, she covered her forehead and took a few steps forward: "Why are you standing there? Don't you think it's dangerous?

Approached, or the eyes finally adapted to the light.

Elena found that she could see Qin Yi's face clearly.

He clearly had his back to the light, but he was still squinting, his smile was full of teasing and smugness, and the whole portrait was glowing.

Qin Yi smiled and said: "Standing here is to leave a special farewell. Just like a beautiful movie, it needs a background with a beautiful enough scenery, a...Happyending!

The other tourists all looked at Qin Yi with a smile, wondering what the Jurassic Master, who had too many ideas, was going to do.

Elena frowned, she didn't understand this oriental man.

Another severe headache!

Damn hangover!

In a trance, all kinds of thoughts and thoughts suddenly flooded into my mind.

She remembered that before closing her eyes yesterday, she was still asking.


Elena couldn't help but ask again.

She took a few steps forward and almost came to Qin Yi. She raised her head, her face was not angry, but she was puzzled: "Why? What are you trying to tell me? Why are the rich with poor appetites, Eating so much yesterday? Why did they play all night like kids? What changed them? And why... do you think it wasn't wrong and sinful to kill dinosaurs?!

Are you one hundred thousand why?

Qin Yi was about to sneer bitterly.

But he didn't say that.

"Losing humanity, losing a lot.

"Losing the bestiality, losing everything."

Qin Yi opened his mouth and threw Wade's famous quote from the three-body novel to Elena.

Elena froze there, as if she understood a lot.

Qin Yi turned around and took a step forward.

Some tourists saw it behind and screamed: "Ah!!

‘Boss Qin! What are you doing!!


"Don't be ridiculous!! There are hundreds of meters down the mountain!!

Qin Yi turned a deaf ear, with one foot already stretched out, dangling in the air for a while.

Elena was frightened back to her soul, and before she could digest the famous words, she widened her eyes: "Hey?! What do you want to do?!

Qin Yi retracted that foot.

Elena breathed a sigh of relief. Although she didn't like or even hated this oriental man, if he fell to his death inexplicably...

Qin Yi suddenly turned his head and said with a smile, "You said, if I step out, will I die?"


"What's the problem? You're frightening..."

Not finished yet.

Qin Yi stepped out!


He fell off!!


After a fright! There is only the ocean and sky in the distance, where is the big living person just now!!!

"Ah-!!! Are you crazy?!!!"

Elena screamed and rushed over immediately!!

The other tourists behind them also ran over screaming!!

They couldn't believe that this young, mysterious and powerful oriental man would give them a cruel ending in such a dramatic way!

As a result, when they rushed to the end of the cliff and looked down...

"Yo hoo-"


A gust of wind swept from below, and every tourist looking down squinted!

Admiral Kaiser's cap was blown away!!

They saw the most shocking scene of their lives!!

Qin Yi did fall!

But after he fell, he fell directly into a Jurassic sky overlord - Aeolus Pterodactyl!

Fengshen Pterodactyl stretched its wings more than ten meters, Qin Yi was lying on the center of his back, lying on his back, his face full of beating laughter!!

The Fengshen Pterodactyl hovers from bottom to top, soaring into the sky!

Under it, densely packed, countless large and small pterosaurs lined up in a long line, in the same posture, circling to keep up! Passing through the sky!!

Tourists are completely dumbfounded!

Qin Yi lay on the back of Fengshen Pterodactyl, and shouted arrogantly: "You said, if I step on it with one foot, will I die?!

"Not one by one!!

"Will not--!!!


"I'm the master here-!!!

"Human civilization can only go forward——!!!

"Can't go back--!!!!

“Know?! Our Lady of Elena!!!”⁹


No one can answer any word of Qin Yi at this time...

They can't make a sound.

They have never seen such a person.

They had never seen such a view.

The pterosaurs rushed up from under the cliff arrogantly and domineeringly, and then proudly crossed a neat formation above their heads, and then swooped down again!

Everyone's eyes can only passively follow!

Tourists saw pterosaurs skim through the deep valley, awakening a new day of Jurassic!

Qin Yi is lying on the back of Fengshen Pterosaur, overlooking the island!

The earthquake dragons who were migrating collectively raised their long necks enough to take off the stars and moons.

The Tyrannosaurus Rex jumped on the rock and shouted at Qin Yi!

The stegosaurus in groups suddenly began to follow the whereabouts of the pterosaurs and started running!

Ankylosaurus drilled out of the soil nest, trying to look up to the sky!

All beings are waking up!!

Not only the tourists on the cliff, but also the tourists in the Dragon Palace and the tourists in the central square, they all felt the awakening of the whole island at the same time.

Everywhere is exuberant vitality, sending out unwilling to be lonely movement!

They looked up and saw the sky.

Qin Yi's voice sounded.

He shouted as he flew by:

"Go home-!!!! Remember to give me five-stars-good-reviews-!!!!!!!!!

[Main quest 2: Lay out clues for the re-emergence of dinosaurs to prepare a buffer for the official opening of Jurassic Park. (When Jurassic Park is officially opened to the public, the completion rate will be calculated and rewarded)]

【Main quest 2 has been completed!】

[Rewards are being calculated based on the host's completion rate. 】

【evaluation result……】

[Dinosaur clues foreshadowing effect: SSS]

[Jurassic theme park and world rules fusion degree: SSS]

【Jurassic Theme Park Playability: SSS】

【Comprehensive evaluation: SSS】

[Reward the title of SSS - the creator of the Jurassic period. 】

[This title comes with all attribute bonuses (permanent). ].

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