Global Shock: You Call This An Amusement Park? !

Chapter 195 Avatar Technology! (Thanks for subscribing!)\r

A lot of people are starting to pay attention to real-time updates.

People in Jianghai City, every few minutes, there will be several reliable photos + location po on Weibo.

【Guoding Road Wujiaochang get!!】

【I saw Guonan in Yangpu Park! I didn't take a picture! I ran too fast and the photo was blurred! 】

【Fansheng Apartment! The sighting was successful!!】

[Has anyone evaluated his speed?? I heard that it has exceeded the limit of human beings???]

[ a stray dog! 】

【Is that Cadillac still there???】

【Still following!】

【Have you exceeded?】


【God damn it!! Witness the moment of miracles!!】

【Awei is dead! I saw him!! 1 East Bund here!! That car still didn't catch up with him!!!!】

【Guoman V5! Defeated the vehicle with the power of human beings!】

【I think he can't run anymore!!】

[He needs water to dissipate heat, you can see that the white smoke on his body has faded! There is no water!] "057"

[The body is so good... drooling. 】

【Is this the point? Isn’t the point that he far surpassed the world record speed?!!?! Who can explain?!】

It has to be said that netizens in the Internet age responded very quickly!

Qin Yi runs on a whim.

In just half an hour, this upsurge was triggered, and even the road condition radio station began to rub the heat, broadcasting in countless cars:

"The vehicle and man suspected of speeding have turned from Zhoujiazui Road to Najiang Road... Pedestrians around vehicles should be careful to avoid! Protect your own safety! The traffic police have rushed to the scene to intercept! 35

Yes, that Cadillac, finally overspeeding.

On the road outside the elevated road, there are very few people who can drive more than 60 miles in the city center, but he has already chased a little bit of magic, looking at the supernatural runner in front of him, his eyes are red, he bangs his horn, and shouts: " I must catch up with you!! 35

Another intersection.

That sturdy figure with white smoke suddenly came to a sudden stop!

The man also slammed on the brakes while his wife screamed!

With a harsh rubbing sound, the vehicle stopped in front of Qin Yi's left.

The man stared blankly at the rearview mirror, opened the door, and walked out.

"Hey... bro...


"Aren't you running?"

Kind of disappointed!

Qin Yi stopped running and was a little tired.

The key is……

He turned his head.

It can be clearly seen that many people driving on the road are watching themselves behind the windshield and taking pictures with their mobile phones.

look up.

Several heads stick out from the dining room above and wave frantically: "Hi!!

"Fruit man!!

"Are you Superman?! 39

"That's awesome bro!! Participate in the Olympics!!!"

"Over 60 km/h! You ran for half an hour!!!"

Qin Yi has long noticed that he seems to be attracting too much attention...


The man who had been driving with him for half an hour came over and seemed to want to say something.

There were also some onlookers behind him.

Qin Yi, holding the idea that more things are worse than less things, flicked sideways and shrank into the gap between the two kissing buildings next to him.

In the center of Jianghai City, there are actually quite a few such buildings. The two buildings are very close together, maybe only one or two meters apart.

After Qin Yi dodged in, he first stepped on one of the walls, then used his strength to jump to the other side, then stepped on, and jumped again!

Like a nimble flea, like a knight or ninja with light skills, he quickly climbed to the top of the building lightly.

When the onlookers approached, there was no one in the gap between the two buildings.

"Fuck! What about people?"

"God, is this the way of thinking?"

"Did you go in through the door next to you?"

"It's all locked..."

"supernatural event….…"

"Exciting! So many people witnessed a supernatural event?!

Many gossip related clues, as well as live photos, were posted on Weibo by them one after another.

The whole thing fermented quickly.

[Jianghai City's strange talk about superpowers running away] has become a small popular event.

Of course, this kind of thing soon reached the traffic police department, and then after judging the authenticity, it turned around and soon came to the National Security Bureau.

Reported as a paranormal event.

Then Yu Ziqiu found out.

Although none of the photos were taken with a clear face, almost all of them were blurry, and the person was wearing a mask... But after judging by the figure, the event, and the movement path, they quickly knew that this person was Qin Yi.

When Yu Ziqiu saw it, he was speechless.

After a simple communication over the phone and their superiors, they made a decision.

"Help me, cover it up... Treat it like an ordinary awakened person exposure incident."


"But he's at the strategic level... Can you persuade him not to waver.

"Difficult, with so many countries at the strategic level, which one have you seen that is under the control? Alas, you can only spoil it. 99


So, it didn't take long.

More half-truths have surfaced online.

Some say this is filming, which is false.

It is said to be a special effect synthesis.

It is said that the running speed of this fruit man is not that fast, and everyone is bragging.

There is a self-destruction, saying that he is this wind-chasing fruit man, and then he is hammered and exploded, is it not...

As soon as the country makes a move, you will know if there is any!

In fact, it is different from what many people think...

Most people think that once some supernatural event occurs, or there is an existence that is not wanted to be discovered by too many people, the state machine will directly block the information at the first time.

In fact, this is a very old method that has long since been deprecated.

In the information age, information explosion and information overload are the norm...

In this case, we can directly fill the Internet with spam information, dilute the truth, let everyone see the flowers in a fog, and just say their own words.

Then some sharp-eyed netizens said that they felt a bit like Boss Qin.

Intelligently search for keywords, and block keywords such as Qin Yi and Qin boss.

You don't even need to withdraw from the trending search.

The whole thing quickly faded away.

Qin Yi later put on a windbreaker, secretly took a special car, and returned to the Valley of Thrillers, but was hardly found.

But just got back to the office.

Yu Ziqiu called.

"Hey...what are you doing?" Qin Yi felt guilty.

Yu Ziqiu said angrily, "The next time the car is going to be fast, can you not use it for running? Can I borrow you a car?"

Qin Yi:

He laughed twice: "Ha, you know? I didn't mean to..."

Yu Ziqiu didn't bother to worry about this, and only reminded a few words, "As an awakened person, it's best not to expose, otherwise it will be very tiring to wipe your butt!"

Then he angrily mentioned the bodyguard thing.

"Actually, Luo Bao is a very good soldier. His ability is not only to block bullets, but also to have a strong sense of danger..."

Qin Yi refused again: "The bodyguard really doesn't matter, I'm very determined."

Yu Ziqiu didn't persuade him anymore, "Come on, 4.8, I'll go check up the things you want to know for you, and contact me later."

Qin Yi: "Well, thank you~ Bi Xin~"

Unexpectedly, after this investigation, Yu Ziqiu remained silent for several days.

The incident of chasing the wind and the boy was indeed suppressed quickly, but it was still passed down as a strange story in Jianghai City...

Qin Yi has been waiting for Yu Ziqiu's news these days, while researching the amusement project of the SCP Foundation.

Although in the interface of the system, it cannot be activated temporarily, so the selection interface below is all dimmed, showing that it is locked.

But it is still possible to see the hugeness of this gameplay from the names of some extended purchasable items!

There are three labels, so Qin Yi can't help but feel shocked.

This item requires the purchase of:

【Westworld Robot 2.0 (Limited Trial Pack)】

【Avatar Cloning Technology】

【Avatar Technology (Limited Trial Pack)】.

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