Global Shock: You Call This An Amusement Park? !

Chapter 198 Super AI, super rich woman! (Thank you for subscribing!)\r

Umbrella Company, two of the most famous products.

T virus.

Red Queen.

The virus is not going to be dealt with for the time being, so Qin Yi asked the umbrella company to use all its energy to develop supercomputer technology except for maintaining the dinosaur ecology.

Therefore, as the signature AI of the umbrella company today, this little dragon girl with a black belly should already have unimaginably super high computing power!

Qin Yi threw this question to her, and also wanted to try it out and see if it worked.

If it is easy to use, go back and develop an AI housekeeper that can be carried around with you, and is solely responsible for her own affairs, instead of sharing a system with Xiaolongnu.

Jarvis like Iron Man.

The little dragon girl came over very anthropomorphically, bent down, and looked at the information on the laptop.

He pinched his chin and said, "Ah... what about interesting creatures, are they called Atacama people? What a boring way to name them, and they actually use the name of the place where they were found..."

Qin Yi said helplessly: "Don't babble, it seems it's time to lower your humor.

The little dragon girl turned around and looked at Qin Yi pitifully: "That's not it! I'm just calculating in the background! By the way, don't be so boring... Master, you can understand... I'm reading the progress bar now, but, You can't see the progress bar, you can only hear me talking trash.

Qin Yi:

Who designed this program?

Kill it!

Qin Yi suddenly thought of a question: "Is the internet speed here not enough? It seems that we are still connected to the internet via satellite.

Xiaolong 073 female nodded: "Yes, the Internet speed is really not good, and my calculation speed can't be used. 35

Qin Yi wrote it down silently.

On Jurassic Island, in addition to building a new airport, we also need to build some island base stations, ship-borne base stations, and submarine optical cables in the surrounding area... It's a lot of money!!

The little dragon girl seemed to be calculating seriously and stood there motionless.

Qin Yi looked at the holographic balls all over the ground and said in a voice: "Show the calculation process.

After all, it is the main business of the umbrella company!

The holographic and AI cooperate very closely. As soon as Qin Yi's voice fell, the holographic balls all over the ground rolled on their own as if they were alive, and then a layer of light curtains shot out!

A slowly rotating holographic earth appeared in front of Qin Yi.

Xiaolongnu's eyes were demented, and she said slowly: "Master, I have enough satellite data, the satellite we have permission is not enough, can you allow me to invade NASA's satellite data database?"

"NASA's database... can you do it?" Qin Yi asked in surprise.

NASA, that's the National Aeronautics and Space Administration of the Stars and Stripes!

Xiaolongnu said: "It will take a while, and traces will be found, but they can't track me.

Qin Yi doesn't know to what extent the AI ​​of the umbrella is currently developed, but it won't be a big problem if he thinks about it.

"Okay, you can do it.

Confined by the speed limit of the internet, Xiao Longnu spent a lot of time standing still, and the holographic earth (bcei) was still slowly rotating.

Afterwards, Xiao Longnu seemed to suddenly regain her sanity, her whole body became alive again, and her eyes were no longer dead: "Enter!"

She turned around, reached out and touched the holographic earth.

The earth is fixed on this side of the Xia Kingdom.

Then she pulled, and the earth instantly zoomed in!

All the rest of the map disappeared, leaving only the part of the Western Regions.

She said: "I am now entering all the parameters that you gave me, my master..."

The map was partially enlarged again, and a translucent mountain range appeared in front of Qin Yi.

Xiaolongnu pointed somewhere, "After the fuzzy algorithm analysis, this creature has a strong positive correlation with the 'Death Valley' in Kunlun Mountains."5

The position where she pointed was marked in red.

Qin Yi looked at it, "Explain about Death Valley, I haven't heard of it.

Xiaolongnu said: "Kunlun Death Valley, also known as Nalingele Canyon, is known as the 'Gate of Hell' of Kunlun Mountains. 35


"There have been some terrible legends there since ancient times, and it is considered a forbidden place. The local shepherds would rather starve their cattle and sheep to death than let them enter the deep valley, because basically no animals and people who enter the valley of death can survive. .

Qin Yi said: "Try to summarize it as simply as possible.

Xiao Longnv said: "I think the earthquake caused some kind of stratigraphic effect of Death Valley, and the three little cuties left from there to forage."

Qin Yi is very satisfied with this simplified generalization method. AI is good at this point. She can save you the calculation process and give you the results directly.

"Can we find them?" Qin Yi asked, "Is there any algorithm that can be used?

The map zooms out, and then a very narrow area is marked.

Xiaolongnu said: "I now use the GSP measurement method and the BOD positioning method. The mathematical model uses the distance decay function, through the input parameters, to find a series of constant constants and the fluctuation range between the variables, and then give a reference value. Master. You may not understand, it doesn't matter, I don't despise you, these two algorithms have not even appeared in this world..."

Qin Yi wanted to go up and brush her hair now.

This little bastard...

Looking back, Jurassic Park officially opened, it's hard to imagine how many tourists' one-star bad reviews are contributed by this AI!

The markers on the map began to change rapidly.

constantly shrinking.

Xiaolongnu tried her best to speak the words that Qin Yi could understand, "Adding parameters, taking into account their predation and food intake...reduce the scope."9

"Considering the protection from light, narrow down to night time.

"Input parameters……"

About two minutes passed.

The ever-changing map markers finally stopped, and a small, narrow red area flashed across the map.

A few of the dots are deep red, and then fade away as you go out.

Xiaolongnu made a slender teaching stick and pointed to the point on the map, "Here, here, here, the key area! The probability of going out is decreasing, but it is also possible...

Qin Yi looked at the artificial look of AI, wanted to laugh, but held back.

"Give me a capture plan."

Xiaolongnu thought for a while with her hands behind her back: "First of all, I recommend using 5 to 10 micro drones with infrared thermal sensors..."

AI Xiaolongnu quickly communicated with Qin Yi about the search plan, the capture plan, the scope of danger and some possibilities.

No matter how powerful AI is, it only makes the most reasonable analysis based on the existing information, so there are still some risks.

But this risk is not enough to stop Qin Yi.

The dazzling task is hanging under the nose!

[Main quest 2: First, use your own method to safely contain supernatural phenomena, objects, or creatures in the world where a host is located. (can't be human)]

[After the task is completed, the host can get the reward and meet the qualifications to create the amusement project! 】

Huge temptation!

Moreover, some mysteries in this world also attracted Qin Yi to explore.

even if...

Just like a trip.

Qin Yi recalled that since he was a child, he didn't seem to have traveled far away very much.

So, he did some preparatory work, and then made an appointment with Yu Ziqiu.

December 4th.

Jianghai Pudong International Airport, Terminal 1.

Qin Yi, carrying the two largest suitcases, squeezed for a long time, and finally got in line and was about to call Yu Ziqiu.

Turning to look, Yu Ziqiu was standing outside with a lollipop in his mouth, looking at himself with interest.

Qin Yi frowned: "What are you doing? Come in?"

Yu Ziqiu walked to the door and shouted with a smile: "Come out! You are going wrong! 35

"Ah?" Qin Yi had been on a plane with his family before, and looked around nervously, "No way? It should be here...

But at the end of the day, I went out anyway.

Yu Ziqiu led him away with a smile, and said with a smile, "Stupid."

Soon, they came to another separate terminal.

The interior looks like a high-end club with few people coming and going.

No ticket, no boarding pass.

After the border inspection, a very good-looking young lady led them to a small and exquisite shuttle bus.

Five minutes later, we arrived at the parking lot.

There was no one anywhere...just the two of them.

After getting out of the car, Qin Yi crossed his hips and fell into deep thought as he looked at this white, shiny and small white plane.

Seeing him in a daze, Yu Ziqiu rarely showed off his wealth and said:

"This is my family's private jet.

Qin Yi looked at the big "Yu" painted on the tail of the aircraft, nodded and said, "Well, I really can't tell if you don't tell me."

Kunlun Tour.

take off.

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