Global Shock: You Call This An Amusement Park? !

Chapter 314 The real world rendered by supercomputers! (Thanks for subscribing!)\r

Before Doomsday, several tourists were obsessed with this giant civilization built on the land of the Xia Kingdom.

And looking forward to whether this dome-like city can exist for a long time.

Perhaps in tens of thousands of years, or even thousands of years, the human beings in this world will be able to develop to the same technological level as the human beings in reality.

And will this magnificent city wall be the greatest human building in this virtual world?

Even after countless thousands of years, even if all human beings have immigrated to outer space, this building will still exist for eternity, writing the poems that human civilization once existed.

However, the change of the three-body galaxy is faster than they thought.

Also more ferocious.

Fast-forward time, to 86,000 years, the rate suddenly slowed down by 12.

Just like a single-player game triggers the plot, the screen switches, and a CG animation is required.

Not only did the flow of time become extremely slow, but their perspectives also sank.

They stood on the city streets of this giant.

Instinctively he looked up.

It was still dark, and the stars twinkled like diamonds set in jet-black velvet.

The edge of the city wall of the "big egg" is retracted, and when they look up, they can see the towering city walls around them, covering half of the city, leaving only the circle in the middle, like an incomparably huge patio, allowing them to sit and watch the sky. .

Looking at the sky dome cut into a circle by the city wall from here, it has a unique flavor. It is difficult to say whether it is a sci-fi sense or a sense of history.

Speaking of science fiction, it is obviously a group of "ancient people" who have gone in the wrong direction of evolution.

Speaking of history, in the history they have learned, there is no such strange city wall in human architecture.

Winnie walked on the streets of the city of giants for a while, and the sights were full of exotic flavors, bricks, bricks, trees and flowers, all as delicate as the real world.

"Can a supercomputer simulate the real world?"

Jin Qi: "Theoretically, of's almost impossible." He was also looking at the architectural details around him.

The cities of the giant civilization are very different from the ancient cities they are familiar with.

The buildings here are mainly white, supplemented by green.

White is the main color of the building, no matter what kind of masonry or tree is used to cast the house, it will be painted with white paint at the end.

Green is a variety of plants, mainly vines, which cover the walls. Every household looks the same, and the size of the house is the same, as if there is no gap between the rich and the poor.

Most of the vines here can bear huge fruits.

The houses are all single-family, look big, but have no aesthetics.

Kind of like an Eskimo igloo, or a tomb.

It is one or more connected semi-circular houses with a door and no windows, and the door is open at night.

On the street outside the house, there are many shops, and outside the shops, there are all kinds of strange stone sculptures, which are inhuman, with long and narrow arms and legs, distorted and terrifying faces, and a very stream of consciousness.

Walking near, looking at the completely different forms of civilization, Jin Qi couldn't help but stretch out his hand, as if he wanted to touch these stone carvings.

Of course, he couldn't touch it.

Because everything is virtual.

Jin Qi sucked in a breath of air: "I forgot about the virtual world here just now... This computer, the rendering details are too realistic!"

When they entered the city from a subjective perspective, they were all shocked.

A bit overlooked, why the flow of time suddenly decreased, suddenly throwing their perspective in.

Because they all felt extremely incredible.

When looking at it from a distance, you can't feel the horror of this supercomputer, although, with its incredible computing power, the supercomputer has simulated the chaotic motion of the Trisolaran galaxy, as well as the more complicated logic of the earth's ecological evolution.

These are actually chaotic algorithms that humans cannot solve at present.

But as a tourist who comes to experience, I don't feel deeply about this aspect.

On the contrary, after entering the city, what they see is believing!

The naked eye can see the unparalleled realism of this city, even in the crack of a brick, if you look closely, there are infinite details, and even small bugs are crawling...

This is completely beyond the limits of their understanding of computers.

Isn't this the real world?

In their game company, there is a very skilled programmer.

His name is Lei Jun.

This young programmer with thick hair has collapsed a bit at this moment. He grabbed the arm of his director Zhong Qixin and pulled it hard, so as to stabilize his weak legs and not kneel.

"'s impossible..."

Although Zhong Qixin was also shocked, he was not as exaggerated as Lei Jun.

He frowned, "What's wrong?"

In this city, many fruit trees are planted and arranged in neat rows.

Lei Jun let go of his hand, lying nervously at the root of a big tree, looked at it for a while, and then waved to Zhong Qixin again and again: "Director! Director, come and see!!""

Zhong Qixin frowned and walked over: "What are you looking at?

Lei Jun said excitedly: "Look at the bugs!"

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