Global Shock: You Call This An Amusement Park? !

Chapter 329 Mastering technology beyond 500 years of modernity! (Thanks for subscribing!)\r

"This doesn't seem to be holographic technology..."

"Yes! Not holographic!"

"Just like the countdown just now! These words appeared in my eyes!

Fear comes from the unknown.

If all the people who come to visit the San-Body Science and Technology Museum today are the "ancient people" of the last century, then almost everything they see today will bring the same fear.

On the other hand, Winnie and the others are tourists who have already accepted the existence of holographic technology, so holography will not frighten them, it is just interesting.

Now the words engraved on the retina are different.

The two who had read the original book immediately woke up.

Zhong Qixin hurriedly turned his head and found Ling Baoli who was standing beside Jing Jing, "Don't tell me, what we see now... are all printed by Tomoko on our retinas?! 33

Jin Qi also stared nervously at the AI ​​guide, expecting, but also afraid of her giving the final answer.

The others were even more panicked!

Can the words Retina 12 film and printing be used together?!

Also, isn't Tomoko the supercomputer made by the Trisolarans in the novel?!

How could a computer the size of a microscopic particle actually exist?

However, Ayanari nodded cruelly.


"The words you see now are all printed by Tomoko as they quickly shuttled across your retinas.

Speaking of this, their eyes were clean again.

All the terrifying blood-colored words suddenly disappeared without a trace.

But everyone was still dumbfounded, as if their ears were blind, and they couldn't believe what Ayanori said at all.

Ayanami shrugged her shoulders humanely, and said with an expression: "Then I'll let you meet these two Tomokos.

Before the seven of them could react, they saw Ayanami Rei's side, and soon there was an abnormality.

I only felt that the space flickered slightly, and there was a little fluctuation.

Then two glass mirrored spheres appeared in an instant!

About the size of a basketball, it floated beside Ayanami Rei.

After Tomoko appeared, everyone still didn't react.

The main reason is...

Too unremarkable.

After being stunned for a while, Jin Qicai was the first to step forward: "Uh... I thought there would be a very special debut... Is this thing really a Tomoko?

I know in my heart that if this thing is true, it will be a great event!

But these two mirrored spheres appeared so silently, so low-key and easy-going, that people couldn't even scream if they wanted to.

Jin Qi touched it with his finger, and the ball moved a little distance.

He was amazed: "Fake it! This thing has a feeling of mass. If it is a material as small as a proton, I should not feel it at all!"

Ayanari was still expressionless: "There is air resistance."

Jin Qi suddenly choked.

He feels that his nine-year compulsory education may be in vain.

Indeed, Ayanami is right... There is air resistance, even if the mass of this thing is really small enough to feel, but if it is unfolded in such a large sphere, it will also have mass, because air resistance exists.

Zhong Qixin came over and took a look in the mirror on the sphere. It was very clear, but the image was deformed. After all, it was a sphere.

"This is really Tomoko? How can it be so big? High-dimensional unfolded?

Ayanami said: "This is a four-dimensional sophon. The sophon you see is just its projection in three-dimensional space. For us, a four-dimensional sophon may be as big as a city, and our three-dimensional world is like a Paper, it's on this piece of paper, and we can only see the part where the bottom touches the paper."9

Winnie showed a tired smile: "I feel like I'm mentally retarded.

After Ayanami finished speaking, the two four-dimensional Tomoko disappeared again.

Then she didn't speak.

The words appeared in the eyes of everyone.

【If you wish. 】

[I can communicate with you through Tomoko. 】

[I can print text directly on your retina...]

Everyone gasped.

"We believe it! We believe it!"

"You don't have to!!

At this point, the entire exhibition room is considered complete.

Their hearts were heavy, their brains were spinning rapidly, and they walked out with Ayanami Rei.

Anyone with a normal mind is thinking about the reality of the existence of this sophon.

Is Ayanami Rei this AI fooling herself?

If it weren't for flickering, this it considered a few hundred years ahead of Earth's technology?

If it's flickering, how does 230 print text on the retina...

Then the more they thought about it, the more upset they felt, only that Qin Yi's existence was like a super time bomb in human society!

Ayanami took them out of the room, motioned them to turn around, and walked out.

Heavy metal doors opened from both sides, and they left the control room, which mimicked the decoration of the Red Bank base.

It's like a hallway here.

Or a room, more aptly.

A room that looks very different from the control room just now.

The wall at the end here is occupied by an abstract painting of yellow, white, blue and black.

The geometric figures of the four colors are randomly overlapped and suspended together on a pure blue background like the ocean.

The most eye-catching is the center of the room, a large cuboid stone.

There are several spotlights shining on the stone, which makes it seem that the stone must be unusual.

In fact, except for some rust-colored lines on it, there is nothing special.

Ayanami introduced: "This room is called the Meditation Room, and this stone weighs 6 tons and is a piece of high-purity pig iron ore, which symbolizes eternity and strength.

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