Global Shock: You Call This An Amusement Park? !

Chapter 374, Quick Silver's Ability\r

"who are you?!"

Lucy looked at them coldly and said.

"Oh, I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Kevin, I have the ability of 'Quicksilver', this is a clown, you can call him a clown, I haven't found anything special about him so far, this Well, it's our 'fire man' Tang Hao, how about it, just hand over the gold coins, don't wait for us to do it."

Kevin's expression was extremely relaxed, as if the two people in front of him were lambs to be slaughtered.

"Really? I want to see what you can do?!"

Bravely kidney held the dagger in front of his chest, without any fear, said.

"Okay, don't regret it, it's not just the loss of gold coins, I'm afraid you have to hand over the chance of resurrection.

Kevin smiled contemptuously and said.

As soon as he finished speaking, Tang Hao in the air suddenly swung his right hand, and a ball of fire smashed towards the brave kidney.

Bravely, he couldn't dodge, and was hit by the flame on his chest. He only felt a scorching heat in his chest, and under the huge impact, he took two steps back.

Looking down at his chest again, the chest was a black mass, but soon, it recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Hmph, it's interesting, is this Xiaoqiang who can't be beaten to death?

Tang Hao said coldly.

Saying that, Tang Hao waved his hands again, manipulating two fire arcs to shoot at the brave kidneys.

But at this moment, the sky was cloudy, and a lightning bolt suddenly struck Tang Hao. Tang Hao was hit by the lightning bolt and fell from the sky to the ground.

"That's all, since you offended us today, I will give you a long memory!

Lucy said with anger in her eyes.

Tang Hao didn't expect the power to be strong, he fell on the ground and felt numb all over his body, unable to get up for a long time.

At this moment, Lucy cast the spell again, but looked up at the sky, the pupils of both eyes gradually disappeared, and the eyes gradually turned white.

They still have tasks at hand, obviously she wants to make a quick decision, and wants to summon more powerful electricity to defeat the three in front of her in one fell swoop.

At this moment, there was only an afterimage in front of him, galloping forward.

That Kevin activated the ability of 'Quicksilver' and ran to Lucy at a speed that could not be caught by the naked eye, kicked her with a kick in the chest.


Just hearing a scream, Lucy's body flew out.

Although the strength of this foot is not extremely strong, the inertia of galloping is really powerful.

Just as Kevin lifted his leg and kicked Lucy, the brave kidney just saw his figure clearly, and he immediately slashed at Kevin's leg with a knife.

But it was an afterimage that I couldn't see clearly at all.

It turned out that Kevin moved to the back of the brave kidney in an instant, and then suddenly hit the side, knocking the brave kidney to the ground.

[Let me go, what are you fighting for? You can't see the speed at all. 】

[This Kevin is too strong, he can solve these two people alone. 】

[Quicksilver can do unlimited things in one second. 】

[I feel that he has not really reached the point of 'Quick Silver'. Quick Silver moved, but he couldn't even see the afterimage. 】

【This game has only just started for less than a day. If he has the speed of Quicksilver now, wouldn’t it be too buggy?】

The clown never did anything, but squatted on the ground and watched the battle.

Bravely, the kidney was willing to admit defeat, and reluctantly got up from the ground.

Kevin was an afterimage again, and a punch knocked him to the ground again.

Behind Lucy summoned two lightning strikes, but Kuaiyin swiftly avoided them.

Tang Hao pushed out two hot arcs of fire with his palms and called towards Lucy. Lucy activated his mind power and summoned a small tornado to block the arc of fire.

Lucy waved her arms again to cast spells, this time he planned to hit the extremely fast Kevin with dense small lightning.

In the dark cloud, hundreds of slender lightning bolts suddenly appeared, with a distance of 500 meters.

This time, Lucy had almost exhausted all her mental strength, and only hoped that one of the hundreds of lightning bolts would hit Kevin.

This can greatly slow his speed, and then he and the brave kidney will have the power to fight.

However, in the dense lightning net, I saw countless afterimages of Kevin moving rapidly, but none of the lightning struck him, all of them were dodged by him.

Just when Lucy was terrified, another afterimage ran in front of her, and Kevin even stuck out his tongue within a thousandth of a second and punched her in the face.

Lucy fell to the ground again.

[This is a fart! Who can keep up with this speed. 】

[This Kevin is too strong! I feel that the champion is definitely him. 】

[I don't like this Kevin, and it's not ambiguous at all to fight women. 】

...for flowers....

The three of them looked down at the two people on the ground in the attitude of winners, with wicked smiles on their faces, waiting for them to hand over the game coins obediently.

And at this moment, a voice sounded in the sky.

"A gang of gangsters robbed in broad daylight. It seems that it's time for me, Ichiro Matsuyama, to act as a chivalrous man."

Everyone looked up and saw a man in a red tights suspended in the air, with his arms in front of his chest, his tone was extremely disdainful.

The huge round light on the chest is extremely eye-catching, could it be that this is the Flash's suit.

"Who are you? Dare to come here to mind our business.""

Kevin turned his head to look at him and said angrily.

"A prodigal son who travels the world."

Matsuyama Ichiro's tone pretended to be deep.

[Haha, people in East Japan, why do you feel like watching anime?]

[This appearance is enough for the second year. 】

[Cut, I'm afraid it's another one to send game coins, Kevin's speed, who can win. 】

"I'll go to you!"

Kevin's figure suddenly turned into an afterimage, and then suddenly jumped into the air, punching Matsuyama Ichiro in the air.

But he saw a flash of lightning in the air, and with a sound of '呲la', Ichiro Matsuyama's figure appeared in another place.

【This, is this teleportation?】

【It’s not teleportation, it’s just that the speed is so fast that you can’t even see the shadow. In short, it’s much faster than Kevin’s speed. 】

[No, I was still amazed at Kevin's ability just now, and now there is a faster one? 】

【It's been less than a day since the internal test, where did he get this ability, and now he has this ability, won't it destroy the balance of the game? 】

[This Matsuyama Ichiro is probably a relative of Boss Qin. 】

[Cut, Boss Qin himself doesn't have any special abilities, so would he give his relatives such abilities?]

[I guess this Matsuyama Ichiro must have some adventure, this should be the ability of the flash man. 】

Just when Kevin's eyes were full of disbelief, he suddenly heard the sound of '呲la' lightning behind him, and then he realized that his back had been hit hard with the head.

Even he didn't react at this speed, and then his whole body threw himself to the ground.

Seeing this, the burning man Tang Hao hurriedly summoned a large flame to burn towards Matsuyama Ichiro for a long time.


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