The three of them, Ichiro Matsukawa, galloped under the blue sky until they flew down before a high mountain.

There is a magnificent scene in front of you. A magnificent temple stands on the mountainside. The entire building is attached to the slope of the mountain, with a size of tens of thousands of square meters. And solemn, in that green hill, the golden city wall looks particularly conspicuous.

"What is this place?

Li Xiaoyue looked up at the mountainside and asked with a slight frown.

"Uncle Demon Buddhism.

Matsukawa Ichiro said lightly.

"Why are we here? 35

Li Xiaoyue asked, still with doubts in her eyes.

"This is the secret of the whole world."

Ichiro Matsukawa looked at Li Xiaoyue with a smile and said.

But at this time, on the stone steps below the temple, a group of monks walked on the "three zero seven". .

This man had long hair, straight like flowing water, his face was brown, his facial features were not good-looking, but he had a kind and wise aura, and a red lotus was carved between his eyebrows.

The man walked down the stone steps and looked at the three of them, Ichiro Matsukawa, with a gentle smile on his face.

It seems that he knew that Matsukawa Ichiro and the others were back, and went out to greet them early in the morning.

"Sage Moxie, let's return the original energy stone, which has returned to its original owner."

Matsukawa Ichiro nodded slightly, and said with a pious eye.

"Thank you, and may the Buddha bless you.

Sage Moxie smiled and said softly.

The tone was melodious and ethereal, listening to the three people's hearts, giving people a feeling of infinite peace, as if the mountains, wind and water were flowing all over the body, the feeling was so clear, but it was unclear why.

Matsukawa Ichiro held out the original energy stone with both hands, and the sage Moxie gently pinched it with two fingers, placed it in the sunlight, watched it carefully, and then put it into his sleeve.

After that, the sage Moxie didn't have any more words, and Ichiro Matsukawa said goodbye to him.

The three of them turned to leave Bopomo Buddhism. Along the way, Li Xiaoyue and Xunzi had many questions.

"Why do you give them the original energy stone? And what do you mean by saying that the secret of the whole world is here?"

Li Xiaoyue said all her doubts.

"Bobomo Buddhism controls the energy source of the entire world. In our world, there are superpowers everywhere. The reason is the energy core of Bopomo Buddhism."

Matsukawa Ichiro said lightly.

"So that's the case, then Ichiro, you handed over the original energy stone to them, aren't you worried that Singer and the others will grab it again?"

Nettle frowned slightly and asked.

"Xingzi, don't worry, the sage of Moxi is also a superpower.

Matsukawa Ichiro looked at Netizen with doting eyes and said with a smile.

"No wonder, as soon as I get close to him, I have a distinctly different feeling. 39

Only then did Xunzi suddenly realize, and said.

"So what is his ability? Better than that of Singer?"

Li Xiaoyue still couldn't help but asked curiously.

"How to say, it can't be measured by whether he is powerful or not, his super power is to make all super powers close to him disappear.

Ichiro Matsukawa continued to explain patiently.

"Well, it's no wonder that he sounds so comfortable, and he is not an ordinary person. In this way, no matter how strong Singer is, he is also an ordinary person when he encounters him.

Li Xiaoyue said with a thoughtful look in her eyes.

In fact, Li Xiaoyue is a little careful. The energy contained in this rough energy stone is infinite. She also knows that the road to becoming stronger is hard. Of course, she also thought about obtaining energy from the rough energy stone.

"It's a pity to give such a good thing to him directly.

Li Xiaoyue looked back at the magnificent Buddhist temple and said with a slightly regretful voice.

"What's the difference between us and those robbers if we take the power stone for ourselves?"

Matsukawa Ichiro seemed to have seen her thoughts long ago and said indifferently.

"Yes, Ichiro is right, that thing doesn't belong to us, we shouldn't have it."

Nettle said with serious eyes.

"I'm just talking, it doesn't matter, we'll all be fine anyway."

Li Xiaoyue was also a little embarrassed and said with a smile.

"Well, it's a pity that those villagers have suffered a lot of casualties, and many are now homeless. It's all my fault, their ability is too weak. 35

Matsukawa Ichiro said with a look of pity in his eyes.

"Ichiro, you have done your best, don't blame yourself too much."

Nettle quickly comforted.

Li Xiaoyue was puzzled for a while, who is this person, is it really the same as the heart of a living Bodhisattva? It seems that what Xunzi said about him before is indeed true...

Li Xiaoyue has never seen such a sympathetic, compassionate heart and a heart for the common people.

Look at them, you sympathize with me, and sympathize with each other. Are these men and women from children's cartoons?

However, it's really quite a match.

The three kept on their way and came to the small bamboo hut of Nettles.

"You're all hungry, I'll go get the meal."

Nettle said, and ran to the hut to get food.

After chatting all the way, the three of them have a certain understanding of each other.

After a while, Nettle brought out the meal from the hut.

Small wild vegetables, slipped mushrooms, and fried cucumbers were placed on the table one after another.

"No meat?!"

Li Xiaoyue frowned, he has always been meatless.

Nettle winked hard at him, clearly saying that Ichiro Matsukawa doesn't eat meat.

But Matsukawa Ichiro smiled slightly and said with a relaxed expression:

"Nettle, you know I don't eat meat, but don't force your friends to be like me. 35

Xunzi looked at Ichiro Matsukawa with amazement, as if seeing aliens. Before Matsukawa, not to mention that he didn't eat meat, even if he saw others eating meat, he would still say something to stop him.

In short, he believed that there should be no killing in the world.

But the current Matsukawa Ichiro has really changed. Although he has something to stick to in his heart, he has also become generous, and 4.8 is more open-minded.

Li Xiaoyue was also made a little embarrassed. Knowing that what she said just now was a little thoughtless, she hurriedly said with a smile:

"It's alright, it's hard to be busy for the nettles. Judging from the appearance of the mushrooms, the taste should be good."

Matsukawa Ichiro and Xunzi looked at each other with smiles on their faces.

Li Xiaoyue didn't talk any more, and she was indeed hungry, so she picked up her rice bowl and lightly picked up a piece of slippery mushroom.

As soon as he put it in his mouth, his eyes widened and he said:

"Well, my sister's craftsmanship is indeed extraordinary!

Nettle immediately showed a smile on his face, and said embarrassedly:

"Why, my sister is laughing."

Matsukawa Ichiro smiled slightly, glanced at Nettle, and then leisurely put a piece of wild vegetable in his mouth, although he didn't say anything, he could see that this dish was indeed very suitable for him.

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