Global Shock: You Call This An Amusement Park? !

Chapter 440 Closed Beta Finals (6)\r

At this moment, the clown, holding a pocket watch in one hand, slowly walked towards the six people on Qin Yi's side.

Time was stopped by that weird pocket watch! At this time, the only thing that could move in the entire field was the clown.

In this way, he is tantamount to mastering the power of life and death.

The clown drew a dagger from his back, smiled evilly, and walked over.

The six people on Qin Yi's side were all like wooden stakes, unable to move, so they just watched.

The expressions on their faces were extremely anxious, and fine sweat was oozing from their foreheads, but there was nothing to do.

The clown was strange to say, he was walking towards Qin Yi and the others with a dagger, but now he looked at Kevin.

"Kevin, you bastard, didn't you always say that I'm a waste? Now I've been fighting for a long time, and I still have to rely on me.""

The Joker looked at Kevin and said with an extremely exaggerated angry expression.

The expression on Kevin's face was extremely complicated. He really looked down on the Joker all the time, believing that he had no special ability, and he often spoke badly to him.

12 But the clown's character, he knows very well, this guy can do anything.

Next, it's the Joker's solo performance, who babbles about his dissatisfaction with Kevin:

"Do you think you're invincible when you have the ability to speed? You're just too arrogant, you know? Kevin! 99

No one was there to speak, and the clown continued:

"You know what I hate the most about you? Kevin, do you want to hear it? You bastard!"

"What I can't stand the most is that when you mention me, you talk about trash, but now you move me and see, move, bastard!"

The clown walked to Kevin's side, put his face on Kevin's face, and said through gritted teeth.

The more the clown talks, the more maddened he is, dancing and excited:

"Today, I will let you know the fate of offending me!!!

At this time, the referee A Qiang on the side of the field suddenly spoke up, and he said solemnly:

"Joker, according to the rules of the game, can't intentionally hurt his teammates, otherwise he will lose the rules of the game. 35

"Giggle, I'm not that stupid, I don't want to hurt him, but I have to teach him a lesson, otherwise it will be difficult to quell the anger in my heart! 35

The clown looked at A Qiang with that exaggerated smile and said.


Suddenly he heard a loud noise from behind the clown's butt, and he farted.

Then the Joker stretched out his left hand and grabbed the fart behind his ass.

He opened Kevin's mouth and shoved the fart into Kevin's mouth with his hands.

"Hahaha! How is it?! Is this fart fragrant?! Is it fragrant?! Hahahaha!"

After the clown finished doing this, he burst into hysterical laughter, and after laughing, his stomach hurt from laughing, and he actually started to cover his stomach with his hands.

Everyone saw the expression on Kevin's face, a burst of blue, a burst of purple, and anger, resentment, and disgust.

He probably never imagined that one day he would be restrained by the clown, this guy, in his eyes, was not worth mentioning at all.

Qin Yi's side, seeing this scene, also had nothing to say. It turned out that the first time he stopped all the people, he wanted to take revenge on Kevin.

Ah Qiang is also so shocked that his mouth is wide open. This—hands on the fart, is not really hurting his teammates, not violating the rules, but, this smell must be very strange!

Then, the clown suddenly turned around and looked at the six people on Qin Yi's side. There was already a sinister murderous look in his eyes.

With that exaggerated weird smiley face, it looks particularly penetrating.

"Hey hey, I think about it, who is going to kill first?

The clown, holding a pocket watch in one hand and a dagger in the other, paced among the six people on Qin Yi's side, and said leisurely.

Qin Yi was very anxious at this time, and fine sweat oozes from his forehead.

What kind of ability is this?! It's too buggy to be able to stop time.

Is there no way to break it?

"Qin Yi, think of a way, if this goes on, all six of us will die at his hands, and we will fail soon.

Jiang Yihe said to Qin Yi through telepathy.

"I can't move either, I really don't know what else to do.

Qin Yi also said to Jiang Yihe in his heart.

The clown first walked towards Nettle, then stretched out his bony hand and touched Nettle's neck:

"Tsk tsk tsk, this neck is really beautiful, like a jade carving. I don't know if it will be interesting to slash it down."

Matsukawa Ichiro's eyes looked at the nether, and there was an anxious look in his eyes.

But at this moment, a cuckoo bird flew from the sky.

Qin Yi saw it soon, and instantly thought of a solution.

"Jiang Yihe, hurry up, send my words to that bird through telepathy.

Qin Yi said to Jiang Yihe in his heart.


Jiang Yihe replied immediately.

Qin Yi immediately sent out a string of bird words in his heart, and Jiang Yihe immediately transmitted it to the cuckoo bird through telepathy.

That sentence means:

"Friend cuckoo bird, can you help me grab the pocket watch from the clown's hand? Thank you very much!

The clown was still holding a pocket watch in one hand and a dagger in the other. At this time, his dagger was already on Nettle's neck.

His eyes looked at the neck, almost frenzied.

323 But at this moment, the cuckoo bird suddenly swooped down, its claws suddenly grabbed the chain of the pocket watch in the clown's hand, and then snatched the pocket watch.

As soon as the pocket watch was snatched, all the people present suddenly resumed their movements.

"Go to hell! You pervert!"

Nettle suddenly burst out, and slashed at the clown's waist with a knife.

The snow-white blade light directly cut the clown into two pieces.

The clown didn't expect this change at all, and the upper body looked at his upper body in surprise at this time.

"What's the matter?! Where did the stink bird come from!"9

The clown said angrily.

However, the few people on Qin Yi's side didn't pay attention to the roar of the clown. They wondered why the clown was cut into two pieces, and how could he still be alive?!

Next, an even more bizarre scene appeared, the clown's upper body actually crawled towards his lower body.

He spliced ​​the broken parts of his body together, and it healed quickly.

"Hey hey, he was actually cut in half, it doesn't matter, I can still put it together. 95

The clown smiled and said.

It turns out that this clown is not without superpowers, his superpower is the ability to splicing the body.

In other words, his body, no matter how it is split, can be spliced ​​back together.

This ability has no combat power, so he has never used it.

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