Those flying cards knocked down all the spears in the air, and everyone finally escaped.

And when they looked back, those huge orange trees were actually filled with a kind of golden-haired monkey.

What surprised them the most was not that these monkeys could throw spears, but they all wore grass skirts, and the hair on their faces was almost shed, and they looked like human faces.

And in their mouths, they all made some strange screams, as if they were saying something.

"Could it be that this trap, as well as the previous boundary monument, were made by these monkeys?"

Qin Yi frowned deeply, looked at the monkeys standing on the orange tree, and said.

"It looks like this now. Seeing that the spears are not, they use the end of a wooden stick and a sharpened stone. What do you think? Isn't this the process of human evolution to the Stone Age?"5

Jiang Yihe frowned and said thoughtfully.

"You mean, these monkeys have evolved too?!"

Jin Qi looked puzzled, looked at Jiang Yihe, and said.

"This is the only explanation, not only that, they have already started wearing grass skirts, obviously they already have a heart of shame, and their murmurs should be the language they invented.

Jiang Yihe looked at everyone and continued.

"I think Jiang Yihe is right, these monkeys have evolved, just like our human ancestors, Homo sapiens, these should be the wise monkeys.

Luxie also glanced at the monkeys and said.

"I don't care if they evolved or not, they have to pay the price for hurting Sally so badly."

The anger in Qin Yi's eyes almost burst out, and said.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Sally lay on the ground, coughing up another mouthful of blood.

"Qin Yi, don't we still have the Heart of the Giant Tree? We should be able to save Sally.

Lei Jun looked at Qin Yi seriously and said.

"Yes! I almost forgot.

Qin Yi's eyes suddenly lit up and said.

Then Qin Yi helped Sally up and put the heart of the giant tree in his arms to Sally's mouth.

The heart of this giant tree looks extremely hard, but it seems that as soon as it encounters saliva, it will melt immediately. Sally's Adam's apple twitched twice, and then the wound on her body miraculously began to heal.

"Grumbling, twittering, twittering~".

The monkeys on the orange tree began to make a strange noise again, and shot a wave of spears at Qin Yi and the others.

Those spears were all coming in one direction, and it seemed that these monkeys were well-trained and well-organized.

Jiang Yihe raised his eyes and leaned forward with the dark golden ring in his hand, creating a huge sky blue aperture in front of Qin Yi and the others.

And those spears all fell into the aperture and disappeared.

"It seems that we have violated their territory, and it is difficult to leave now.

Jin Qi frowned deeply, looked at the monkeys on the tree, and said.

"I didn't intend to leave, they were so cruel, I wanted to kill them all.

A cold light flashed in Qin Yi's eyes and said.

"Yes, these guys add up to a lot of experience, we can't waste it."

A glimmer of excitement flashed in Luxie's eyes and said.

Sally had fully recovered because of taking the Heart of the Giant Tree and stood up.

"I'm sorry, I wasted everyone's heart of a giant tree so quickly, I'm greedy."

Sally said a little embarrassedly.

"Sally, don't say that, you are our member, how can we watch you die."5

Lei Jun looked at Sally seriously and said.

"Well, then let these wise monkeys pay the price!"

Sally glanced at the orange grove and said seriously.

But at this time, under the orange tree in the distance, three wise monkeys came out. The costumes of these three wise monkeys were obviously different from other monkeys. , and wearing a rattan hat on the head, the wise monkey in the middle is obviously the supreme leader, with three bright bird feathers on his head, and the two wise monkeys on the left and right are younger, look at It is a male and a female, each with a bright bird feather on its hat.

These wise monkeys not only invented writing and language, but also had their own complete class system, which really surprised Qin Yi and the others.

The wise monkey in the middle held a strangely-shaped staff in his hand, which seemed to be the symbol of their supreme power.

I saw a strange murmur from his mouth, and then pointed his staff at Qin Yi and the others, and the monkeys on the tree continued to throw spears at Qin Yi and the others, and many monkeys held a long stick and jumped from the tree.

Qin Yi frowned slightly when he saw the scene at this time. The monkeys who jumped down were obviously stronger than the wise monkeys on the tree. Their division of labor was also so refined.

Obviously, those monkeys with long sticks are all melee soldiers, while the monkeys on the tree are all ranged attacks.

"Be careful, these guys should cooperate beyond our imagination.

Qin Yi looked serious, looked at the others, and said.


Everyone else nodded.

But at this time, there were already dozens of slightly burly monkeys, holding a long stick in their hands, rushing towards Qin Yi and the others, and spears still flew from time to time on the orange tree.

"Luxy, you are in charge of dealing with those spears thrown from the trees and giving us cover.

Qin Yi thought for a moment, then said.

"Well, don't worry, leave it to me!"

Luxie replied earnestly, and at the same time, he had already drawn two poker cards in his hands.

At the same time, the spears kept flying down, and Luxie kept using flying cards to block those spears.

In a blink of an eye, the wise monkeys on the ground were still rushing towards them, and they soon reopened Qin Yi's formation. At this time, everyone was facing the siege of several monkeys.

Qin Yi activated his mind power, and immediately transformed into two ice swords on his hands. At this moment, a wise (good Li Hao) monkey suddenly jumped up and slashed at the top of Qin Yi's head with a stick.

The long sword in Qin Yi's right hand suddenly lifted up and blocked the stick. At this time, another wise monkey, another wise monkey, suddenly swept towards him with a stick, and Qin Yi jumped up abruptly. , kicked the wise monkey flying.

At this time, a spear flew towards Qin Yi. Although Luxi was doing his best to deal with the spear in the air at this time, there were too many spears afterward, and there were still spears attacking Qin Yi and the others.

Qin Yi hurriedly activated his mind power and created an ice shield in front of him, blocking the spear.

At the same time, the two wise monkeys on the left and right raised their sticks and attacked him. Qin Yi hurriedly waved the ice swords in both hands, and the ice swords blocked the long sticks. The sword pierced the abdomen of a wise monkey.

The wise monkey made a strange murmur and then died, the other wise monkeys seemed to be even more angry and continued to attack Qin Yi more violently.

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