This Francie's reaction was extremely fast, he could take every move of Luxie perfectly, and Luxie also thought that he didn't dare to slow down the attack, and the iron rod in his hand swung more and more fiercely.

Luxie is still very good at melee combat, and after several fights, that Francie began to feel a little overwhelmed.

However, he saw that Francis made a strange gesture with his left hand at this time, and then a strange scene appeared, and countless phantoms appeared in his right hand.

Obviously, he used space spells again, and Luxie felt that something was amiss, and at this moment, Francie punched him in the chest.

Luxie only felt a huge pressure in his chest, and retreated to the rear.

At this time, Francis gasped for a while, and his phantom hands turned into the original one again.

Francie smiled slightly, raised his hand again, and swept the space knife towards Francie, and Luxie hurriedly placed the iron bar on one side of his body.


With a deafening and crisp sound, Luxi's body fell to the side under the enormous inertia.

Francis raised his left hand high again and slashed towards Luxie with a knife.

Luxie looked at his raised right hand. Although he couldn't see the space knife, he knew the range of the space knife was enough to hurt him.

At this moment, Jin Qi stretched out his arms, which extended infinitely, trapping Francie's left arm.

At the same time, Sally has come to Frances with the help of stealth ability.

Sally raised her right foot and kicked Francie sharply.

The force of this kick was so great that Francie was kicked back many steps.

Although these repeated attacks had already made Francie seriously injured, he didn't seem to care about his injuries. He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, patted the dust on his chest, and said with a smile:

"Yes, the coordination is very careful, which is beyond my expectations. 35

Sally looked at him coldly and said:

"There's more than you expected."

It turned out that they attacked in succession just to give Qin Yi time to cast spells. After they attacked, Qin Yi's spell casting was finally completed.

Francis looked up and saw that the large ice crystals above his head began to condense, making a crisp beeping sound.

In the distance, Qin Yi, surrounded by snowflakes, was looking at him coldly.

"Ice Fall!"

Qin Yi shouted and saw a block of ice weighing more than ten tons suddenly appear above Francie's head.

With Qin Yi's gesture, the huge block of ice finally fell.

At this time, the rest of the teammates looked at the scene in front of them, hoping that this move would defeat Francie.

Francie's eyes changed slightly. Obviously, he knew how powerful this move was, so he quickly changed his hands to gesture, and then raised them high.

Just as the ice cube fell, a huge circular pattern suddenly appeared above his head.

When the ice cube fell and hit the circular pattern, everyone thought they would hear a loud noise, but it didn't.

The ice cube smashed into the pattern without making a sound, but in the blink of an eye, it submerged and turned into nothingness.

"Why is that?!""

Qin Yi looked at all this in shock and said.

"Obviously, the pattern is something similar to a wormhole, and your ice cube was moved to another place by him using the wormhole.

Jiang Yihe frowned and said, looking at all this in front of him.

"This guy is absolutely impeccable, how on earth are we going to beat him?"

Luxie got up from the ground at this time and said helplessly.

Francie has been standing in the same place, smiling, looking at Qin Yi and the others. To him, he seems to think that Qin Yi and the others have no chance of defeating him at all, because he is almost omnipotent in mastering the space ability.

Qin Yi's eyes kept rolling, and he kept thinking, he was looking for Francie's flaws, doesn't he have flaws?

At this time, Sally and Jin Qi were still fighting desperately in Francis, but their attacks seemed to be ineffective at all. Instead, they were both injured under Francis's attack.

At this time, Wei Ni walked to Qin Yi's side, he gave Qin Yi a serious look, and said:

"Qin Yi, I thought of a way."

Qin Yi glanced at Wei Ni with doubts in his eyes, and said:

"you say.

Winnie glanced at Francie, then put her head to Qin Yi's ear and whispered.

Under Wei Ni's explanation, Qin Yi's eyes showed a smile.


Afterwards, Qin Yi looked at the other teammates and said:

"Give me another chance and hold him back. 99

The other teammates glanced at Qin Yi and nodded to him.

At the same time, Jiang Yihe, Luxie, Sally, and Jin Qi all rushed towards Francis and attacked him violently.

And Qin Yi stood on the spot, ready to cast the ice fall technique again.

I saw Qin Yi wrap his hands around his chest, and a large number of snowflakes lingered in front of him. The temperature around him began to drop rapidly.

And Francie, with one opponent and four, was not at a disadvantage in the slightest, and his spatial ability was so handy when he used it.

But Sally and the others didn't dare to neglect at all. After all, they had to give Qin Yi enough time to finish casting the spell.


And Francie didn't care about all this at all, because the last time Qin Yi spent a lot of time, the ice drop technique he performed was also perfectly resolved by him. In his opinion, Qin Yi was just wasting time.


Along with a scream, Sally was slashed by the space knife in her left leg, and then retreated back in pain.

Immediately after, Luxie was also punched heavily in the chest by Francie.

Although Jin Qi's arm was made of rubber, it was also cut by a sharp space knife.

Jiang Yihe was even worse. There were already many knife marks on his body. Although he had the ability to jump, he could always be sensed by Francie.

"Qin Yi, are you okay?

Jiang Yihe looked at Qin Yi and said anxiously.

Qin Yi didn't speak, his entire pupil had turned blue, and at this moment, a crisp sound of ice crystals condensed on the top of Francie's head.

Finally, an ice block weighing more than ten tons was transformed.

Francie smiled slightly. He had already seen this trick just now. At this time, he only needed to print another spell to use the ability of space to transfer the ice cube to other places.

Then, Francie's hands began to wave continuously in front of him, ready to use the spell.

However, at this moment, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in the soles of his feet, and the imprint he made suddenly stopped, the pattern that he had transformed into half disappeared instantly, and at this moment, the ice cube crashed down. long time.

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