Then, Saipan looked at Luxie, and the laser cannon in his hand was aimed at him.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! 35

Saipan fired three laser cannons at Luxie in a row.

Luxey didn't dare to neglect, and jumped several times in succession, dodging the first two cannonballs, but the shrapnel of the last cannonball still scratched his cheek.

Luxie touched his cheek, there was shocking blood on his index finger, he looked at Saipan coldly, and said:

"You will know the price you will pay for destroying my appearance!"

Saipan smiled coldly and said:

"Really, I'd really like to know. 35

Luxi rushed towards Saipan, and the iron rod in his hand quickly swung towards Saipan, only to see a stick shadow in the sky.

And Saipan also waved the long sword in his hand in a hurry.

This Luxi's iron rod is also not made of ordinary iron, so it can compete with such a sharp long sword.

After several rounds, Saipan still didn't change his face, and Luxie was already sweating profusely.

With every blow, he has accumulated powerful kinetic energy, and there is not much mental power left in his mind at this time.

Seeing this, Qin Yi also joined the formation. The two-handed ice swords stabbed towards Saipan continuously. Saipan won one against two, and was not at a disadvantage. The sword is cut off, and Qin Yi needs to constantly expend mental energy to summon a new ice sword to fight against him.

At this time, Sally, Lei Jun, Jiang Yihe looked at each other and rushed over.

Sally's dagger drew white lines and slashed towards Saipan. At this time, he no longer expended mental energy to activate the ability to stealth, because he knew that this ability had no effect on Saipan.

And Lei Jun's huge fists were constantly attacking Saipan, and Jiang Yihe used the ability of wormholes to constantly fight around Saipan.

Winnie, who was standing in the distance, was constantly manipulating the beads with her mind power, launching an attack on Saipan.

Faced with a siege for a while, Saipan was overwhelmed even though his response was extremely quick.

At this time, he rolled his eyes a few times and looked at the abilities of the people around him. Obviously, in terms of speed, Lei Jun was the slowest.

So, he prepared to defeat Lei Jun first, and then defeat them individually.

So Saipan raised the laser cannon in his right hand and aimed it at Lei Jun, and a laser cannon hit him.


With a loud bang, the laser cannon hit Lei Jun's chest directly.

Lei Jun's body flew upside down and fell to the ground, while a huge depression appeared in his chest, and blood actually oozes from the metallic skin.

Lei Jun struggled a few times, trying to get up from the ground, but he didn't get up.

"Lei Jun, you should recuperate on the spot first, leave it to us here.

Qin Yi glanced at him and said quickly.

At this time, both Lei Jun and Jin Qi lost their ability to fight. After all, their strength was only level 6. For a level 9 Saipan, their strength was still too weak.

At this time, Saipan stabbed Qin Yi with a sword, Qin Yi was shocked, and quickly summoned an ice shield in front of him.

The thickness of this ice shield reached half a meter. It can be said that it was the thickest ice shield Qin Yi could summon, and it cost him the most mental energy.

To be on the safe side, Qin Yi also summoned the Ice Armor on his body.

But seeing the long sword attack, it pierced the ice shield directly, and then pierced Qin Yi's body.

The long sword actually pierced through the ice shield, and the ice armor on Qin Yi's body was not completely protected.

Saipan held the long sword in his hand, and wanted to stab Qin Yi's body with the long sword again.

Seeing this, Sally on the side knew that Qin Yi's situation was very critical, and hurriedly slashed the dagger towards Saipan's wrist.

Saipan has already noticed Sally next to him. He doesn't want to hurt himself by killing Qin Yi, because there are so many people who are full of fighting power. Even if he kills Qin Yi, he will lose the next time. ability to fight.

So Saipan withdrew his hand very rationally, and Qin Yi escaped.

Qin Yi took a few steps back and touched his chest, blood soaked through his shirt.

At this time, Jiang Yihe kept using wormholes to traverse all over Saipan. He seemed a little anxious, because he was very aware of Saipan's strength. His attack had not worked so far, so he could only hope for the electricity in his hands. The stick can control Saipan, so that he can play his due role for the team...

At this time, Jiang Yihe drilled out of the wormhole again, and the electric baton in his hand probed directly towards Saipan.

Saipan sneered, this was just a repeat of the old trick, what effect could it have, the long sword in his hand slashed towards Jiang Yihe's wrist extremely quickly.

He was extremely smart, he knew very well that his long sword was also conductive, so he wouldn't touch Jiang Yihe's electric baton with his long sword at all. The purpose of his actions was to force Jiang Yihe to give up his attack.

However, when he thought of this, he didn't know what Jiang Yihe was thinking. Jiang Yihe smiled coldly, then took out a smoke bomb from his body and threw it at him.

Judging from the previous battle, this guy clearly used the instrument on his shoulder to judge their position through the instructions above, so as long as his vision was blocked, Jiang Yihe's attack should be effective.

The smoke bomb was thrown to the ground, and a large amount of smoke was immediately filled, obscuring Saipan's vision.

However, at this time, Jiang Yihe stabbed the electric baton in his hand on his body.

Zizizi, a piercing thunder and lightning sound, and a dazzling electric light suddenly erupted.

Although this guy has transformed his body into a mechanized one, he is still a living creature no matter what.

Therefore, Jiang Yihe is convinced that the current can control his production.

Sure enough, due to the electric light, Saipan immediately felt numb for a while, and then his limbs also lost control.

"It's now!

Jiang Yihe hurriedly shouted loudly.

Luxie heard the sound and quickly swept the iron rod in his hand towards his waist.

Saipan's body was directly knocked into the air and fell more than ten meters away.

Luxie's stick can be said to have accumulated a lot of kinetic energy. At this time, the blue light on his iron stick gradually dissipated, and his chest was heaving violently. It can be seen that he gave all his strength to seize this rare opportunity. .

After Saipan was knocked to the ground, he didn't get up for a long time. The control effect of thunder and lightning, coupled with Luxie's kinetic energy, made him suffer a great blow.

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