Global Sky Online

Chapter 1025: It looks like my little universe can't erupt

Although Rick will participate in this Athena's five small strong fights in the twelfth house because of the hidden story of the Saint Seiya. But this is not clear to Professor X right now.

"Honor Two, what benefits do you want?" Professor X asked Rick after thinking about it.

"I do good for the world, don't benefit! But too dangerous things, especially things that can threaten my life, I'm also afraid, I dare not take my own life to take risks." Rake said with a smile, without any fear Look, then looked at Professor X.

After hearing this, Professor X sighed. He looked at the expression of His Holiness No. 2 and had contact with His Holiness No. 2 over the years. Professor X also knew some of His Holiness No. 2 and this is what he wanted.

"Holy Number Two, you have come to our Mutant Academy for so many years. In fact, I also know that you have the strength to stay in our Mutant Academy as a teacher, there must be some plans. Do n’t rush to deny, I have n’t figured it out , What do you want to get in my mutant college. I guess, you who have the memory of the future must have something to hide from me. In the future, the mutant college should have something you want, so you Only then stayed here as a teacher.

I promise you now, as long as it does not harm the overall interests of the human world and our mutants, once you want to get something or do something in the future, I will do my best to help you once. But premise, this time you have to solve the harm that unknown forces can cause to the world. If you agree, leave the mutant college now to resolve the unknown power incident. If you do not agree, you will continue to be a teacher at the Mutant Academy. Professor X said helplessly to Lake.

"How sorry, but there is a crisis in the world. As a powerful mutant, and as the No. 2 Worship Wolf of the Guardian of the Mutant Academy, I should go and see. I'll go now, if there is no solution I will come back to you again! "Rake nodded to Professor X.

"Go ahead, I believe that with your strength, you can solve any crisis yourself." Professor X waved his hand to Lake.

"I went this time, and you promised to help me once in the future. Is this a promise? You won't lie to me!" Lake asked Professor X.

"I won't play tricks, I said I can do it!" Professor X nodded wryly. Professor X thought to himself, it seems that his judgment is correct. The Supreme Master No. 2 stays at the Mutant Academy, and the future really has some plans.

After listening to it, Professor Rick was relieved. With the agreement of Professor X, when the future piano grows up and absorbs the energy of the destruction and rebirth of the universe, after the start of the black phoenix plot, with the full assistance of Professor X, Master Gu Yi can better absorb the body of the piano. energy of.

Rick is also not sure now, whether it will help Athena to play the twelfth house story first, or whether the story of Qin becoming the black phoenix will appear first.

These two plots should appear after more than ten years, or even more than two decades later. But no matter which one appears first, once one is successfully completed, the strength of the ancient one mage can be significantly improved, and it is relatively easy to complete the second one.

Raike raised his left hand and began to circle, and the golden magic portal appeared.

"I'm going to save the world!" Lake said to Professor X in a wheelchair, and then took a step, looking at him as if he was dead, and entered the portal.

The place where Rick appeared was a pub back door in a city far away.

Rick was busy for a long time today and hadn't eaten yet. He walked into the tavern first and asked the waiter for two bottles of beer and some snacks.

After Rick sat down, he contacted Master Gu Yi through his ability to communicate. He sent the picture of the tavern's environment to Master Gu Yi, and Master Gu Gu came over to eat together.

A few minutes later, Master Gu Yi went to Lake's desk and sat down.

"Drink some beer? The beer in this tavern is made by them and tastes good!" Rake said to Master Gu Yi, and called the waiter again.

"I don't like drinking without beer. Have a cup of warm water or fresh fruit juice, and some dried fruit!" Master Gu Yi said to the waiter.

Soon, the drinks and food ordered by Rake and Gu Yi were brought to the table by the waiter and set.

"Professor X, guessing some of my intentions to stay in the Mutant Academy, Professor X also sensed the energy released during the battle of the Saint Seiya. He asked me to leave the Mutant Academy to explore and solve the Saint Seiya incident. In return, Professor X Promise to help me once in the future. "While drinking beer, Rake told Master Gu Yi, the result of his communication with Professor X just now.

"So, you can't go back to Mutant Academy recently. Where are you going? Go traveling with me? Or continue to stay in the cabin?" Master Gu Yi asked Rake with a smile.

After listening to it, Rick laughed. He couldn't go back to Mutant Academy in a short time.

"I won't go to the chalet. There are no white foxes to cook there. I ’m going to live in the chalet myself. It ’s not as convenient as staying in a hotel outside. Athena still needs time to grow up. These years, I plan to be an ordinary person. As a tourist in this world, try not to use my own skills. My whip realm hasn't been broken for a long time. It is probably because I rely too much on my skills and equipment when fighting, instead of using the military's own cultivation as I want to try to change my mindset and travel around the world as an ordinary warrior. Now I am a whip practitioner, the difference should be the perception, or the epiphany.

Let yourself whip, upgrade everything from whip realm to whip realm. In this way, once the realm of whip upgrade has been upgraded, after my golden hoop becomes a super artifact, it can be modified at will, and my combat power can be strengthened. Just before Athena received the story of Saint Seiya and the Black Phoenix that played for her, I practiced my whip realm! "Lake took another sip of wine and said to Master Gu Yi.

Master Gu Yi also drank the boiled water in her hand. "I can give you laziness to enjoy life in the copy world, and find such a good excuse, I have also served you, Lord No. 2. Come on, anyway, no Whatever you do, you just relax. How did you practice the heart whip practice in the moving maze before, do you need to practice it again? Maybe the way to practice the whip method in your brain will make it easier for you Improve the whip magic practice! "Mage Gu Yi advised Rake.

After listening to it, Rake shook his head. "I feel that the correct direction of my whip field can not be improved by practicing in my mind. Also, my name is Da Yin hidden in the city, not to enjoy life lazily!" Lei Ke stressed to Gu Yi.

"It's casual, but you remember, before Chengto Guangzheng began to send the adopted orphans to practice around the world, you should go to him and book me the qualifications for the cultivation of the death island. It is better not to let Yihui's young and I went to Dead Island to practice together. In the plot, some of the original Aboriginal talents were very special. Once Yihui and I went to Dead Island to practice together, it wasn't me who could get the Bronze Cloth of the Undead Phoenix Phoenix. Yihui. "Master Gu Yi reminded Rake.

Rick nodded, saying no problem.

Lake then chatted with Master Gu Yi while eating.

After eating well, Master Gu Yi left first, and then Rake also left the tavern with teleport.

In the days that followed, Lake began to try, without using any skills and props, in this copy of the world, and enjoy a peaceful life.

Five years later, Rick took a plane and went to the city's Guangzheng.

When the Masato Koto saw that he had not grown old, he was astonished and greeted Rick.

Rick also saw that Sato, a little girl, was next to Koto Masato, and the little girl looked at herself with curiosity.

Rick walked over and patted Sayago Saori's head.

The little Athena Jodo was scared, and ran directly behind Joto Koto, hiding from Lake.

"She's a little special. Chengto Guangzheng. I heard that you are adopting orphans recently and are going to send them to practice in some places. I have a friend, and I also want to go to those places you choose to practice. Can you arrange for my friend? Position! "Lake said with a smile to Mito Masato.

"The Honorable Lord No. 2 asked, of course, no problem, just don't know how old your friend is. I chose those training places, and recently the people there reminded me in particular that the younger the better, the older Even if you go there, it ’s not good practice. ”Chengto Guangzheng said respectfully to Lake.

After listening to it, Rick gave a stun, and it was no wonder that Chengto Guangzheng adopted the orphan instead of directly looking for the samurai owned by his family. Lake thinks about the age of Master Gu Yi. It is estimated that it can be 500 years old. Of course, it may be older, and it may be thousands of years old.

"My friend, it should be a little older than the orphan you choose. But it doesn't matter, just give her a place and let her practice." Rick said with a smile.

"Well. But the No. 2 lord, some of the cultivation sites are very dangerous, and they are not all safe. It can be said that after going to death, they will die a lifetime. And those in the cultivation places especially emphasized to me that after one year, Let me hold a lottery, and let the orphans I found choose to go to different cultivation locations for practice. Can your friend accept the lottery, or do you already have a cultivation location you want to go to? Take the liberty of asking, your friend, not afraid Are you in danger at the practice site? "Masato Masato said to Lake.

Rick was thinking of drawing lots. This is not a big problem. Don't say directly that Master Gu Yi wants to go to the Death Island. If it is exposed in advance that Master Gu Yi wants to get the Undead Phoenix Cloak, it may cause unnecessary trouble.

After all, I have the skills of seeing through fire and golden eyes. When the lottery started, I came over and helped Gu Yi to take a look. Then he told Gu Yi through the ability of spiritual communication that Gu Yi was drawn to the death island and it was absolutely no problem.

"My friend has some self-protection ability. You don't have to worry about her safety, and she doesn't think about where to cultivate. When you arrange the drawing one year later, tell me in advance that I will let my friend take part in the drawing. Cultivation place, she can go to where to practice! "Rake replied.

After hearing this from His Holiness No. 2, Chengto Guangzheng was relieved.

"Honor No.2, you haven't come to me for so many years. It's my pleasure to come here this busy time. I don't know if you come here this time, except to arrange for your friends to practice this one year later. Is there anything else I can do? ”Shoji Masato asked Rick.

Rick thought about it, for the time being there was really nothing to make the townsman Guangzheng contribute.

"Give me something delicious and delicious. I'll stay with you for a year. Wait for the orphans you adopted. After the lottery, go to their training destination. I will leave again!" Lak said with a smile.

This little girl, Sato Saori, heard Raike's words, and made a grimace at Lake behind Masato Masato, "Don't eat and drink!" Said Saori whispered.

"You must not be rude, apologize quickly! Lord No. 2 is my life-saving benefactor. Without him, I would have died years ago." Chengto Guangzheng immediately turned his head and said to Little Athena.

Then Mashiro Masato looked to Lake, "I'm sorry, Lord No.2, Saori, this child is my adopted granddaughter. She was spoiled by me! Her identity is special, I will tell you, hope You can understand her-"Kingo Guangzheng has to keep talking.

However, Rick waved his hand directly, preventing the city household Guangzheng.

"Oh!" Saito Saori whispered, and apologized to Lake.

"It's okay, don't need to apologize! It turned out to be a granddaughter. You don't need to tell me her history. I can see that there are some things that are inconvenient to say now. It's not the time!" Rake nodded to Masato Masato.

Now the identity of the little Athena should not be publicly disclosed and exposed, otherwise, once it is known by the sanctuary, it will be troublesome.

Rick felt that his current strength, even with Gu Yi, was not the opponent of several golden saints in Sanctuary.

"Saori, you go out to play first, and there is something else for me and His Holiness No. 2 to say!" Saito Mitsumasa said to the little Athena behind him.

Little Athena nodded and stared at Rick before leaving.

Chengto Guangzheng then let the people in this living room go out and close the door.

After the servants all left, Chengto Guangzheng looked at Rick.

"Honor No. 2 ~ ~ Do you feel that I can succeed?" Chengto Guangzheng looked sincerely at Rick.

After hearing it, he felt that he couldn't directly answer the question of Koto Masahiro. "Which aspect did you mean to succeed?" Lake asked Kyodo.

Chengto Guangzheng raised his finger and pointed out the door, "She, and me! I don't want to die, the doctor has diagnosed me, I have terminal illness, and I have a life span of at most ten years!" , Said to Lake.

After listening to it, thinking about the story of the Saint Seiya, when the bronze Saint Seiya got the holy clothes and returned to the city of Sato for the first time, the city of Emperor Koto was already dead.

However, Rick looked at the Masato Masato in front of him. In the future, don't tell the Masato Masato in the future, otherwise this guy who is afraid of death will easily jump.

When he was in Deep Well for the first time, when Lake met Koto Masato for the first time, he knew that this guy was afraid of death.

Rake thought that it was no wonder that Masato Masato had worked so hard to help Athena. He didn't want to die.

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