Global Sky Online

Chapter 1042: I don't know why history is always surprisingly similar

The crowd quickly hurried to the fat yarn weaved on the ground.

After Saori was shot by the golden arrow, the weak little universe in the body had improved significantly and began to resist the damage of the golden arrow.

Rake looked at the gauze and used the fire eye golden eye identification skills to check the current situation.

"Sato Saori (the goddess of Athena is reincarnated and will be fully awakened in 6 hours) is seriously injured.

In the body, the golden arrow of God is slain. After 48 hours, the golden arrow will pierce the heart and die.

Rescue method: Use the artifact of the goddess Athena, [Shield of Victory] to illuminate the golden arrow within 48 hours to dissolve the golden arrow. "

After looking at it, Rick froze, remembering that in the original book, Athena was shot by a golden arrow, which only lasted for 12 hours.

Rake thought, did he make it from less than one hundred catties to more than two hundred catties, the system also strengthened, and it was able to enter for 48 hours.

"Miss! What do you do, whoever will heal, come and rescue the lady!" Chen Ji shouted in panic.

"It hurts, I--" Saori went on.

Rick immediately crouched beside Saori, preventing Saori from continuing to speak.

"Save your strength, you can survive, believe me, I will save you. Go to bed first, it won't hurt to fall asleep." Rake said comforting Fat Saori.

Now, in this situation, Rick was going to guard Saori, and within six hours, Athena would be able to wake up.

Six hours later, while being awakened by the power of Athena, she was also shot in the golden class. When she couldn't get up, she could still draw her blood.

"Save me, Lord No. 2!" Saori said looking at Rick.

"It's okay, I will save you!" Rick then stood up and looked at the crowd.

At this time, the gate of the first Aries gold saint's palace of the Twelve Palaces opened to both sides.

From the gate, walked out of the Saint Seiya dressed in Aries' golden garment.

This golden suit is self-contained with a metal mask. The Aries Saint Seiya's face is not clear.

"Athena has been shot by the golden arrow! The golden arrow is very special and can slay the existence of gods. The only way to save Athena now is to reach the top of the twelfth house and obtain the shield of victory in the hand of the statue of Athena. The golden light of the shield of victory shines on the golden arrow, so that Athena can survive! "Said the golden saint of Aries.

Hoshiya and others looked at the golden saint Aries alertly.

Rick felt, however, that the tone of the Aries Saint Seiya was familiar.

"Xingya, Zilong, Shun, Glacier, the clothing of the four of you need to be repaired. You have experienced many battles before, and have caused minor damage to the clothing. The clothing is also alive. Fight again, Once the Saint Cloth is damaged, you can never be the opponent of the Golden Saint. To deal with the Golden Saint, you need to realize the seventh sense before you can defeat it. Delaying you for a minute, I will help you repair the Saint! ”Aries said .

After listening to it, Rick thought that in the original work, it was only one hour before Aries helped them to fix the holy garments.

What does this Aries say? It only takes a minute to fix it. It looks like this Aries wearing a golden suit is not fake.

Seiya, Zilong, Shunhe, and Glacier stood there hesitating, still alert, looking at the golden saint, Aries.

However, they did not wait for Seiya to agree. As soon as the Aries saint warrior raised his hand, four red circles circled on the four.

Seiya, Zilong, Shun and Glacier were surprised to find that the performance of their holy clothes was improving, and the holy clothes were being quickly repaired.

The minute was over soon, and the four of them were thanking Aries immediately.

"Come on, you go through the barriers, and the remaining Golden Saints will not be as friendly to you as I am! Be careful, if you fail, Athena will die. Athena can only survive for less than twelve hours. His Holiness No. 2 and Gu Yi, stay first, I have something to say to them! I will take care of the injured Athena, and I will not let other gold saints hurt Athena again! " A few people said.

Seiya, Zilong, Shun, and Glacier, look at Lord No. 2.

"Come on, Yihui, you go with them too. The five of you go first. I'll talk to this Aries saint!" Rake said to several people.

After hearing these five Xiaoqiang, Qiang looked at the fat sister Saori, who was shot by a golden arrow at the heart, and knew that this was not the time to hesitate.

The five members of Seiya started to rush into the Aries palace and ran towards the second house, Taurus palace.

"Help me, take Athena into my palace first! Chen Ji, you stay guard at the door of my Aries palace. An outsider approaches and informs us." The golden saint of Aries came over, watching the fat yarn weaving, right Rick said aside.

Rick nodded and joined forces with the Aries saint, and carried the wounded gauze carefully into the Aries palace.

"How come you have skills similar to True Shadow Words!" After placing Athena, Rake asked the Aries gold saint.

"Guess!" Said the Aries gold saint in a rather undertone tone, then opened its metal armor covering the face.

After looking at it, Rick was surprised to find that this Aries looks like himself.

Rick laughed, and the previous days online reminded, because he stayed in this copy of the world for too long, triggering the [twelve me] plot.

Rick thought that the [Twelve Me] that appeared would be the last little Wolverine girl in [Wolverine Three].

As a result, I did not expect that [Twelve Me] hidden serial copies of the plot directly appeared in [Saint Seiya], and also replaced the original Aries Gold Saint Seiya Mu.

Rake looked directly at his Aries, using the fire-eye golden eye identification ability.

"Aries I: One of the twelve golden saints, the main skill is to destroy and repair equipment, heal yourself, and hurt the enemy's red iris. (Return to His Holiness, or be killed, and leave in His Holiness. After this copy, gather twelve me to summon Aries me.) "

After reading the result of the appraisal, Rake took out the gold hoop directly.

"Are you going to die once in a battle or submit to me?" Lake asked this Aries, my golden saint.

"Don't hurry, if you want to hide, you can't kill me. I have a memory different from other golden saints and appear here. I myself am not used to being a golden saint. But my mission needs to stay behind The twelfth house, since I am an Aries gold saint, I must also do something. How about a deal, Lord No. 2? "Aries asked me to Rick, and his body flashed quickly and appeared directly in Aries. The gate of the palace.

That means that if His Holiness No. 2 does not agree, he is ready to leave.

Gu Yi, dressed in her Phoenix cloak, appeared with two red light **** in her hand, ready to hit this [Aries I].

"What deal?" Lake asked me.

"I do n’t think it's easy for you to kill me when I have the Golden Cloth. Lord No.2, you stay here, stay in the Aries palace until Hoshiya them, break through the twelfth house, use the shield of victory After shining on the golden arrow at the heart of Athena, Lord No.2, you are free! I promise, I will surrender to you then! "Aries said to Rick.

After listening to it, Rick nodded slightly. "Where's Master Gu Yi, can you leave?" Rick asked me Aries.

"Just as long as you stay, with my ability, keeping you alone is also responsible for my identity as one of the twelve golden saints, guarding the twelve palaces! I do n’t need the mage of Gu Yi to stay. Just go through the barriers. "Aries pointed to the passage to Taurus in the second house.

"You go and support them!" Rake said to Master Gu Yi, but in his mind, he directly informed Master Gu Yi and so on. After leaving, he immediately returned and was ready to take action to kill this Aries me.

Rick felt that this Aries, I took the ancient one, and only stayed with me, it is estimated to be against myself, or maybe against Athena who has been shot by the golden arrow.

Rick is not ready to bet on the character and credibility of [Aries I]. After all, killing Aries I will still be able to gather [Aries I] among the 12 me, which is more secure.

Rake judged that in the case of a surprise attack by himself and Gu Yi, it would not be difficult to kill him by pinching Aries back and forth.

Nodded a little, and started walking towards the exit behind the Aries palace.

Seeing that Gu Yi left, Aries relaxed and began to walk back gradually from the palace exit, and stood not far beside Lake.

Rake secretly launched his [King of the Decaying Gods] domain skills, slowly moving the body to lower the body, and let this Abyss Zone cover me.

"Don't tell me, what kind of existence do you have, why only leave me! What do you want, but just want to leave this world with me? Are you sure I can gather [twelve me]? If You ca n’t summon it forever if you ca n’t assemble it! ”Lake asked me with a smile.

"Holy Lord Two, what do you say, I don't understand it! How does this Aries saint warrior look like you!" Asked Fat Saori lying on the ground.

Aries me, looking at Rick, speaking first, and still talking to Athena, "It's okay, I'm just chatting with His Holiness No. 2. He may be my brother who has been separated for many years, you can sleep!"

Suddenly, Aries speeded up to approach Athena, raised my hand, and pressed the golden arrow at the heart to Athens, pressing the golden arrow directly into Athena's heart.

Fortunately, Rick had already prepared. Immediately make the golden hoop stick long, turn the golden hoop stick, and hit the Aries behind me.

But Aries sneered, and even prepared to rely on his golden robe, under the resistance of Rick's golden hoop, to press the golden arrow and let Athena die.

Suddenly, my laughter stopped, and a red light ball appeared in front of me.

The red aperture with huge thrust pushed me back Aries away from Athena.

The red aperture then exploded, and Rick's golden hoop also hit my back on Aries.

Before and after my body, Aries was hit hard by two heavy hits and was beaten down.

"Why kill Athena?" Rake asked, holding the golden hoop and placing it on my helmet in Aries.

"If your mission fails and you die, I will replace you. By then, I will be able to leave this world and become the deity. Wouldn't it be better. Unfortunately, I still underestimate the deity. How do you see me?" The sheep had blood in my mouth and asked Rick.

"The main thing is that you do good things when you come up. Your style is not like me. The things you do are not rewarding at all. It is too suspicious. If you ask for some benefits first or talk to me about more conditions, I may I will still believe you! But you are so anxious that when you see Athena being injured by a golden arrow, you want to kill Athena first, leaving me only to marry me as your golden saint, Let me be chased down by all the saints! "Rake said, and then hit a stick directly to my head in Aries.

"Touch", Aries, I [pawn]!

The golden garment of Aries begins to look like a pendant.

After killing Aries me, Rick got the online prompts from the heavens. After clearing [Wolverine III] and collecting twelve me, he can summon [Aries me]!

When I killed Aries, Rick was relieved, looking aside, lying on the ground, a little surprised, with a doubtful fat gauze on his face.

"You do n’t understand now, I ca n’t understand these. It ’s okay. After more than five hours, after the power of your Athena goddess is fully awakened, you will know why. Now, close your eyes and rest, reduce physical exertion, believe me, You will survive! Do n’t ask more, I will protect your safety, I will guard you! ”Lak smiled and came to the gauze to comfort him.

"Thank you, Lord No. 2!" Saori finished saying this and listened to Lord No. 2 and closed his eyes and lay.

"I'm going to help them, or are I here to guard Athena with you?" Mage Gu Yi asked Rake.

"Let ’s keep it together, there will be more than five hours, Athena will be able to awaken the divine power! When you leave, you have to rush. After all, even if you go now, you may not be able to hit the Saint Seiya closest to God. Add! "Rake said to Master Gu Yi.

Gu nodded after hearing it, knowing that Rake meant that after more than five hours, while Athena was hit by a golden arrow, he could not move ~ ~.

Looking at Gu Yi now, it was obvious that Lake wanted to draw at least two tubes of blood, upgrade her cloak of the Phoenix, and change it into a holy cloak, and then help Siya to deal with Saga.

Time passed by every minute and every second, Rake used fire eyes and golden eyes to identify the ability, and looked at the condition of fat yarn weaving.

Finally, the small universe on Saori began to erupt, completely awake, inherited the power of Athena, and restored the memory related to His Holiness.

Fortunately, Athena is still hit by the golden arrow, and cannot get up. As the golden arrow keeps approaching the heart, Athena must use as many small universes as possible to resist the damage of the **** of golden arrows.

From his arms, Rick took out five large empty needle tubes.

Athena opened her eyes at this moment, glaring at Rick and the large needle in his hand.

"Dare to draw my blood again, and when I'm fine, the first one will kill you, I--" said Athena, who had recovered her memory, threatening Rick.

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