Global Sky Online

Chapter 1069: Birth of stone monkey

When Hulk transformed into the state of Hulk, after entering the [node of time], a white aperture enveloped his body, and dragged him to quickly move through the time channel filled with clocks of various sizes Moving fast inside.

"I'm not done yet, let me go back for another minute and come back again!" Rake tried to shout, but dragging his white aperture, kept on.

During the time when Rick was forcibly carried in this time channel, he quickly lost his judgment on time and space.

I don't know how long it is over, and finally a light exit appears in front.

Rick was sent out.

The dazzling light made Rake close his eyes.

When Lake opened his eyes again, he found that the surroundings were completely dark and his body could not move!

"Am I blind and disabled!" Rick was a little worried, and immediately turned on the fire-eye and golden-eye fluoroscopy identification capabilities, looking at himself and his surroundings.

After watching it, Rake was relieved quickly.

Rake found that he is still in a state of transformation of the god-level Hulk.

Before the transformation of the god-level Hulk, there was a time limit for transformation, and now it is gone.

Zhutian Online has a reminder record, which should be sent by yourself during the time channel.

[The Dimensional Shock Bomb has reset the final Journey to the West replica world, and Player No. 2 is in the transformation state of the god-level Hulk and has gained too many killing values. After being judged, the transformation status of this god-level Hulk will continue to the player No. 2 lord, leaving this final Journey to the West. 】

Rick looked at him, and his body was actually in a big rock.

This big stone is on the top of a mountain with many peach trees.

Looking at the hints before Zhu Tian Online, Rick found that his main mission of [Final Journey to the West] changed.

"Congratulations to Honorable Player No. 2 who successfully launched the [Dimensional Shock Bomb] and entered the [node of time], and the original [Final Journey to the West] copy had an unpredictable misalignment reset.

[Final Journey to the West] Copy the world to complete the reset and reopen.

After restarting, the honorable player No. 2 intervened in [Final Journey] to change the birth point, and the birth point was positioned as the top of Huaguo Mountain.

Mainline task completion conditions: find [Jin Chanzi] reincarnation Jiangliu, assist him to go to Xitian to get the Mahayana scriptures, spread the complete Mahayana scriptures to the world, and save the world's suffering.

(During the process of Bible study, we cannot assist Jiang Liuer to fly and move for a long time.)

Mission Completion Reward: You will be given a journey to the west to gain one percent of qigong, degas, and win a fight to overcome the realm of Buddha.

Mission failure condition: Jin Chanzi reincarnated Jiang Liuer died.

Mission failure penalty: Lost player memory, imprisoned in this copy of [Final Journey to the West] to reincarnate and reincarnate, and continue to assist the same reincarnated Jin Chanzi to carry out Journey to the West. Until the success of the Bible study, the player's memory can be restored and leave this copy world. Penalties when leaving will be based on the number of repetitions after losing the player's memory, and each failure will deduct the current 30% of the full attribute value. "

After watching this change, [Lake Journey to the West] is the main mission, and now it seems that he appeared at the time when Sun Wukong had just arrived in Huaguoshan. His second prince, the demon saint, is about to release the stone monkey.

This [Final Journey to the West], due to the reset of the Dimensional Shock Bomb, both the copy world and the main line mission have changed from before.

Rick is also not sure now, this journey westward is still not the westward journey he knows.

As for the state of soul, Jin Chanzi who ate [Acacia unceasing for a hundred lives and 100 generations of pills], when he met him again, he did not know whether Jiang Liuer still had similar memories to himself.

Rick thought about it, feeling that he was a little impulsive just now.

Enter this [Final Journey to the West], but in order to accumulate the killing value of summoning the god-level Hulk to transform, accumulate the energy value of the food reserve of 300 spartans and enhance the strength, and return to the main world. Meteorites in the main world at noon next Tuesday When the kill strikes, save the world to be a superman.

As a result, this [Final Journey to the West] early strategy, they and Xiaoqing Xiaobai, Gu Yi they did quite well.

Using the Dimensional Shock Bomb, as I expected before, I obtained a huge amount of killing value for the transformation of the god-level Hulk, but this killing value was used by the angry Hulk to transform.

Rick smiled bitterly and moved his lower limbs hard.

"Ka-K-K-K!" The cracking sound of the stone sounded, and a few seconds later, the god-like Hulk transformed into Rick, standing at the top of Huaguo Mountain.

Rick looked at his body, from head to toe, growing a lot of green hair.

Lake estimates that it may take too long to pass through the nodal point of time, so that the hair on the sweat pores of his body has grown vigorously.

Now he has transformed into an oversized green-haired monkey, which can also be regarded as a green orangutan.

"Gu Yi, Xiaoqing Xiaobai, Fat Yazhong Ling, come out!" Lake tried to release his summoned creature.

The next second, a bald ancient mage, Xiaoqing Xiaobai, and Fat Yazhong Ling all appeared beside Rick.

A bald ancient mage, turned around the big green hair monkey of Laike, and looked at him with a smile: "The transformation status of the god-level Hulk continues until this copy ends, and finally the westward journey is reset and initialized. We came to the westward journey Initial point. The start after the reset is perfect, much better than we expected! "

Xiaoqing Xiaobai and Fat Yazhong Ling were also very interested, looking at the big green hair monkey in front of them.

Xiaoqing also reached out and tried to pull down a few green hairs from Lake and put them to her mouth to blow.

"What are you doing? It hurts! That's all my hair!" Rick said to Xiaoqing.

"I'll give it a try, you become like the original state of Sun Monkey, can you pluck a sweaty hair and change into several green hair monkeys ~ ~ It seems impossible!" Xiaoqing said with a smile.

"Of course it won't work, I won't be able to use that spell, and I will not be able to pull out the sweat on my body in the future!" Said Rick, staring at Xiaoqing.

"Brother No.2, now this copy is very good for us. It seems that it is a wise choice to use the dimensional shock bomb to reset the [Final Journey] world!" Xiao Bai also said happily.

"The birth point is good, but unfortunately, the killing value of the Hulk's transformation has not been left. I was a little impulsive before! Now my Hulk's transformation status, and then slaughter, I can't get the killing value!" Lei Ke said with regret.

Master Gu Yi shook his head. "You made the impulse, but you did it right. In the previous situation, the time node was not turned on. If you do n’t immediately perform the transformation of the god-level Hulk, it is likely that the next second, You will be killed by the demon who besieged you and Jin Chanzi. Even if you can drag it to the [node of time] to appear without changing your body, you have almost no hope to enter the [node of time] alive under the siege of gods. No You who are transformed are too weak compared to those gods, and Jin Chanzi cannot protect you. And, after watching the strength of this [Final Journey to the West], you feel that there is no god-level Hulk changed. Physically, can you keep Jiangliuer and complete the main task of the journey to the west! "

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