Global Sky Online

Chapter 1156: Earth Defense Forces will issue a disaster warning announcement

"I will pay attention next time!" Rake said with a smile, not as knowledgeable as Xiaoyu.

After a quick wash, Rake sat back at the table and ate with his parents.

"In the afternoon, my old classmates come to me for a party, and I will take your dad with you. You may not be able to come back tonight. Do you order takeaway at home at night, or should I sit down to have some meals first, and you will eat hot at night?" Mom said casually while eating .

"Where is the place to go to the party, can you take the children? Can I follow along?" Xiaoyu asked with interest.

"This party is a little far away, not in our city, and we don't have children. It's just old classmates drinking and chatting together. You and Rick are at home! Check the situation. If the party is very good, it will be on Tuesday evening at the latest. Come back, "said the mother.

After listening to it, I thought to myself that my dad and my mother, their secret research institute affiliated with the Earth Defense Force, had received in advance the news that the meteorite might fall to the earth.

The Earth Defense Force urgently recalled all these senior researchers and made preparations first.

"Let's order takeaway!" Rick said.

"Well, yes, just order takeout, no need to leave us meals!" Xiao Yu said quickly.

After lunch, my mother and father quickly cleaned up the table.

"Order some delicious food at night, and put the money on the table." After the dad finished, he went out with his mom.

After the door closed, Xiaoyu went directly to the table and collected the money.

"What do you want to eat at night? My mother left a lot of money this time, enough for us to eat a big meal." Xiao Yu said excitedly.

"Whatever you want to eat, just bring me a copy!"

"Let's eat roast duck, we two buy a large one, and then some small cakes and noodle sauce, cucumber sticks and the like, roll to eat." Xiaoyu said after thinking about it.

"Well, okay, give me two bottles of beer, call me at night to eat, and I will go back to lie down."

Rick finished, and went back to his room to sleep.

Lay in bed and slept until more than five o'clock in the evening before Rake woke up.

After waking up, Rake first logged into the egg cabin to see what happened on the little queen's side.

Also must seize the opportunity to introduce Skynet to the Earth Defense Forces for use in the main world, so that the small network can control the many scientific and technological equipment that calls the earth on the bright side.

Sat in the egg compartment and then pressed the start button.

With the egg compartment closed, when Rake opened his eyes again, he had come to his main online interface of the heavens.

"Ding Ding Ding!"

The sound of several sound information prompts.

Lek looked at it, starting at about three o'clock in the afternoon, the little queen began to send messages one after another.

"The astronomers of the Earth Defense Forces judged that the probability of the Earth being visited by the meteorite group at noon next Tuesday has reached one in five thousand."

"Not good, the latest news has reached one thousandth. No online, go online with me to an emergency meeting with the Earth Defense Force!"

"Forget it, I will go to this meeting myself, you will be online and contact me!"


Lake looked at the message sent by the little queen, it had been two hours, and I did not know how the emergency meeting of the Earth Defense Forces had been held.

"How is the meeting going, what's the latest news, I'm online?" Rake sent a message to the little queen.

"Ah, Venerable Two, your online is slow, just ended. Our video said that the Earth ’s chance of being visited by the meteorite group has reached one-fifth of the horror in the next Tuesday, and the probability is now from Information analysis, it is really improving with time, your warning is likely to be true! "The little queen quickly replied, and sent a virtual video conversation invitation to Rake.

"Ding Dong, the deputy leader of the poker team, the little queen requested a video call with you, whether to accept, yes / no?"

Lake chose 【Yes】.

Next second, a virtual stereoscopic projection of the little queen wearing a black poker team uniform appeared in front of Rick about a meter away.

The little queen just went to the meeting held by the Earth Defense Force and the head of the top team of the earth before sending it back to her own main online interface.

"What did the meeting say?" Rake asked the little queen.

"Let me show you a video first, which was announced by the Earth Defense Forces at the beginning of this meeting. It is a plan of the Earth Defense Forces to protect the earth, called [Military Defense Line." The little queen said, and sent it to Rake A small video.

Lei Ke opened the video and watched.

The video also has a nice background music.

The Earth Defense Force has established huge combat bases on Venus, Jupiter, Mercury, Mars, Saturn and the Moon.

The space where the earth orbits, also docks the space fort and fleet of the Earth Defense Force.

These fleets belonging to the earth have blocked the earth's trajectory, and can resist many crises in the galaxy to the earth's main world.

In the video, there also appeared an imaginary enemy alien fleet and meteorite. These imaginary enemies were successfully destroyed by the [Military Lines of Defense] established by the Earth Defense Force before approaching the earth.

Lake watched this video, it felt too strong, it was a good thing.

"I didn't expect that the Earth Defense Force still has this power. These fleets, as well as the combat bases on those planets, need technology far beyond the existing technology of the Earth's main world. The Earth Defense Force should send players to bring it back from the copy world. Look at it, the meteorite killing is no longer threatening! "Lek said with a smile, and he took a long breath, feeling that after two days, he didn't have to contribute himself.

"After you watch the video, at the end of the video, it shows that this is the 100-year plan of the Earth Defense Force. It just started. It is [Plan!], The plan is not understood, it is not completed yet! Now, even on the nearest moon, The bases of the Earth Defense Force have not been established! This video is for ordinary players and citizens of the earth, so as to avoid those who are too desperate after the announcement of the meteorite crisis, and the earth ’s main world will fall into chaos ahead of time. ”The little queen said with a smile With.

Like continue to watch it, it really is. At the end of this little video, I specifically stated that the 100-year plan, [Milky Way Line of Defense], once completed ~ ~ will protect the earth.

The little queen continued to say to Lake: "At six o'clock tonight, more than half an hour later, the Earth Defence Force decided to announce this meteorite disaster warning in the main world. Now I have the latest news that the meteorite group will be on the next Tuesday morning The chance of falling into the earth has reached 4%, which is extremely dangerous. The warning at 6 o'clock tonight is mainly for the earth players to prepare in advance.

As if the player has special items or skills that can damage the meteorite in space after being used in the main world, immediately report to the Earth Defense Force. At the meeting, I stated that once the meteorite group came to attack the earth, our poker team's No. 2 Venerable, I and the Queen will fight against meteorites in the main world and protect the main world. Of course, the main emphasis is on you, you can use a gold hoop to break most meteorites. The Earth Defense Force and other top team leaders, this time thank you very much for your contribution to the poker team and you.

They also said that we have any needs, despite mentioning. Do you have any needs, please tell me as soon as you think about it, by the way, do n’t tell the Queen about this demand. I'm going to wait to tell only the Big Queen that if she resists the meteorite attack in the main world, she will be rewarded with 5 million celestial coins. In order to prevent her lion from opening her mouth, she is going to take advantage of the fire. "

"Well, more than half an hour later, the Earth Defence Force will send out an announcement! The Earth Defence Force is in the main world. What are the preparations for weapons such as missiles that can hit space? How many missiles can be destroyed Meteorite, when are you going to launch? "Rake asked.

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