Global Sky Online

Chapter 424: ready

"Tony, Spider-Man Parker is looking at you in another space. Parker is saying, sir, I want to go home."

"I saw Parker's soul, and he looked at you with confidence, Iron Man."

"Parker is telling you that the greater your ability, the greater your responsibility, and you are Iron Man."

---- Lake whispered.

Rake turned into a narrator and began to instill chicken soup to Iron Man Tony.

"Ahhh!" Iron Man Tony heard his eyes wet, and finally couldn't stand it. Yang Tian shouted, Iron Man's uniform covered Tony's body.

The Avengers on the side saw this and stood back.

They looked at His Holiness No. 2 and his eyes changed, and it was too exciting.

"I'll save Parker, I'm Iron Man!" Tony growled.

After listening to Iron Man's Tony, Lake's hanging heart finally let go. It seems to be talking about Iron Man and seeing the effect. Now this is like Iron Man who has beaten chicken blood and can work in a state of workaholic. The machine is fine for a while.

"Dad!" A little girl ran to the wooden door and shouted.

Watching his daughter appear, Iron Man Tony didn't wake up from the state of going crazy, and retired the Iron Man suit.

"Go back and wait for me, and when I build a stable model of time and space traversal, go to the Avengers headquarters to find you." Iron Man Tony said.

"Okay." Rick nodded and closed it when he saw it, turning and walking towards the car parked outside the chalet villa. .

The other Avengers superheroes also said goodbye, and left quickly, lest Iron Man wait for a fight and fight with them.

When Hulk Banner was gone, he carefully took the Spider-Man doll away and hid it in his arms to block it with his big arm, so that Iron Man could not see it again.

Captain America started driving, heading towards the Avengers headquarters.

"Everyone stopped talking. Our invitation was very successful this time. Iron Man will devote all his efforts to the development of the time machine. Soon, he will be able to develop and build a space-time transit model." Rick said in the car with a smile.

"Historian No.2, if I want to leave the team in the future, don't persuade me, don't talk to me." The Captain of the United States driving said with a bit of fear.

"Well, Rogers, think about your original intention of playing Hydra on the battlefield, and remember your blood, you don't want to leave the team for the time being." Rake said with a smile.

Captain America Rogers was afraid to speak to His Holiness the Two.

Back at the Avengers headquarters, Raike and Thor are now full of hair. Thor is still bearded.

Rick and Thor, who were sent to the Avengers, gave two haircuts, which allowed them to go to a nearby high-end barber shop and go for a free haircut.

"Do we cut our hair? I feel so good and natural." Thor said.

"It's free, go, anyway, staying in this Avengers headquarters, Iron Man could not cross the model before the time machine steadily traversed, can not cross. After a while we travel back to the past, but have a chance to see past loved ones You can have a good image, "said Lake to Thor.

Thor thought about it and decided to have a haircut with Lake.

After more than an hour, Rick cut his short hair again. As for Thor's beard, his beard was cut and his hair was trimmed to normal length. The only thing is that Thor's big belly is fat and can't be demonstrated.

"I'm starting to lose weight now, and I don't seem to be in a hurry. There is a bar open over there, let's go to a bar!" Thor asked Thor.

Rick nodded, and the two went to the bar for drinks.

Entering the bar, it is not dark now, and very few people drink. Lake also saw a familiar person sitting on a sofa in a seat with a bow and arrow.

Rick sat directly with Thor, Thor.

"Eagle Eye, self-introduction, my name is Lord No. 2. You should know this, Thor." Rake greeted him with a smile and asked the waiter to send him a dozen beers.

"You're a doctor's brother, I've heard it. Thor, you and you have changed a lot." Hawkeye said as he watched Rick and Fat Thor.

"The appearance is just clouds, eagle eyes, you haven't arrived yet. Dry it, and you'll feel that I haven't changed after drinking it." Thunder God Thor opened a bottle of beer on the table and drank first. Woke up.

Rick, Thor, and Hawkeye talked first.

"Yes, Hawkeye, I wanted to learn archery a long time ago, and I just met you. You have guided me in archery these days. Anyway, the time machine is also developed, and there is still time." Rake Talking.

After finally encountering this rare archery master, Lake was not prepared to let go of this opportunity.

Although Lake's initial idea of ​​using a recurve bow as the main weapon has been abolished, he can learn a little bit of archery with Hawkeye, and maybe he can use it in the future.

With the guidance of the master of archery, Hawkeye, Lake felt better than himself.

"Holy Lord Two, aren't you a mage, and you want to learn archery? It's okay these days. I also live in the Avengers headquarters, where there is a dedicated archery field. I will take you to practice. Except for archery, you If you are interested in learning flying knives, my flying knives are not inferior to archery. "Hawkeye, who had already drunk too much, promised Rake very much, and also taught him more.

"Flying knife, okay, learn together." Rake said, did not expect to have an unexpected gain.

The three drank until the evening, and Thor threw down.

Hawkeye and Rick drank a bit higher.

The two took the fat man Thor Thor, hit a car, and returned to the Avengers headquarters.

Throw Thor to the floor of a room, and Rake and Hawkeye each returned to their room to rest.

The next day, Rick turned to Hawkeye to practice archery and flying knives.

Fortunately, eagle eye wine is okay ~ ~ I remember the promise to teach the No. 2 lord in the bar last night.

A week later, Rake was almost practicing, at least the arrow skills were improved a bit, and the feather changing arrows were faster.

However, Zhutian Online did not prompt Lake to gain the skills or power of arrowing or flying sword.

It is estimated that Rake has not gained power, which is the reason why he has not mastered the realm. He does not reach the realm that everything can be a whip, like using a whip.

However, in the realm of arrows and flying knives, Eagle Eye can't teach Rake, nor can it be achieved by practicing these days.

Rick stopped to practice arrows and flying knives. He stayed at this Avengers base first. Rick tried to carve wood blocks.

Rick carved the tyrant, but unfortunately the cursed puppet failed to transform.

Rake judged that this time and space annihilation had died, and the carved puppet was now unsuccessful.

Rake first carved a few Doomwood puppets and let them go.

"I arrived in the morning. The time machine model in the quantum field has been successfully developed and can be manufactured." This is the message to the Avengers before Iron Man Tony arrived.

The US team, Hulk, Rocket Bear, Eagle Eye, Ant-Man, Black Widow, Thor and Rick are drinking tea and beer on the lobby sofa inside the Avengers main entrance, waiting for Iron Man to arrive.

More than an hour later, Iron Man Tony drove a sports car and parked the car in front of the door of the Avengers base.

Iron Man in a black suit got out of the car and took out a Captain America shield from the trunk of the car.

Iron Man Tony walked into the hall with great energy, "Captain America, give you a gift!" Tony said, throwing the shield to the US team.

Captain America took over the shield, which was the same as the round shield he initially used.

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