Global Sky Online

Chapter 470: factory

Alita accompanied Rick and walked towards the metal building in the [Bounty Hunter] level hall.

The two walked, and they had nothing to do during the day anyway.

Alita ’s [Recycler] tasks are mostly performed at night. Her job of recovering foreign organs or metal limbs of loan defaulters in [Factory] does not violate the laws of the City of Steel, but [Factory] It looks better. It also requires that these [recyclers] be dispatched at night, and during the mission, try to complete the recovery task as quickly as possible and receive less attention. It is not recommended that [recyclers] should be shot in a place where the followers gather.

And Rake, it is not easy to use the soul in the daytime. Although the soul can also be used in the daytime, once the soul leaves the body, the physical body is like a vegetative body, and it can't wake up.

Rick was worried that once Dr. Ide found out how his body didn't wake up during the day, if Dr. Ide's occupational disease had committed, and Rick's soul returned a few hours later, it was estimated that his body would be taken by Eide The doctor disassembled the pieces to find the cause.

And with regard to the skills of the soul, Rake is not prepared to disclose it to anyone in this copy world, so as not to leak the news and bring more trouble and danger to himself.

Now, every night, sneaky souls come out, go to the city of the sky, Salem to release the field of declining gods, and slowly wear away the big boss of the city of the sky, Salem, Watt feels safe.

Anyway, the copy of [Battle Angel] does not stay within the time limit for completing the task, not to mention the mobile ball plug on the ground steel city, [Factory] has not begun now!

Rake analyzes that at this stage, Zhutian Online should not cause the player to stay in this copy for too long, and launch other disasters in this copy world to urge the player to complete the task and leave this copy world as soon as possible.

Rick and Alita walked slowly, and after more than an hour, they walked outside the metal hall where [Bounty Hunter] registered and handed in their tasks.

On the way, Alita also bought a piece of chocolate for Rick, a large piece of pure black chocolate.

It ’s not too expensive. It ’s a festival in Iron City, and Rick did n’t remember. Anyway, chocolate tastes good. Rick eats as he walks along the way.

"I'll wait for you outside, go in and register for [Bounty Hunter] yourself, there are many [century] robots parked in this registration hall. I have resistance to those robots, and it is easy to have nightmares when I see too many homes at night "Alita whispered to Rick.

"Oh, you're also scared. When I ruled this Iron City, I dismantled [century] and sold scrap iron." Rick looked at Alita with a smile.

Alita heard Rick's words, grinned and smiled, and became nervous again. "Honor No. 2, this kind of joke should not be said again. If heard by the centurion robot, they listen in the body It is said that there is an intelligent judgment procedure. Once it is determined that you are a threat, you will be attacked. "Alita told Rick.

"Wait at the door, I'll be out in a while," Rick said, without explaining with Alita.

Rake now has Tinder in his heart and can control a Centurion robot, which can affect some Centurion processes. Rick didn't worry about Centurion's silly intelligent programs, he would automatically judge that his advanced semi-mechanical life with Tinder was a threat. Unless someone secretly gives orders to Centurion, the Centurion robot will attack itself.

Rick pushed open the heavy metal gate and entered the [Bounty Hunter] registration hall.

When Lake entered, the metal gate closed automatically.

Looking at the deepest part of the hall, Lake had a metal disk instrument, which should be the [bounty hunter] registration identity and the instrument for each submission.

There are two rows of [century] robots on both sides of the hall passage leading to the metal corridor leading to the instrument. There can be more than thirty [century] robots.

This [century] robots are all activated and the firepower facilities are turned on.

When Rick entered, more than thirty [century] robots were watching Rake with red lights on their metal heads. The laser weapon that came with them also went into the pre-launch mode and braved blue light and aimed at Rick. .

Rick knew it when he saw it. No wonder Alita didn't want to come in.

Being targeted by so many laser weapons at the same time belongs to putting their lives into the hands of these [century] robot programs.

Even if Rake turned on Admiralty to dodge, it is estimated that his civilian alien body is now moving too slowly to avoid so many [century] robot volleys and will be killed in a few seconds.

"I'm here to apply to join the [Bounty Hunter] organization. I have no malicious intentions to come in." Raike slowly raised his hands and shouted.

Rick waited for more than ten seconds before these [century] turned off the laser weapon's standby mode, but the laser weapons of more than 30 [century] robots were still aiming at him.

Rick smiled bitterly and walked forward boldly, next to the instrument in the deepest part of the hall.

"I want to apply for [Bounty Hunter]." Rake said, and activated the ability of the Tinder in the heart, changed some of the instruments registered for [Bounty Hunter], and let this instrument retain its registered identity, but not report The City of Sky Salem.

Rake also worried about the instrument and reported his identity, which caused the early attention of the city of Salem Riwat. Although Watt has been self-conscious recently, it's good to be cautious.

The instrument began to release the probe and scanned Lake's brain and eyes.

"Registration [Bounty Hunter] is completed, please enter the hunter code, once you enter it cannot be changed ~ ~ The electronic sound sounds.

"Honor No. 2!" Lake chose his original name.

"Honor No. 2 registered [Bounty Hunter] successfully. Killing wanted criminals will be issued to your hunter electronic identity card. Please keep the hunter electronic identity card carefully. This is when you accept the task and hand over the task. Confirmation of identity. Complete the task of killing wanted criminals, and come here with the skull of the wanted criminals, you will get the reward of the killing mission. The reward of the mission will be directly entered into your hunter identity card in the form of currency. Transfer money at will. "The electronic voice sounded again, and a blue and white electronic identity card popped up on a small disc in the instrument.

Rick took his own hunter identification card and took a look. It had an inquiry function, photos of wanted men and criminal records, and the location and time when they were recently found in the city of steel.

Rick put the hunter ID in his arms.

Registering for [Bounty Hunter] is quite easy. There are no restrictions or assessments here, but in order to get paid for the mission, the head of the wanted criminal needs to be replaced.

If you do n’t have any strength, even if you are a Bounty Hunter, you will not get rewards for the task.

Rick walked out of the hall and once again passed through the passage of the [Centurion] robot queue, and pushed open the metal gate and went out.

"Successful. From now on, I am a [bounty hunter] who is safe from violence and protects the city of iron and steel!" Rake took out his hunter identity card and said with a smile in front of Alita. With.

"Follow me at [factory] and register as [recycler]. We [recycler] registration is very easy, just go to [factory] and record it. Then you join my team, [recycler] The recovery missions were all sent directly from the [Factory] to the [Recycler] team. "Alita invited Rick.

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