Global Sky Online

Chapter 478: Before the war

"You wait for me below. I'll go up and meet the boss Victor to see if he is still hostile to you and ready to hit you!" Alita said still not quite assured.

"Okay, you go, quickly go back, I'll wait for you downstairs." Laike said with a smile, now that he has become the boss of Victor, even the chip in Victor's brain has been improved Alita went, and she definitely couldn't feel Victor was hostile to herself.

Alita then sat up in an elevator.

Lake waited below, and after more than ten minutes, Alita came down.

"Historian No.2, it seems that you and Victor talked successfully alone. Based on my understanding of Victor for many years, Victor appreciates you and trusts you. How did you do that? Yes, you just went up on your own, what did you say to Victor? "Alita smiled happily and asked Rick.

"I just showed some charm of my personality, Victor can be regarded as a discerning hero!" Rick said casually.

"I am assured that the factory is here. Victor will not shoot at you. I will send you back. Boss Victor is going to transform the area next to the factory and build a large motorized ball stadium. He also asked me what I have. What a good opinion, and let me be the chief supervisor of the design of this maneuvering ball stadium, I recently estimated that I am busy and can't go to you. "Alita said to Lake.

"How long will it take to build this kind of stadium?" Rake asked.

"The normal construction speed is not good for half a year. But it looks like the owner, Victor, is going to mobilize many materials and construction machines in the city of steel, and put all his efforts into the construction of this stadium. I estimate that this large mobile The playing field can be established, "Alita said.

Blake jumped into the back seat of Alita's powered motorcycle.

Alita started her motorcycle and drove away from the factory. She returned to the clinic and left, leaving her superintendent ready to devote herself to the construction of a motorized arena. Victor paid her a salary. She worked for nothing.

Lake estimates that the time he spends in this copy, it takes one month to set up a mobile ball stadium, and it takes three months to win a quarterly championship.

I should be able to stay in this ground steel city for another four months. If it is successful, I can complete this copy of the world first and win the main task of the mobile ball championship.

Then, leading the soldiers of the city of steel and centurion robots to attack the city of the sky, Salem, and kill the big boss watt in Salem, you can complete this copy of the world's two main line tasks.

After leaving this copy world, not only can he get treatment for his body injuries, but also get an extra reward.

After Lei Ke returned to the clinic, he began to pay close attention to the remaining time of this copy of the world, and Dr. Ide learned the dark technology medicine of this copy of the world.

Last night, Rick himself performed a head transplant himself, only to know that Dr. Ide had performed a head and heart replacement operation on himself, but it was very difficult. In this copy of the world, ordinary doctors cannot perform this level of surgery. .

During the following month, during the day, Dr. Lake continued to learn medicine at Dr. Yide, and encountered some simple operations. Dr. Yide also asked Mr. Rick to go to the operating table to perform surgery on the patient.

Every few days, in the afternoon, it is suitable for Lake to go to the bounty hunter bar.

For a month, Rake also reorganized the unruly bounty hunters and formed a team of bounty hunters.

In the evening, Rick went out of his soul and went to Salen in the city of the sky to continue to release the realm of kings in the declining god.

This time, Rek mainly set up the sky, those who control defensive weapons and combat soldiers.

Almost a month later, in the morning, Alita came to Lake, and took Lake to visit the large-scale mobile ball stadium just built.

In the past few days, the factory has issued advertisements throughout the city, telling the rules and rewards of mobile ball games, and encourage people with modified bodies to sign up for the ball games.

冠军 Each champion of the game will receive a high prize, and the person who wins the championship of the quarter will receive permanent residence to the city of Salem in the sky.

Civilians come to watch the mobile ball game. In addition to buying tickets, they can also invest money. Which player can be won can be won by the factory. There is absolutely no problem in terms of compensation.

Lake followed Alita's tour. The first mobile ball game of the City of Steel will be held here three days later.

I walked around the stadium, Alita was proud to tell Lake, the facilities in this stadium were built or proposed by her.

"I am going to participate in the mobile ball game, win the first quarter game, and go to the city of the sky to sell cold." Rake said.

"Okay, it's just that my one million is almost enough. If you win the championship, we should be able to go to the sky city to sell cold." Alita was very supportive of Rick to join the game, said excitedly.

Lake smiled, and it seemed that Victor continued to deceive Alita.

Alita now naively thinks that one million can go up to the sky.

I can't stop Lek's nature, let Alita think so.

It is estimated that three months later, I won the quarterly championship of this mobile ball plug. At that time, the steel city on the ground will soon attack the city of the sky, and take Alita and her friends to attack the sky together. City should not be difficult.

In the past month, Lake has cursed the combatants in the city of the sky, and most of them have been injured. There are still three months left. Lake feels that his soul is out at night, and he tries to curse some more. Three months later, The city will attack well.

Dr. Lake returned to the clinic in the afternoon and found that Dr. Yide's ex-wife, Dr. Qilian was talking to Dr. Yide.

进 After entering the house, Dr. Qilian has finished talking, nodded and said hello to her and left.

After Dr. Qi Qilian left, Dr. Lake noticed that Dr. Eide's expression had changed a little and was thinking about something.

"Honor No. 2, you guessed it right. Qilian has told me that the factory owner Victor has discovered the action of the city of the sky, Salen. The city of the sky is estimated to be attacked in five or six months. On the ground, we must kill all humans in the steel city on the ground, and want to replace the people in the steel city on the ground with robots. Qilian wants to invite me to the factory to help Victor transform the mechanical limbs and foreign bodies of the factory soldiers. " Dr. Ide said.

"Then you decide to go, or not?" Lake asked Dr. Ide.

"Go, the factory owner Victor prepares to launch an assault on the city of sky in advance three months later. Once we are defeated, the city of ground steel will perish ahead of time. There are better equipment and materials at the factory. I am in The variant of the factory soldiers there will improve their combat ability to some extent. You should not disclose this to anyone, and no one should tell to avoid panic. Did you go with me to the factory to help the soldiers' variants, or stay there? This clinic. "Dr. Ide asked Rick.

"Let's go with you, I have also made some meager efforts to help transform and upgrade the alien and mechanical bodies of the factory soldiers." Rick thought after thinking about it.

Lake thought about moving to the factory with Dr. Ide. In the past three months, he just had more opportunities.

He was under the guidance of Dr. Yide and Dr. Qilian, and he performed black technology surgery.

And in the factory, there are the best equipment, materials, and many transformed fighters, which are too suitable for improving medical skills at this stage.

"Okay, clean up tonight. Qilian will come to the car to pick me up to the factory tomorrow morning, and you will follow along." Dr. Yide patted Rake on the shoulder and said with relief.

In the evening, Rick went out of his soul again and went to the city of the sky to release the realm of the king of the declining gods. The soul floated down the metal pipe to the ground. After returning to his body, Rick simply packed his clothes Hit a parcel.

After having breakfast with Dr. Yide in the morning, Dr. Qilian came to pick them up.

He also came with four big men in black to help carry luggage.

Dr. Lake and Dr. Eide got into Dr. Qilian's car and headed towards the factory.

雷 Like has been here a few times and is no stranger.

Dr. Lake and Dr. Ide were assigned to two separate rooms, not far from each other.

Lake looked at his new room. The facilities were relatively complete, at least better than the cabin on the second floor of the clinic.

刚 Just moved today, and tomorrow, Dr. Yide will formally perform a foreign body modification operation on the soldiers in this factory.

While taking advantage of today's free time, Rick went to Alita's apartment, looked for Alita, and told her about the move so that Alita could not find him in the clinic.

"Okay, you both live in the factory. My team and I wanted to stay in the factory and were told that they were not enough. I just lived in the temporary room of the factory for one month last month when I was the supervisor. The accommodation environment of the factory Good, the food provided is not only free, but also delicious! "Alita said.

Blake then took Alita, looked at his new room, and then went with Alita to see her little friends.

"Do you guys want to add allogeneic organs or mechanical limbs? Recently, Dr. I and I worked at the factory and were responsible for upgrading and modifying allogeneic and mechanical limbs for the soldiers in the plant. If you want to install them, you can provide them for free. I also Can get you the highest level. "Lake said to these friends.

I heard Heike's words, these ten friends were hesitant. This mechanical limb or allogeneous organ is free to install, which is a good thing to take advantage of it.

However, the premise is to give up part of your original organs or limbs and replace them with mechanical ones.

"I don't change it, I feel that this human body is good ~ ~ I can live normally and die in this life, I will be content." Alita thought after thinking about it.

"I want to change two metal legs!"

"I won't change!"

"I want to have a strong arm!"

"I want to change a different eyeball, and I have to change my eyes. I am a bit short-sighted. It is not convenient to wear glasses, can I!"

Alita's ten friends, in the end, six of them want to replace foreign organs or mechanical limbs.

But Alita and the other four decided to continue using their original bodies and did not want to make changes.

Norrek forced them.

"Okay, I have written down the limbs and organs you want. I will apply tomorrow and I will have surgery on you in two days. By the way, the night after tomorrow is my first mobile ball game. This is the ticket. Remember to come. Cheer me up! "Rick issued tickets for his game to these friends.

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