Global Sky Online

Chapter 484: benefit

Rake quickly ran to the fifth floor of the main teaching building, jumped into an empty egg compartment, and pressed the start button.

As the metal lid of the egg compartment was closed and unknown liquid filled the egg compartment, Rake opened his eyes again and has returned to his own main online interface.

咚 "Ding Dong, congratulations to the advanced players on the earth, the earth is about to enter the copy of the battle for promotion to the silver rank from the bronze rank ---

玩家 For gold and above gold players, trading functions are suspended. Items and coins of the heavens were restored after 66 hours and 03 minutes.

During this period, gold and smart pets of players above the gold level are not allowed to trade coins and items.

All unions, teams, and other shared coins stored in the account can only be withdrawn and cannot be re-deposited to avoid low-level players to trade gold coins with gold players to bet. This time the earth is upgraded to bet only gold or gold Players above level participate. "

Lake drove the hint that Zhutian Online sent him. The content in that forum post was true.

And in that post there is less talk about gold and players above the gold level, things that cannot be traded for the time being, everything else is exactly the same.

"It's really Zhutian online shot, Zhutian online, you are fierce enough, you dare to move even my sister, you wait!" Rick was also angry, in this main world, his loved ones are parents and sister .

诸 Zhutian Online even erased her sister at random, and Leke's was stabbed constantly with a long silver needle, passively provoking.

Lake felt he couldn't wait any longer, this time on behalf of the earth to get a copy of the promotion to the silver rank, no matter how dangerous, he must participate.

Lake can not rest assured the safety of his sister Xiaoyu in the hands of other players.

Lake looked at the communication of Tiantian Online. He was continuously “ding ding” the reminder sound, which was sent by the little queen of the poker team.

"Little queen of the poker team, sent you a team video invitation, do you accept it?" Zhutian online reminder sounded.

"Accept!" Rick chose to accept. After all, this time Earth needs three players to register as a team, and a total registration fee of 300,000 tianzhu.

Lake thinks that the little queen and herself can be combined into a dragon knight, and the full attribute will increase by 30% again.

This time teaming up with the little queen will make you stronger again.

According to the announcement sent by Zhutian Online, Rake analyzed that the bronze planet to be promoted to the silver rank this time should not only be one earth, but at least ten or else it would not be possible to set it up on earth. Or players above the gold level, after betting on the successful promotion of the earth, the coins will increase tenfold.

Zhutian Online only hinted that it was going to [Monster Planet]. The specific rules for winning will be known after the promotion starts.

"Honor No. 2, you are online, have you received the online reminder from Zhutian, how about it, is your body recovered?" The virtual projection of the little queen in a sports suit appeared in front of Rick.

"The body has recovered, even stronger than the original, I have seen it. This time, I want to sign up for a copy of the silver promotion of the earth," said Rick directly.

"Okay, great! Rarely, I wanted to persuade you to participate. How many zombies do you have left, enough for 100,000? The three people participating in the contest have to pay a total of 300,000 zhuotins. I myself There are more than two hundred thousand coins, and the poker team's public account still has 100,000 thousand coins. I can take them out. "The little queen asked Lake.

够 "Enough, I also have more than two hundred thousand coins left unused!" Rake said, thankfully I returned from the [Battle Angel] copy world last night. I was too tired to go shopping in the trading area.

"You have enough coins. Let's team up and wait for the Queen to come online. Diplomats of the Earth Defense Forces in the Southern and Northern Hemispheres have contacted me. As long as we have a poker team, you and the Queen will sign up for this Earth promotion In the event, even if they failed in the end, the Earth could not be successfully promoted. They each gave us 150,000 tens of thousands of coins. This is the registration fee, which is funded by the Earth Defense Forces in the Southern and Northern Hemispheres.

If we make the earth successful from the bronze to the silver. The Earth Defense Forces in the Southern and Northern Hemispheres also promised to pay us more as a reward for Earth upgrades.

The Northern Hemisphere Earth Defense Forces will finally trade us 750,000 astronomical coins and three **** fruit. After the players have eaten, all the attributes will be increased by ten points, and each player will take at most one.

The Southern Hemisphere Earth Defense Force promises to give us 750,000 astronomical coins and each of us will have an artifact or skill below the artifact level. "Said the little queen.

Lake only knew that there was such a good thing. The Defense Forces in the northern and southern hemispheres of the earth even promised that as long as the earth succeeded in the promotion, they would actively send their competitors money and things.

Lake thought for a while that 15% of the population of the planet was randomly killed, which had a huge impact on the future development of the planet and its overall strength.

这份 The two major defense forces of the earth gave this money to encourage them to participate in the war. This reward is nothing compared to the 15% reduction in population.

However, in order to save his sister, even if there is no reward, Rick will participate in the battle this time.

Lake and the little queen were chatting with the video. After waiting for five or six minutes, the big queen was online, and the little queen also pulled the big queen into the video chat group.

"Big queen, do you still have tens of thousands of coins, we will form a team of three to sign up for the earth to upgrade to the monster planet copy of the silver band." Said the little queen.

"There are some hundred thousand coins, but I feel that it is good for the earth to continue to hide the actual strength, develop in secret, and not to advance. 15% of the population randomly disappeared, all of them are low-level players, and do not affect the total strength of the earth. Big. Once the earth is promoted to the silver level, no one knows what additional functions will be added to the melee battlefield. It is too dangerous. Relatively speaking, maintaining the status quo is safer for the earth. "The Queen said her opinion directly.

Lake quit after listening. If the younger sister Xiaoyu and the little fat man had not disappeared, he might still consider the idea of ​​the big queen, but now this situation must be fought, and this battle must be won.

Without waiting for Rick to say anything against it, the little queen, who knows the character of the big queen immediately, immediately promised the Earth Defense Forces in the northern and southern hemispheres, the 1.5 million coins rewarded after the victory, and the **** fruit and item reward Tell the big queen.

"Ah, in fact, I think about it carefully. It is also a good choice to advance the Earth. After all, if the Earth is not strong in the melee battlefield, it will sooner or later encounter attacks from passing by powerful alien races.

The God Fruit reward given by the Northern Hemisphere is still okay, which can increase the total attributes by 10 points, but the Southern Hemisphere gives too little. We only have one item below the artifact level or their designated item. We can use it. This item must be designated by us, settled now, and signed a contract.

They also give them few heaven coins, 1.5 million is not enough, the military in the northern and southern hemispheres must give us at least 3 million heaven coins. Those 3 million tianyuan coins are equivalent to our gambling rewards. After all, if we don't participate, each person puts out 100,000 coins to bet on the earth and succeed in the final promotion. Once the Earth advances, each of us will also receive a reward of one million coins. We took part in the adventure and won in the end, which is equivalent to getting less coins than other gold players involved in betting, and only got more rewards from the **** fruit in the northern hemisphere and the items in the southern hemisphere. "

"We have more honors!" Said the little queen.

After hearing this, the Queen queen her lips.

Lake listened to the analysis of the Queen, and felt the reward. The Earth Alliance in the northern and southern hemispheres seemed to give less.

"Okay, I'll contact the diplomats in the northern and southern hemispheres again," said the little queen.

Grand Queen nodded, and Lake was waiting.

Five minutes later, the little queen smiled. "The diplomats of the Earth Defense Forces in the northern and southern hemispheres have agreed to our request. The coins of the heavens doubled and we gave us a total of 3 million. Write the items or skills, they will now ask the silver players to buy in the trading area, and then sign a contract for us! "

"It seems that the reward is less, the Earth Defense Forces in the northern and southern hemispheres agreed so fast, I knew that 10 million tens of coins would be good! I think of the items, they must be expensive!" The Queen said with some regrets

等 "Wait for a few minutes, I will disconnect the video first and think about what I want." Rake said, first closed the video communication, and then released Gu Yi soul.

"I thought about using a fusion furnace to upgrade this Poseidon Trident semi-artifact as an artifact. After the upgrade, I must have the ability to imprison the enemy. I initially wanted to have Spider-Man's arms as materials. What are the other three synthetic materials? Can you still generate skills in the field? You also went to the trading area to see what good materials you can remember, even if you come up with it! "Rake asked Gu Yi soul.

After all, he cursed the field of the declining king of the jumping sword. After using it, Rick felt that the effect was too good. This trident of the Poseidon would be perfect if he could develop another field department skill.

"Spider-Man's arm material is good, but a bit cruel. Forget it, you are equivalent to the multiverse, you can also use Spider-Man's arm as the material. However, before this Triton artifact, it should be It doesn't work out of domain skills. Now that you want the ability to impede the enemy's effects, its own water properties need to be strengthened.

The other three materials I suggest are: Water Spirit Pearl (Semi-Artifact Level), Mermaid Tears (Semi-Artifact Level), Wannian Electric Eel Nedan (Semi-Artifact Level). "Said Gu Yi.

"Ah, it needs to be a semi-artifact level! I mean, although it is proposed, can it be lowered, this synthetic item requires a bit more, is there a trading area?" Laike said with a smile.

"It's okay to lower it, but the synthetic Poseidon Trident artifact effect skills and attributes will be weak. If you have these three items, plus the Spider-Man arm, I will control your fusion furnace synthesizer synthesis, Poseidon Trident will upgrade After that, the attributes should not be weaker than your existing artifact gold hoop stick. You can take care of it yourself. I have seen these materials in the trading area before, but some sellers put them on display that are attractive and do not sell at all. Some are behind A bunch of zeros are not sold sincerely. The only thing I didn't see in the trading area was that you want that Spider-Man's arm. "Gu Yi soul told Rake these things and returned to the cursed jumping sword.

Lake resumed a team video call with the big queen and the little queen.

"Big queen, you want (Light Night) 10 liters of perfect blood, so greedy, can the Earth Defense Forces in the Southern Hemisphere get it? Besides 10 liters of blood, you want to bleed those who have the perfect blood in black legend A dead body! "

As soon as Rick resumed the team video, he heard that the little queen was persuading the big queen.

"It's okay, they can get it. I have news that the Earth Defense Forces in the Southern Hemisphere got several copies of Underworld Legends to enter the scroll. As long as they work hard and send a few more people, they can get them in two days. It's a pity Now we are blocked by Zhu Tian online trading function, only after the earth is promoted, I can get this blood. "Said the Queen.

"Well, I'll report your request to the Southern Hemisphere Defense Forces first. I feel you are a vampire!" Said the little queen with a bitter smile, and she also knew that the big queen would need to absorb this kind of thing if she wanted to upgrade the ghoul bloodline. .

"Holy Lord Two, you want it too, send it to me for a look!" Said the little queen to Lake.

Rake sent the little queen the four things he wanted.

"You need four materials, you can spin Spider-Man's arms, water spirit beads (semi-artifact level), mermaid tears (semi-artifact level), ten-year electric eel inner Dan (semi-artifact level)." I couldn't believe it, and the more excited I became.

"Honor No. 2, are you the vampire ancestor, the 10 liters of perfect blood for the queen is black enough, and you want three semi-artifact-level items, can the Earth Defense Forces in the southern hemisphere get it?" The little queen was furious. , Staring at Reike, she felt that she could not negotiate with the military in the northern and southern hemispheres, this team was too difficult to bring.

"I got it. In addition to being able to spin Spider-Man's arms, the other three have appeared in the trading area not long ago. That is, Spider-Man's arms. They estimated to go to the Spider-Man copy and get me a fresh one." Rick said confidently.

"I seem to have written it wrong. I want 100 liters, and write zero less!" Said the Queen.

"Big queen, don't make a mess, I have already reported your request. Lord No. 2, are you sure you want these things, can you lower your requirements!" The little queen relented and asked Rick.

"You ca n’t lower the requirements! Let ’s do this first, but do n’t talk about it. Our rewards are given by the northern and southern hemisphere military after the successful promotion of the earth. There are many points, no problem. Let them take out the reserves of the heavenly coins for their respective gold-level players to take out, bet on them, all win the earth and successfully advance.

In the end, their ten-day coins can be increased tenfold. Our reward is nothing compared to their ten-time betting rewards. "Lake said to himself with an excuse.

After all, the level of this synthetic item is high or low, but it affects the attributes and skills of the Poseidon Trident.

I can do well, and Rake prefers not to synthesize or reduce requirements.

"Well, I'll check it out. It is estimated that the Earth Defense Forces in the Southern Hemisphere will not be able to get these four items, and the Northern Hemisphere Army will share them. I will eat the fruit of increased soul attributes and eat Later, I can raise my 20 points or more again, not as greedy as you. "Said the little queen.

"If you do n’t have more queens, please help me increase your agility or strength and endurance!" Said the queen to the queen.

The little queen pretended not to hear.

Lake and the Queen waited for another half an hour, and the Earth Defense Forces in the northern and southern hemispheres sent a contract. They agreed to the requirements of the poker team.

The items that Rake, the big queen, and the little queen wanted were obtained by the military in the northern and southern hemispheres within half an hour.

This speed is beyond the expectations of Lake and the Queen. It seems that the strength of the two Earth Defense Forces is still very strong.

However, due to the blocking of the online trading of Zhutian, we can only sign a contract for the time being.

And the contract is accompanied by a virtual three-dimensional photo of three people saying that they want the item to be rewarded. After the contract is signed, these items will be stored online by the heavens. If the earth successfully advances to the silver rank, the items will be directly transferred to three people.

His Holiness No. 2, the Great Queen, and the Little Queen looked at a very simple contract, and without any restrictions on them, the three signed the contract.

The last three of them teamed up, each person paid 100,000 yuan, and applied for a place in the promotion to the silver promotion of the silver stage. The little queen directly named the team 'Poker Team'.

Show time, 65 hours to open, now there are six teams on the earth to register.

接受 Accepting votes from other gold or above players. In the end, the team with the most votes was selected to participate in the battle on behalf of the earth.

Before the three members of the poker team signed up, the five squads won a maximum of only 9 votes.

Rick watched. When the poker team appeared in the area where the senior players voted, and it showed that the players were the avatars of the No. 2 lord, the big queen, and the little queen, it took more than ten seconds. The three of them Team, has already obtained 201 votes, far more than the five teams registered before.

Lake also cast a vote for his squad, anyway, keeping the vote is useless.

"There are more than two days. Don't enter other copies during this time. Now we can't replenish medicines and items ~ ~ Once you go to other copies, you will be injured. It ’s safe. I wo n’t enter the copies in two days , Come online a few hours ahead of time, don't be surprised! "Said the little queen to His Holiness and Queen.

"Well, I have paid the registration fee of 100,000, I will not let the accident happen, otherwise this registration fee will not be refunded to me online, I asked just now!" Said the Queen.

"Okay, after two days of rest, we entered this promotion, this time I promise to use the best strength!" Rake said.

"By the way, the Earth Defense Forces in the northern and southern hemispheres just now, when they promised me this reward, also invited us to participate in a demonstration to the players. At noon tomorrow in the melee battlefield, go to the castle of the undead. The military in the northern and southern hemispheres will start a battle The former mobilization meeting, let us show up. So that more gold-level players have confidence to bet on the earth to win.

The diplomats of the northern and southern hemisphere coalition forces told me that the Earth Defense Forces in the northern and southern hemispheres have bet all the heavenly coins that can be used for the promotion of the earth and bet on it. Once the Earth successfully advances to the silver rank, the Celestial Coins owned by the Earth Defense Forces will increase tenfold. They also hope that advanced players can also take advantage of this rare opportunity to make the ten-day coin tenfold, so that once the earth is promoted to the silver band, the overall strength of high-end players will also increase. "Said the little queen.

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