Global Sky Online

Chapter 606: Dream builder

"Why do you want to kill the professor in the upper space, Lord No. 2? You mean, the people in the upper space do not want the people in the real dream world where we are now to know their existence!" The little queen looked at Rick.

"It is very possible, for example, that you create a false dream world. If the people in the dream world know that the world is false, will you be upset and want to re-hypnotize those who can disturb the dream world or Eradicate it! "Rake analyzed.

"We went to the worst outcome and imagined that people who really exist in the upper world are going to hunt and kill this true dream world. They found that the alien species in this true dream world has been killed by the professor. Communicate with the professor and We who conveyed this idea to the professor will also be treated as alien by the day, and we are also in danger. It seems that it is even more difficult to complete this copy! "The little queen said with emotion.

"It's also good. At least people from the upper world appear. It's better than if we can't find information about the upper world. This is a danger and an opportunity. If we can catch a person from the upper world, it will also help us to complete this main line task 2. . Now we know nothing about the situation in the upper world, everything is our own conjecture.

However, our ontology should be in the upper world. We have to keep a low profile recently. In case people in the upper world appear in this real dream world and find that we cannot kill us, we will directly kill our ontology. We are likely to die directly. Will fail. "Lake thought for a while and then said.

Doctors and nurses in the ambulance have covered the professor's body and closed the rear door of the ambulance.

The ambulance started to leave the school's reception building.

"Come, go with me to the dream builder girl Adrian. The professor has no way to introduce her, we can only talk to Adrian ourselves, I hope that before the professor hanged up, he mentioned us with Adrian Things, "said Rick.

The little queen went to ask the staff in this street building. It turned out that the professor taught architecture.

After asking where the next school of architecture is in this university, Lake and the little queen started to go to the school's teaching building.

The campus is very large, and Rick and the little queen walked for more than 20 minutes before they came outside the school building of the School of Architecture.

Rake started the fire-eye golden eye skills, and began to look around the entire building of the academy according to the appearance of the girl Adrian in the original book.

Of course, whether or not you can find it is by luck, the students of this university do not come to class every day.

The little queen went to a few students who came in and out of the building and asked if they knew Adrian.

Unfortunately, after half an hour, neither the little queen nor Lake got anything.

"Let's find another way. We go directly to the principal's office or director's office of this school. You use the mind control skills Geass to control him. Then let the school assistants, secretaries and the like find us Adrian. It is much faster for people to find themselves on this campus. After all, Adrian may not live at school, and she may return to school when there are classes. "Rake told the little queen.

The little queen nodded, feeling that this method was much better than asking the students one by one.

It was easy to find the principal and director, and in half an hour, the little queen controlled an old lady director in the school of architecture.

The old lady's director then called her employees and ordered them to be called.

Half an hour later, in the office of the old lady's director, Rick and the little queen met Adrian who had arrived.

"What are you doing to me?" Adrian looked at the director, Lake and the little queen in wonder.

"Let's go out and talk!" Said the little queen.

The old lady director also nodded and motioned to Adrian to go out with them.

Adrian was more at ease in the school, and followed the little queen and Lake to the campus road, next to a bench.

"We want to invite you to join our dream-stealing team." The little queen directly stated her intention.

"You are the professor who mentioned to me after class yesterday. You said the lord No. 2 and the little queen! Why didn't you let the professor call me today, but instead you asked the director to look for me?" The young girl Adrian asked with some confusion. With.

After hearing Adrian's words, Rick and the little queen were somewhat relieved. It seemed that the old professor had done a good thing before hanging up, at least they had to invite Adrian to join the team, and advance with the girl Adrian said.

"Professor has just had a heart attack, and has gone to heaven!" Rake said, not ready to hide it. Anyway, the professor hangs up, and Adrian will know sooner or later.

"Ah, how is it possible! The professor gave us a lesson yesterday and couldn't see it at all. The professor looked tough and always exercised in the academy!" Adrian said with some surprise.

"The more I do n’t usually see the disease, the more I look at the healthy people, and the disease will only be killed once the disease suddenly breaks out. If the usually frail and sick people, they will be prepared with life-saving drugs to prevent them." Rake said, not telling now Adrian's affairs about the upper world, otherwise the upper world killer will be attracted, and it will be troublesome to kill Adrian again.

And Rick is worried that before she enters the dream world, Adrian will tell her too many dangerous things, and she will scare away this genius dreamer girl Adrian ~ ~ Oh, the professor is just Briefly told me about the dream stealing, specifically let me ask you, does the dream space really exist? The young girl Adrian asked Rick and the little queen.

"Let's go, tonight, you come to us, we will take you to experience a dream space, and you will understand when you go inside. The specific situation, we will talk about it after you go to the dream space." Rake said.

Lake believes that as long as Adrian, who lives a normal life, can enter a dream space, she will absolutely be fascinated by the magic of dream space. Now talking too much, it will easily make Adrian contradict.

"Okay, I'm leaving class after four in the afternoon, and I can go to you afterwards!" Adrian said.

The little queen then told Adrian the name of the hotel where she and His Holiness 2 were staying. The little queen also told Adrian her room number.

The girl Adrian hesitated after listening, looking at the little queen and His Holiness.

Rick saw Adrian's concerns. She should not dare to go to the hotel at night to find the little queen and herself, after all, the first day of contact.

"Let's meet at school in the evening. I asked the director to find us an empty classroom that will not be disturbed. The first time I entered the dream, it was in school." Rick thought after thinking about it.

"Okay!" Adrian was relieved.

Lake then returned to the director's office with the young queen and Adrian.

The old lady of the director was controlled by the little queen, and the classroom selection was smooth. In order to reassure Adrian, the little queen chose to be in this director's office. Anyway, the old lady of the director was off at four o'clock, and there was no one here.

The old lady gave the key to the office directly to Adrian.

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