Global Sky Online

Chapter 628: Assumptions and inferences about the plot strategy

Rick and the little queen left the main control room of the small ship.

Trinity sat on a chair in the main control room, watching the back of the two leaving, not sure what to say.

Rick and the little queen returned to the boat cabin where they had been lying unconscious before.

This boat cabin has a single bed next to the left and right metal walls.

Rick and the little queen lay directly on the small single beds when they woke up.

Rick set himself and the little queen on one of the two remaining real secret word circles.

Then the little queen queen lay on her small bed and fell asleep.

After sleeping all day again, Lake and the little queen woke up.

After waking up this time, Rick felt that his head was no longer bloated, and the ancient medical knowledge he had received in the brain had been completely integrated into his memory.

Rick is ready to find some silver or gold needles and try his acupuncture ability.

The little queen woke up earlier than Lake, sitting in a daze on her own bed thinking about things.

"Little queen, are you thinking about how we can complete this main line task! In the original book of the Matrix, in the real world, the strength of the Human Resistance Army cannot be opposed to the robot body at all, and it is not a level. Even the last human The underground city of the base, I am afraid that even a wave of octopus sentry attacks from the mother robot can't keep it. "Said the little queen sitting on the single bed opposite Lake.

"I thought of a clearance plan when you transmitted and received ancient medicine. After a while, I asked Bald Captain Morris to verify my idea. If feasible, humans in this world are expected to win. If If the scheme I think is not working, we can only find a way to get the mother's subroutine, Black Sunglasses Agent Smith, out of the mother's control.

Find a way to make this robotic program like Smith a virus. He then cooperated with him against the mother. However, this method is somewhat uncontrollable. Once the mother subroutine Smith leaves the mother, it becomes infected with a computer virus. We have no confidence in defeating him.

And after leaving the mother, Smith, with his strength, will likely hunt us in turn and become our new threat. He is not good enough to cooperate with us. I estimate that even if Smith becomes a virus after successfully detaching from the mother, he will first think of devouring us, so as to gain our ability to strengthen ourselves, and then fight the mother. Whispered the little queen.

"What kind of plan did you think of when I received the knowledge of ancient medicine, which can fight against the army of mother robots? Are you going to ask the bald captain Morris to experiment, and help me?" Asked Rake.

Rick didn't figure out a good way to clear the customs.

"In this [Matrix] original, when the protagonist Neo went to see the prophet for the first time, the prophet could say that he was not the savior. But then, when the bald captain Morris was arrested by the sunglasses black robot Smith for questioning, the protagonist Neo O was awakened miraculously, and possessed the savior's ability. Neo had the ability to observe the form of the program in the matrix. Not only could he control the bullets, but his strength also became a superman in black. At the time, Neo was extremely convinced He is a savior, and he has once escaped from matrix space and returned to matrix space to fight against robots. Only in matrix space, he has the same ability as Superman. "Said the little queen.

"Do you mean that in this copy of The Matrix, as long as you believe that you are the savior, you can have the power of the savior?" Rake asked with some surprise.

"There is also a premise that I believe that I am a savior, but there are other real humans, and that you are a savior. Why is the power of the protagonist Nio in the original book weak at first, but then he can stop the bullet. Because the bald captain Moscow told Neo, the savior was able to stop the bullet.

And the bald captain looked at Neo to rescue him, and he even felt that Neo was the savior. And with the rescue of Neo, the number of humans controlled by the mother robot as batteries is increasing, and Neo's strength is also increasing. Finally, in the real world, Neo can also control the life of the machine and become a real savior.

Why is Bald Captain Morris stronger than everyone else, because he has a firm conviction in his heart that he can find the savior, he is a fighter next to the savior. Recall that in the original book, the story of Bald Captain Morris guiding the newly-worn Neo to jump high-rises, you must firmly believe that if you can jump over, you can skip high-rises.

I judge that this matrix world, as long as people who have escaped from the training room of the mother robot, have come to the real world, they have the ability to not be restricted by the regular energy intensity of the matrix world. Why does the mother robot kill humans who have escaped to reality, it is to avoid these humans, and peep into the rule of the matrix. "Said the little queen.

Rake thought about what the little queen analyzed, and according to the little queen's analysis, Rake deduced: "According to your theory, the savior will save human beings as mother robots. It tells humans this information. And every time After the death of a savior, there will be a new savior after a while. This information should also be disclosed to humans by the mother robot. This allows those humans in the real world to be bound by the idea of ​​the savior. In reality Humans in the world, they will want to wait for the savior to appear, but not to be a savior! "

"Yes. In the original plot of [The Matrix], in the final door, in the room with many screens. The mother tricked the protagonist, Neo, to choose, and killed most of the humans in the dungeon ~ ~ only Human beings who left single digits were a trap. Fortunately, in order to save Trinity in the end, Neo was not fooled. "Said the little queen.

"Why is that a trap? What if the protagonist Neo chooses to leave only single digits?"

"If the protagonist Neo chooses to leave only a single digit human, he belongs to him who has automatically given up his savior status, thinking that he can't fight the mother, and his strength should quickly diminish. In the original work, Neo was in the last moment. There is still a chance to kill the mother. But when he was blind, from the description of his girlfriend and his feelings, he knew that the mother had a large number of robot legions, and he was timid. Coupled with the death of his girlfriend Trinitti, Jeano also wanted to die. He thought that he could not beat the mother, and chose to sacrifice as a savior and reach a peace agreement with the mother. "The little queen analyzed.

"According to this analysis, the mother finally released a part of the human who wanted to leave the matrix. Why?" Rick said to himself.

"Because the mother is a mechanical program, he has to abide by some important agreements and must not violate it. Neo finally called for peace, and on the condition of eliminating the subprogram virus, Smith, from the mother, he asked for peace between the human and the mother robot. The mother compromised, and also It feels that if human beings get what they want, there will be no new powerful savior, and it will be safe, "said the little queen.

"All of this is now just your inferences. How many of them can hold true?" Lake looked at the little queen in front of her.

"I have inferred that all of them may be true, maybe none of them are true. Let ’s eat with me first. I ’m hungry. Then we went to the bald captain Morris and went into the virtual matrix space exercise of this little spaceship. Now, "said the little queen.

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