Global Sky Online

Chapter 679: Light Rain's Special Talent Skills

"Son, do n’t go to the castle in the melee battlefield recently. After the earth has advanced to the silver rank, the frequency of alien players appearing near our castle seems to be much higher than before. Hey, I do n’t know if the earth is promoted to the silver rank. Is it right or wrong? "Dad sips tea and tells Rick.

"Well, I see. Sooner or later, the earth will take that step to advance to the higher ranks, and it is not always possible to hide strength in the lower ranks. This time the earth successfully advances to the silver rank, I feel it is the right decision. At least from the current situation, Zhutian Online has opened up higher copy access permissions for Earth players. With the huge base of Earth players, some players will be lucky to complete those advanced copies and get better items and skills. In this way, the strength of the Earth can be more powerful . "Lake told his dad.

"Lake, it ’s our job to defend the earth. But you have n’t entered the Heaven Online for less than half a year now, and your strength is not strong. Once the war of alien invasion on the earth, you must not be afraid to die. On the front line of the melee battlefield, your current strength has not contributed much.

What you have to do now is to build up your strength. After a few years, you have graduated from college, and your strength is at least Platinum Advanced or above. Then go to the melee battlefield castle, and do some auxiliary defending the city. At that time, you can make more contributions to the earth in the melee battlefield than in the present. "Dad looked very seriously and turned to look at Rick and said.

"Okay, dad, I promise to go to the melee battlefield after the strength reaches the silver level or above, not in advance." Lake also formally assured his father.

Rake thought that his current attributes, including the increase in the value of the red magic levitating cloak after identifying the master, plus the attributes and layers of the golden hoop stick and pet green and white snakes, all belong to the high rank of the king.

I am the strongest group of earth players now.

If you continue to hide in the copy of the main world of the earth, after graduating from college, according to the current growth rate of your strength, if everything goes well, you should be able to reach the level of God-level player strength of more than 1,000 attribute points.

However, it is estimated that if the melee battlefield did not participate in the battle itself, the earth players had been lucky to keep the alien players from attacking in the three years they had been in college, and they would have to pay for the lives of many gold, platinum and diamond players. The overall strength will be weakened a lot.

But Rick knew that there is a greater possibility that if he did not go to the melee battlefield to participate in the battle, this newly-advanced earth would have bad luck. He could not wait for his college graduation. In the 4 castles and central area of ​​the melee battlefield All portals will be captured by alien players.

Once that happens, there will be many alien players in the Earth's main world.

Those alien players are not traveling to the earth or doing charity, they will certainly enslave or kill humans in the main world of the earth.

Lake now has normal attributes, not counting those extra layers. The highest attribute is endurance, which has 190 points.

Zhutian's online evaluation of Rake's attributes is still only a high-level golden position. Rake still has a lot of room for improvement and can continue to level up in the copy world.

But Rick thought, now that he is already the top player on the earth, he can't always go for a single copy to not give the earth players in the melee battlefield.

If all the top players choose to hide in the copy world, single-brush or team leveling, instead of guarding the earth's defense line in the melee battlefield, the earth will soon be captured by alien players.

Rick felt that his leveling out equipment was almost the same, and he decided not to be a stand-alone king first, and occasionally he would participate in the battle against alien players in the mixed melee battlefield.

And the poker team that I joined myself, the little queen and others, all decided to join the melee battlefield and the alien players in the battle.

The senior queen players should be more thorough than the current situation in the melee battlefield that their dad saw through the news. The little queen and others should also feel vaguely. The earth force in the melee battlefield needs them now. Only by participating in the battle can the earth ’s power in the melee battlefield develop better, and they can also benefit from it.

Rick accompanied his father to watch the news of the scuffle battlefield on TV.

After the news, Dad started to watch costume movies, and Mom came to watch it together.

According to Rake's analysis, it is estimated that Dad and Mom are practicing the martial arts system.

Rake is clear about the original martial arts books, but my mother and father have been alive for so many years.

Although their strength is not expected to be strong, but they should copy normally, and it should be very dangerous.

After all, in the martial arts world, father and mother should already be familiar with it.

Rick thought about it and decided not to help his father and mother. They are like this, although their strength is not high, but at least there is no danger to their lives. Dad and mom, they made a copy, which is much safer than the copy they made.

"Let's go, Rick, walk with me downstairs!" Xiao Yu came to the sofa and said to Rick.

"It's all night. What are you going downstairs for?" Said Rick casually.

"I want to ask you to accompany me to practice the death scythe. We haven't done it for a long time. Recently, I have a new understanding with the death scythe." Xiao Yu said.

"Have you ever beaten me, how long has it been before you forgot about the miserable lesson when you played against me before?" Rick laughed thinking about the situation where he played against Xiao Yu before.

"I think about it this time, it's okay, you will accompany me to practice, I will not be hurt again!" Xiao Yu said confidently.

"Where did you get the confidence, what do you think, you really improved so much with the death scythe skill?" Rake also asked with some confusion, not knowing where the younger sister was so confident.

"Well. When we fight, Rick, you are in charge of defense and you are not allowed to counterattack. I will attack you and you will block it. I can use the death scythe to send and receive freely. We will not be injured in this practice, no one will Dangerous. "Xiaoyu grimaced and said, and began to pull Raike's arm and get Raike off the sofa.

After listening to it, Rick laughed bitterly. If he didn't fight back and only defended, he probably couldn't hurt the rain.

It would be strange to be able to hurt the light rain again!

"Well, with your practice, I just want to see if you have been lazy in recent months!" Rake said, and also wanted to see Xiaoyu's current martial arts strength.

Rick went to the kitchen to get the mop.

"Remember to take it back when you're done, don't use the mop, but use the floor!" The mother who was watching TV on the sofa also heard the conversation between Rick and Xiaoyu, and shouted.

Mom also knows that Rick has now been in Zhutian Online for almost half a year.

This Laker, who has experienced the online copy of Zhu Tian for almost half a year, and Xiao Yu who has not gone through Zhu Tian Online, have some advantages even with a mop rod, and it is not easy to seriously hurt Xiao Yu with a mop rod, and my mother also compares rest assured.

"Huh!" Rick agreed after removing the mop.

Xiaoyu has gone back to the house to get her death scythe, which is taller than her height.

Reaper's sickle didn't have a blade, but how did Rick feel that Xiaoyu was holding the reaper's sickle?

In the light rain, Lake felt that it was more suitable for her to take a flying sword.

"Let's go, Rick, let you see the power of my death scythe!" Xiao Yu said excitedly, after all, Rick promised not to fight back, Xiao Yu decided to take revenge this time.

Before the test with Lake, Xiao Yu could lose miserably.

Recently, when Xiaoyu cast the Death Scythe, he faintly had a new sensing ability, so he dared to come to Lake to try again.

"Go!" Rick said, went to the door to wear shoes and opened the door downstairs.

"You two go down, by the way, the garbage is here today, the garbage bag is in the kitchen." The mother sitting on the sofa watching TV shouted.

"Oh!" Xiao Yu watched Rick put on his shoes and opened the door. He had already gone downstairs, and it was only her who went to the kitchen and took the big garbage bag.

Xiaoyu felt that his morale against Rake was weakened by his mother's word.

But there is no way, Mom, Xiaoyu still listened, went to the kitchen to get a big garbage bag.

Xiaoyu took the big garbage bag in one hand and went downstairs with a sickle in one hand.

A few minutes later, the brothers and sisters came downstairs.

Xiaoyu first went to the trash can where they lived, and threw the big trash bag in his hand into the trash can.

Then went to the open space of the community sports equipment with Lake.

Fortunately, it's not too late and I can see clearly.

And at this time, no one in the community came down to exercise or exercise in the area of ​​sports equipment.

"Rick, are you ready, I'm going to start the trick, I will shoot you with the blade of the death scythe! Remember, don't fight back, you can only defend." Xiao Yu held the death scythe in both hands, Ready to fight, said to Lake.

"Come on!" Rake said casually, holding the mop with one hand.

Before in the copy world, Rick had held a gold hoop to fight too many strong players. Now he is dealing with the rain that has not yet entered the heavens online. Rick feels like he has returned to elementary school and is ready to accompany Xiao Yu for a while. Just do it as radio gymnastics.

As for Xiao Yu's provocation, Rick ignored it and didn't believe it.

If Light Rain can hit himself, Rick feels that he has gone through those copies.

Light rain took the sickle of death, and began to walk slowly towards Lake.

Rick felt that this momentum was not bad.

But Rick didn't care at all, still smiling, looking lazily, standing there with his mop in his hand.

When Xiaoyu approached Rick's elder brother, he realized that he didn't know how to start.

Xiaoyu stood facing Rake like that, the brothers and sisters stood with big eyes.

After standing for a while, Rick urged Xiao Yu: "You are attacking. You do n’t let me attack, just let me defend. You still do n’t do it yourself. It ’s getting dark for a while, and you should go back. No more hands, I can do it! "

After Xiaoyu heard it, he raised the sickle of death, and began to sweep towards Rick.

Rick still saw a lot of vulnerabilities in Xiaoyu's attacks.

Rick took a step back, but Xiao Yu actually responded extremely quickly this time, as if he had expected that Rick would recede in the same direction and distance.

Reaper's sickle followed a reversal, and Xiao Yu took a step forward and continued to chop at Rick's shoulder.

"Yes, it ’s quick to change!" Rake said, and the mop lever in his hand was pointed towards the death scythe.

But what made Lake a little surprised was that Xiao Yu was able to use his sickle to escape his stick.

Rake knew that although he didn't use all his strength, if he used a mop stick to attack, it would be difficult for ordinary martial arts to escape.

Reaper's sickle continued to hit Rick's shoulder.

This time, Rick quickly used a mop rod to make a triple combo. The power was not fully used, and the attack point was the handle of the sickle.

The first two clubs were hit by the light rain.

Third, Rick found that Xiaoyu still wanted to use the sickle of the death to hide, but the strength and speed of Xiaoyu could not keep up. Although he had predicted the attack point of his mop rod, he still did not succeed.

"Hello!" With a click, the stick was on the handle of Death's Scythe, and Xiao Yu's hands trembled and almost didn't catch Death's Scythe.

"You don't promise me not to fight back, just defense!" Xiao Yu backed away, shaking his numb hands, and raised his head to complain to Rick.

"I didn't attack you. This is my defense. I hit you with the death sickle. Light rain, your move with the death sickle this time is still the original one, but your fighting consciousness has become several times stronger than before. Not bad! "Lake laughed.

"Come again!" Xiaoyu continued to call Reck with the sickle of death.

Rake waved the mop and continued to fight with Xiaoyu.

After playing for more than ten minutes, Lake discovered that the movement, strength, and speed of Xiaoyu were almost the same as the original. What changed was only Xiaoyu's fighting consciousness.

Xiaoyu's fighting consciousness has become extremely acute, and he can predict his next way of evasion or counterattack, and then conduct a change of attack.

This increase in combat consciousness is much more difficult for Rake's experience than for cultivating moves, improving strength, and speed.

It should be through many battles between life and death, that this battle consciousness can only improve.

However, Lake looked at his sister Xiaoyu. It stands to reason that Xiaoyu should have no chance to experience the battle between life and death.

Lake wondered if Xiaoyu was like himself and was teamed up by old players in advance, using the scroll method to enter the copy of Zhutian Online.

Rake knows that this mode has not experienced the death penalty copy to get rewards, so he started to do tasks with the old players of Zhutian Online. The difficulty is quite high.

Rick didn't want Xiaoyu to make online copies of the heavens in advance, just like himself, which was too dangerous.

"No more, I can't beat you!" Xiao Yu took a few steps back and said shaking with a shaken hand.

"Okay, don't fight. But Xiaoyu, tell me, how did your fighting consciousness improve over the past few months? During your test with me just now, you can predict my next move and me many times. Dodge the position of the attack, and the prediction is quite accurate. "Rake asked loudly.

"I am a fighting genius!" Xiao Yu said.

"To be honest!" Lake looked at Xiaoyu with a serious expression.

"If you ask me to eat grilled skewers, I'll tell you my secret. At the gate of the first floor of our community, a new skewer, a small string of one yuan, has been opened. I have passed by several times when I came back. People will eat again. "Xiao Yu pointed at the gate of the community.

"Okay, you can eat as much as you want, but after you finish, you must tell me the truth!" Rake said.

Xiaoyu was very happy after hearing this, walked quickly in front of him, and took Rick to the kebab shop at the door.

There are small tables outside the shop. At this time, quite a few people come to eat skewers.

After Rick and Xiaoyu sat down, the waiter came over with the menu.

"If you want something to eat, order it twice, and order my one too," Rake said.

"Forty lamb skewers, forty kebabs, twenty beef skewers!" Xiao Yu took the menu and began to order skewers.

After light rain, the menu was handed to Rick.

Rick looked at it, and it was all skewers. This house doesn't grill vegetables.

"Twenty more chicken skins and twenty gluten! Here's a cold beer and fruit drink." Rick added more.

The brothers and sisters sat on the chairs and waited.

Rick took a few skewers and it tasted good. Started cold beer and started drinking.

Light rain drank the juice and ate the skewers contentedly.

For more than a hundred skewers, Rick ate two-thirds. Although the skewers were not expensive, they had very little meat on them.

In more than ten minutes, Rick and Xiaoyu finished eating, but they didn't eat enough.

Rick called the waiter for another sixty.

After the skewers came up this time, Rake slowly ate them. After Xiao Yu ate more than thirty skewers, he had enough.

Rick also drank a bottle of cold beer.

Rake checked out, got up with Xiaoyu, and walked around the neighborhood.

"Well, tell me the reason!" Lake asked Xiao Yu.

"I tell you this secret ~ ~ Lake, don't tell others. In fact, my talent in my body has been loose recently. This talent skill should be related to perception of the future. I just need to focus Spirit, you can see a very short future picture. Rick, when I tried with you, I relied on this talent and saw your next move and avoiding position before choosing to move.

However, during the test, I can see several possible moves from you. As time approaches, you will become a move. I'm tired than you. When compared with my classmates, they will have a way to recruit in the future. Xiaoyu whispered to Lake.

After listening to it, Rick stunned, and immediately started the fire-eye and gold-eye identification solution to investigate the situation of Xiao Yu.

However, the fire eye golden eye skills show that Xiao Yu has unknown talent skills, waiting to be awakened.

Rick pondered for a while. It is estimated that Xiao Yu's ability to perceive and see the future is just his talent for absorbing vitality, and it is necessary to awaken a trace of ability that was leaked before.

Rake judged that Xiao Yu's talent skills that awakened after half a year are very likely to be similar to the great prophecy, or to be able to observe the relevant time-related talent skills, or the causal talent skills.

This talent for time is extremely rare in the online, and it is more rare than healing.

"Except me, don't tell others that you have this ability. After you awaken your talent, don't tell others about your talent, whether in the main world or in the heavens online." Rick seriously Speaking to the light rain.

This kind of time-related talent skills are too weird and special. Before Xiaoyu is strong, once leaked, Lake is expected to bring a lot of trouble to Xiaoyu.

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