Global Sky Online

Chapter 687: Two days countdown between melee battlefield and Blue Star Wars

Lyk lay on his cot and soon fell asleep.

When he woke up the next day, it was already over ten in the morning, and Rake slept for almost 12 hours.

However, after finishing this long sleep at home, Rick felt much more relaxed, and his previous irritability and anxiety about entering the flood shortage had almost disappeared.

"The best way to adjust your spirit and body is to go back to your home and sleep in your own cot. This sleep is better than listening to Mother-in-law's Divine Comedy decompression effect!" Rake analyzed .

Then Rake changed his pajamas and went to wash.

Rick watched his sister Xiaoyu sitting on the sofa and watching TV. On the TV was a picture of the blue star marching in the melee battlefield.

"Rick, today, three days later, on Wednesday, June 2nd, the Blue Stars will arrive at the castle where the earth is located in the melee battlefield. I ’m all looking forward to this war coming soon, OK I can see the strength of the super strong players on our planet. "Xiao Yu said as he watched Wake wake up.

During the dinner last night, Xiaoyu was told by her mother, and it was forbidden to talk about Lake's slumber.

Xiaoyu didn't bother Rick this morning and stopped talking about Rick's laziness.

"Don't expect the Blue Stars to fight the Earth and fight against the Blue Stars. Our advantage is not obvious. Earth players will have a lot of casualties! Just like the TV news you watch now, the Earth Defense Force scouts who took these pictures back. It is estimated that it cannot retreat from the whole body. The scouts who went must have been found and killed by the Blue Stars. "Lake educated Xiaoyu.

Xiaoyu listened to Rick's words and thought, "Oh, yeah, when the earth players become strong, only we dare to hit others, and no one dares to hit us."

"Take your time in class, join the Heaven Online, and become a player to get a copy. Maybe ten years later, the powerful mission of the Earth will fall on you. By then, when you fight against alien players, you will not be a spectator, but It's the participants. At that time, the feeling before the war will be different from what you are now. "Rake said to Xiaoyu deeply.

"Lake, don't talk about these old-fashioned things. Mom and Dad are not at home. Where are we going to play this afternoon?" Xiao Yu said with a grimace on Rake.

"In this city, there is no fun place, how good to rest at home! I am going to log in to Zhutian Online to see in the afternoon, where do you want to play, can you do it yourself!" Asked Rake.

"Forget it, I'm boring to play by myself. I won't go. I'll watch my phone or TV at home!" Xiao Yu said.

Dad and mom went out today during the day.

My mother had already left for lunch. At noon, after Xiaoyu went to heat up the meal, she ate with Rick.

Light rain originally made Rick warm the rice, but Rick said that he guessed the size of the game and got a dice. Whoever loses went to the hot rice.

Xiaoyu agreed after thinking about it, holding a bowl and shaking the dice. As a result, under the ability of Rake to open the fire eyes and golden eyes, Xiaoyu went to lunch to warm the lunch.

After lunch, Rick returned to his room, entered the egg cabin, and logged into the heavens online.

Rick contacted the little queen. After all, it was June 1st on Tuesday. He was still in school, or was a brutal Daunt.

Lake is about to finish the first class, and then lead the poker team to attack the Blue Star Castle.

As of Wednesday, all schools have canceled the day.

Because there are senior high school teachers of gold or above, they have to go to the melee battlefield to participate in the earth's defense against the Blue Stars.

"On the morning of June 1st, the poker team was dispatched. Is it time for the Blue Stars to meet?" Rick sent a message to the little queen and asked.

"The time is set, I'm preparing to send to the poker team tonight. It's melee battlefield time, 9 am on June 1st, outside the East Gate City of the melee battlefield. Is there any problem with this time?" Said the little queen.

"No problem, this time is good!" Rake answered.

Recently in the main world school, their high school seniors and these students have begun to experience the copy. The school arranges a small class. The first class is from 8 to 8:40, and it is the only class in the day.

After class, the classroom and the egg training classroom are in a teaching building, upstairs and downstairs.

At the end of the class, Rick went directly upstairs to the egg cabin classroom, and logged in to Tiantian Online to gather in the melee battlefield, the time is right.

"How many reserve players have you received now? Don't bring too weak ones, this time to attack the Blue Star Castle, too weak reserve members go, it's useless, our old man still helps to look after him!" Asked Rick. queen.

"I have made arrangements for the reserve. This time I received a group of new players, grouped by hearts, squares, spades, and plums. There are 52 people from A to K. These reserves, in addition to individually possessing suitable teams Players with combat-talented skills play gold or above. Counting our original 15 players, this time the poker team played a total of 67 people. It can be said that Operation June 1 was the most poker team ever played. Once again.

By the way, Lord No.2, what is your commanding team's combat ability, can you command 67 people to fight? I am not assured of the command of the Queen. I directed it by myself, and I was a bit too busy to meet an emergency. The new players recruited by the poker team this time, I choose all women! "Asked the little queen.

"The 67-man team commanded the battle. I have no problem at all. Depending on the situation, I will be free when I want to fight. I can command the team to fight. How can I recruit female players this time? The poker team is going to be a women's legion! Isn't it? , I remember the old man in the poker team, but there are many male players! "Rake said with some confusion.

"Of the 15 elderly members of the poker team, there are 10 male members and 5 female members. However, among the players who were previously killed by the poker team, most of the next copies seduced by the queen are male players. Lessons learned, I will not recruit this time A male player, "said the little queen.

"Just like the bald queen, can you seduce others?" Rick asked with a smile.

"The big queen still looks pretty when she has hair. Now the big queen is bald because of the ghoul's transformation skills. But it is estimated that the big queen is still easy to seduce the reserve members wearing a wig. It is useless to warn the big queen, I have recruited female players this time, and I specifically explained to them that they are not allowed to privately copy or do tasks with the Queen, nor to lend the Queen coins or props to the Queen. "The Queen said with a wry smile.

"Well, the new members of the poker team's reserve are all female and female, at least looking good-looking!" Rake said.

"It's not necessarily seductive. I've selected four reserve members for you, all of whom have good talents. After the battle against the Blue Stars, what will you do to take them with you? The little ice girl before will be assigned to you. His men. "Said the little queen.

"I can't bring four with me!" Rake said.

"Of the four people, except Xiao Bingyu is a novice, the remaining three are old players with gold-level strength. They just joined our poker team. Those three people don't need you to look after too much." Said the little queen.

"I'll take one of them. I don't have time to take care of those three. The copy I made is a bit difficult. It is estimated that I will bring four people in, and it will be good if I can survive. If I take one, I will I'll go to a less dangerous copy in the future, and take her to take care of it. "Rake said after thinking about it.

Lake didn't plan to take copies of three unfamiliar people, especially the other three are old players who just joined the poker team.

The risk inside, Rick didn't talk directly to the little queen, and Rick felt that the little queen could understand her meaning.

"Okay, Lord No. 2, you are responsible for bringing Xiaobing Nu. She is now in silver level, and it is more difficult to bring. Xiaobing Nu, a player with a halo that returns to the blue sky, is very rare and very useful for team battles. .After joining our poker team, I plan to focus on training her in the future, don't hang her in the copy. "Said the little queen.

"Which one of me is it, little queen, you are a slander! I will take care of the little ice girl, and I will take multiple copies in the future, and try to bring her. Without threatening my life, if the little ice girl encounters Dangerous, I promise to save her. "Lake said with a smile.

The little queen was relieved when she heard the words of His Holiness No. 2.

The old players of them make copies, even if they bring new people, in the copy world, encounter situations that threaten their lives, no old players will save the new ones.

But when encountering some options that can gain benefits and save newcomers in the copy, some old players will choose to abandon the newcomers to gain benefits.

The little queen nodded.

"Nothing else I'm offline!" Lake sent a message to the little queen.

"On June 1, the melee battlefield time will be at the East Gate of the Undead Castle at 9 am next Tuesday, so don't be late," said the little queen.

Lake returned to "OK" and turned off the communicator.

Lake thinks about the young queen's poker team. The new recruits are all women. It is estimated that not only the young queen said on the surface, it is easy to prevent the queen from being framed.

Lake estimates that the little queen and the big queen are also selfish. It is estimated that the little queen and the big queen are going to set up a women's team. When there are many people, it will also be convenient for them to manage.

Rick is indifferent. Now, as the owner of the double artifact gold hoop stick and the Poseidon trident, he is definitely high enough in the poker team.

In addition, the undead warships called on June 1st can fly in the melee battlefield.

Lake believes that by then he just wants to be the head of the poker team and push down the big queen. There are also many old members of the poker team who will support themselves.

But Lake doesn't have time to manage the team right now, and he has to go to school during the day.

The management team is very energy-intensive. In the original world, Lake had been the president of the game guild.

Now in the real online world of the heavens, Lake knows that if he takes over the poker team and becomes the captain of the poker team, there will be more messy things, and he doesn't have that energy now.

The poker team is just a team composed of top players.

According to Rick, the captain of this poker team is limited in status, power and prestige.

Lake thinks that as long as the owner of the Castle of the Undead is revealed, he is several times higher than the captain of the poker team.

As long as you are the Lord of the Undead Castle City and say that you want to establish a player army, you can instantly build the second largest force of Earth players, second only to the Earth Defense Forces player army.

But those things, when I have time after graduating from college, let me talk about it.

Lake is also thinking about enjoying the "normal" campus life in the main world for a few years.

Lake then chose to go offline.

With the metal lid of the egg compartment open, Rake stepped out of the egg compartment.

This time Rick lay in his crib and continued to sleep.

When I slept at night to eat, my parents didn't come back.

It's just that my mother called Xiaoyu and said that they have some things to do. They won't be back tonight. Let the brothers and sisters, Rick and Xiaoyu, order a takeaway or cook some food by themselves.

At about six o'clock in the evening, Xiaoyu went to Lake's hut and woke up Lake who was sleeping, and told his mother, Father Lake, that he would not return at night.

"Otherwise we will continue to play the game at noon, shake the dice to guess the size, and who will lose who will make the dinner. How about Xiaoyu, I think you are very lucky, and you can predict the opponent ’s moves, maybe you will guess the size of the dice. , Your skills will be launched unintentionally, you can be 100% guessed! "Rake said to Xiaoyu with a smile, inducing Xiaoyu to play the game.

It's a pity that Rick didn't succeed this time.

"No, let's order takeaway tonight. Even if I guess the size I won, Lake's dishes are not delicious, not to mention I won't win." Xiao Yu said firmly.

"Well, what do you want to eat? I'll order it!" Rake looked at the idea of ​​letting Xiao Yu make dinner for himself, and thought of ordering takeaway.

"I want to eat sauerkraut fish. One sauerkraut fish is good. I will send you the connection of the shop and order two bowls of rice. We can just eat it directly." Xiao Yu said, picking up the mobile phone and quickly picking up a pickled fish restaurant The connection was sent to Lake.

Looking at the speed of the light rain, Lake thinks that the light rain is ready before waking up.

Anyway, Rick is rich now and doesn't care about asking his sister to eat.

Rick took a brief look, the evaluation of this pickled fish shop is quite high.

Rick chose a sauerkraut fish made of black fish, two bowls of rice, and another Mao Xuewang, a bottle of cold beer and fruit drinks, ready to drink some wine at night, and then go to sleep.

After placing the order, Rick got up to wash, and Xiao Yu himself held a mobile phone in the hall to watch a movie.

After more than half an hour, the delivery took place. The drizzle went to open the door. A large portion of pickled fish was much larger than the lunch box expected by Lake.

The siblings then started eating at the table.

This sauerkraut fish tastes good. Drinking cold beer, eating sauerkraut fish and Maoxuewang, Rake is not afraid of his bad stomach.

After all, the physical endurance value of Rick's body is very high, which is reflected in the main world, and Rick's physical quality has also become much stronger.

"Lake, if I were taken away by an alien, would you go and rescue me?" Xiao Yu asked coldly during the meal.

Rick froze after listening, looking at Xiao Yu's expectant look, "Of course I will rescue you, rest assured, no one dares to capture you. Even if you are really captured, your brother I promise to keep you safe Save it! Dare to catch the raining aliens in our house, that's really emboldened, I just dismantled the aliens' castles, and set back their master world for decades! ”Reck said firmly. With.

When he heard what Rake said, Xiao Yu smiled, and his expression became much happier. He continued to eat the pickled fish with a big mouth.

After dinner, Lake walked downstairs with Xiao Yu, and threw the takeaway box by the way.

After walking around the old neighborhood of his home, Rick proposed to go upstairs and go home to sleep.

Xiao Yu looked at the sky, it was already dark, and there was no good place to go, so he could only agree with Lake to go home with him.

When Rick came home, he slept in his own crib.

I slept until the next morning and was woken up by an alarm. Looking at the time, Rick had to go to school to study early.

Xiao Yu also just got up, my mom and dad haven't returned this morning, and no one of the brothers and sisters got up early to make breakfast.

"Let's eat on the way to school. I'll buy you some buns and soy milk!" Rake told Xiao Yu. It's time to start cooking at home, and it is estimated that he and Xiao Yu will be late for school.

"Well, you promised me last night that I would cook millet porridge regularly with a rice cooker. We both got up to drink this morning, and you didn't make it!" Xiao Yu complained.

"Did you agree? Why didn't I get a bit of an impression? You remembered it wrong, maybe it was agreed last month!" Laike said with a smile.

More than ten minutes later, Lake and Xiaoyu were on their way to school.

Passing by a bun shop, Rake bought a two-drawer Xiaolongbao and two cups of soy milk.

Rick ate it directly on the road, and Xiao Yu took it to school to eat again.

Rick and Xiaoyu walked for a while, and they separated, and Rick walked quickly towards his school.

After coming to the classroom, the head teacher did not come to see his self-study.

Rick felt that he had arrived early, knowing that the class teacher was away, so he was not so anxious to walk to school.

Xiaobing Nu has arrived and is sitting in her own seat and looking at the mobile phone.

Rick also stretched a lazy seat after taking a seat, picked up his phone and prepared to take a look.

Rick found that Xiaobingnu was turning her head and looking at herself.

Rick thought of the words of the little queen yesterday, and this little ice girl will be brought by herself in the future.

After the Battle of the Blue Stars, she will take Xiaobingnu to make a copy, so that she can upgrade her level faster, and don't die. Rake is not thinking about taking Xiaobingnu to a copy.

"Lake, have you forgotten something? For example, what day is it?" Xiaobingnu whispered to Rake.

"Tomorrow, Tuesday, June 1st, there seems to be rumors in the forum. Tomorrow the poker team will be dispatched to attack the Blue Star Castle," said Rick.

"Is there any rumor on the forum, why I didn't notice it. Although this matter is also important, but I am not talking about this melee battlefield, you have to think about what important day tomorrow is!" Xiaobing Nu told Rake With.

"Tomorrow June 1st, when June 2nd, the Blue Star 80,000 gold-level soldiers will reach the castle of the earth in the melee battlefield, and then a war will occur. June 1st will be the last day before the war!" Lei Ke thought for a while and then said.

"Hum!" Xiaobing turned her head and ignored Rick.

Rake didn't know what little nerve her little head had.

Rick didn't care about Xiaobing Nu anymore, picked up his mobile phone and watched the latest news about the Blue Star people on the Zhutian Online Forum.

Immediately before class, Rick glanced at Xiaobing Nu, and suddenly she remembered. Xiaobing seemed to say that her birthday was June 1st.

"It's such a big person, and they have become the online players of Heaven. What birthday is it? Going to the melee battlefield and killing alien talents is your destination. Let's go for it!" Rake quietly took advantage of the class teacher's ruthlessness, and said softly Speaking to the same girl at the same table.

"You still have a little head, remember my birthday. I estimate that on the day of my birthday, I will become the world-renowned little ice goddess. I will become the super savior of the earth. This is the most special birthday gift I have prepared for myself!" Xiao The ice girl was feeling better when she heard that Lake was remembering her birthday.

"Work hard, maiden!" Rake said, and decided to wait until tomorrow to attack the Blue Star Castle, he must be optimistic about this quiet looking ice girl.

Do n’t be a little ice girl after the war with the Blue Star, she got up, only silver-level strength dared to rush to the forefront of the battle, it was a tragedy to be killed by the Blue Star directly, then it will be the last of the Little Ice Girl tomorrow It's her birthday, it's her birthday.

The bell of "Ling Ling Ling" rang, the classroom door didn't open, and the students in the class sat and waited.

Two or three minutes later, the class teacher pushed the door open and walked in, and walked to the podium to announce class.

"On Wednesday, my class was canceled. I need to go to the melee battlefield on standby. You come to the classroom for a self-study class on Wednesday. Today and tomorrow, I will tell you in advance the precautions when fighting in the melee battlefield.

You have listened carefully to these two days of classes, and I ca n’t say for the future. After Wednesday, when will class resume again, you should pay attention to the mobile phone notification. The head teacher said brutally, this time with a serious expression.

The students in the classroom, looking at the appearance of the brutal aunt, also felt some tension before the war.

Rick listened to the class teacher's brutal Daunts and began to give lectures. In today's class, the Brutal Daunts focused on explaining some of the ways to save lives by walking or fighting inside and outside the castle in the melee battlefield.

Outside the melee battlefield castle, the team action, it is best to have a player with exploration skills or props, so that you can find distant enemies in advance.

Once engaged in alien races, don't have reservations, use all the strongest skills as soon as possible.

If you have defensive magic or defensive skills, start in advance.

In a melee battlefield, if you encounter special terrain or an environment that you haven't encountered before, if there are players without advanced exploration skills in the squad, don't rush into it, let alone touch it.

The map in the melee battlefield is very wide. Until now, Earth players have only explored a small part, and there are also neutral monsters and some unknown traps in the melee battlefield.

Rick listened to these contents of the brutal aunt, and some kind of brutal aunt told the students the last two lessons.

The brutal Taoist aunt is to instill her previous fighting experience and life-saving methods in the melee battlefield into the students in these two days of classes, regardless of whether the students can accept them in a short time.

Rake estimated that the cruel Dao did not have confidence. In the battle with the Blue Star the day after tomorrow, it would only be 100% alive.

After all, the ruthless Dao Aunt is the swordsman of the Sword Squad of the Northern Hemisphere Defense Forces, similar to the master of the Sword Squad. It is estimated that after the start of the battle with the Blue Stars, the Sword Squad, known for its lethality, will be launched. By the Blue Star senior players focused on the blow.

Today, the content of the melee battlefield that Brutal Dao talked about was summarized after combining her own many years of combat experience. After listening to it, Rick knew that he did not skip class today. It was too wise.

This melee battlefield experience course shared by the top players in the earth is estimated to be unknowable in any high school, even in college, it is difficult to hear.

Although the brutal Daunt introduced and explained things very quickly, and each item was said to end in a few minutes, Rick felt that even then, he heard a lot of useful things.

Through today ’s brutal Dao aunt ’s lesson, Rake better understands the current situation of the melee battlefield and some hidden crises, and also makes it easier for him to explore the melee battlefield later.

Neutral wild creatures still exist in the melee battlefield, and Rick understood it as a monster in the melee battlefield.

Some of these monsters also guard the mine. After killing these monsters, players can open the mine.

In addition, killing monsters in the melee battlefield can also receive rewards of celestial coins or a certain chance to drop some superb equipment and treasure chests.

Of course, the level of the monster, without identification and detection of players, it is difficult for ordinary players to judge.

Lake thinks that this is not a problem for himself. He has the talent of fire eyes and golden eyes (true solution), and it is not difficult to identify and detect monsters.

If I can occupy a field of mines in the wild, I will recruit the coins of the Undead Castle every month.

Most of the other students in the class are novice players. For the lesson that was infused with a lot of melee battlefield information today, they can remember only a limited amount of understanding.

The macho sitting in the back row nodded subconsciously while listening.

The bell for "Ling Ling Ling" rang.

The ruthless Dao of the old class was on the podium, and after the last paragraph of what was said, he announced the end of the class.

Then the brutal Daunt came down from the podium and walked towards the classroom.

Rick listened to the brutal Daunt's lessons for the first few months, and felt that he hadn't heard enough for the first time, and wanted to continue.

Unfortunately, this class has limited time.

Laike lamented that he has also become a good student who loves to learn and to take classes.

The students started to chat with each other after the brutal Daunts left the classroom.

Some students have gotten up from their seats and are ready to do their own thing.

The macho, skinny monkey, and fat man also got up from the seats in the back of the classroom and came to the front row of Rick.

"Leave, Boss Lei, I always feel like the end of the world is coming. Before the end of the world, we can do something. I have already discussed with the macho and the thin monkey, and I'm short of you! "The fat man walked quickly to Rick's seat and asked.

After listening to it, Rick looked at the skinny monkeys coming together with some interest.

Rick wondered if the skinny monkey was going to carry out his "big four beast" action plan. If so, before entering the floods, it is not uncommon to participate in the "Big Four Beasts" operation.

After all, the thin monkey came back from the future and wanted to perform this "four great beasts" operation to reverse the adverse war situation of the earth in the future.

Once this "Four Great Beasts" operation is successfully completed, Rake is guessing that the strength of the earth can be instantly increased, or that the number of people participating in this "Four Great Beasts" operation can be increased several times. .

"It's time to do something. You figured out what to do. Take me. I happen to be free today!" Rake said, but then Rick was disappointed when he heard what the macho said.

"We have already thought about it. There is a seafood buffet in the commercial street near our school. Usually we are reluctant to eat. This time before the Blue Stars attacked the Earth War, we went to a full meal at noon today and came to a pre-war bedroom. Dinner. We ate and prayed, and the earth won the battle with the Blue Stars two days later, "said the man.

"Yeah, that seafood buffet is cheaper at noon than at night, and the same things are provided at noon and at night. For this I haven't eaten this morning, so I'm empty, waiting to eat at noon!" Xiao The fat man patted his belly and said.

The skinny monkey on the side nodded and said, "I want to eat crabs too."

After listening to it, Rick was surprised. Before these three roommates, before Earth and the Blue Star Wars, they said they had to do something together. It turned out to be a dinner buffet in the form of a seafood buffet. Rick was helpless.

"Okay, let's go eat, I'll treat you. But go back to the dormitory for a rest, and then go at noon. It's still a little early, and I probably didn't open the door to the seafood buffet." Rake said.

"Lei Boss mighty!" Said the fat man excitedly.

"Lei Boss is really the boss!" The macho said.

"I want to eat ten big crabs!" Said the thin monkey.

On the side of the seat, the little ice girl, looking forward, looked at Rick.

Xiao Bingnu thought to herself that tomorrow is her birthday, so let Rick invite her to have a meal in advance, just celebrate it in advance.

It happened that she was going to participate in the melee battlefield poker team action tomorrow. Maybe her birthday would not pass in the main world.

However, Xiaobing Nu found that four people in Leike's bedroom were leaving. Leike had already stood up and had not invited her to eat seafood buffet together.

Xiaobing Nu hit his arm with Rick's arm.

"Ah, Xiaobingnu, is there anything wrong?" Lake turned and looked at Xiaobingnu sitting at the same table and asked.

"I can actually celebrate one day in advance!" Xiaobingnu said to Lake.

Rick nodded after hearing, "Yeah, you can celebrate one day in advance. But you also heard that, my roommate and I have already scheduled to go to the bedroom for dinner together. I can't go to your party. Bless you in advance, give Your sincere blessing! "Lake said with a smile.

The little fat man on the side listened and hurried to lead Lei Lei towards the classroom, otherwise this seafood hot pot that Lei Lei said was good may be yellowed by Xiao Bingnv.

The macho and skinny monkey subsequently blocked the sight of Xiaobingnv and let the fat man pull Rick away first.

"Which seafood buffet are you going to go for at noon!" Xiaobing asked the thin monkey.

"We are going to eat seafood instant noodles in the bedroom." The thin monkey replied and left immediately.

All four of Rick's bedroom had left the classroom. Xiaobingnu was so angry now that she seemed to be abandoned.

"How come so fast!" Rick asked the fat man.

"Can't take Xiaobingnu, that seafood buffet is very expensive. We are saving you money, boss Lei, don't thank us!" Said the little fat man.

"Oh, rest assured, I wasn't prepared to take her. It was inconvenient to take her to us. The four of us went to eat, and we could let go of it," said Rick.

"Boss Thunder is too wise!" The macho also said.

"Let's go back to the dorm room and prepare for a big meal!" Said the thin monkey.

The four of them passed through the playground and quickly returned to the bedroom.

Rick first returned to bed to lie down. He got up from class in the morning and got up too early.

After lying down for about an hour, at ten o'clock, the fat man began to come over and patted Rick's shoulder gently in his sleep.

Rick was awakened, watching the fat man's big round face in front of himself, and the fat man was thinking: "Seafood buffet is calling us!" "Seafood is already cooked!" "Seafood runs away without eating!"

Seeing that, Rick could only get up and washed his face.

After all, they promised, and Lake couldn't sleep anymore.

Rick finally packed and the four went downstairs quickly.

After leaving the campus, I took a taxi and headed for the commercial street.

This point came to the commercial street, and the mall there just opened soon. A few people went directly to the top self-service store in the big mall.

It was less than half past ten after that, and the seafood buffet started at eleven o'clock.

Fortunately, this seafood buffet has started accepting appointments.

The fat man first went back to pick up a four-person table.

"Walk up to the meeting, half an hour will soon pass, we can eat more when the meeting!" Meng Nan said.

The thin monkey and the fat man nodded.

Rick followed three roommates in the mall.

The top floor is a restaurant, and the four took the elevator to the next floor.

Rick and his roommate had nothing to buy, just stroll around casually.

There are a lot of shops selling clothing, but Rick has nothing to buy. Usually, it is good to wear sportswear at school.

Rick followed his roommate to reach the time close to 11 o'clock ~ ~ Fatty took the lead, and the four returned to the top seafood buffet restaurant again.

After the restaurant opened for business, four people entered, and the fat man picked a table for four people who was close to the food.

Then began to choose food with a plate.

The little fat man can order any seafood. The thin monkey loves crabs, and all the crabs can be used. Spicy crabs, boiled crabs and crab legs can't refuse.

Macho loves scallops.

Rick had eaten too much seafood in the copy world before. He had eaten all the raw and cooked food. He had eaten seafood for hundreds of years under the sea. This time he came to sit with his roommates.

Rick jumped a few scallops, took a small hot pot, started cooking himself, and asked the waiter for a bottle of low-alcohol liquor.

"Boss Lei, I'm going to have a big meal here today. We have to drink and we'll drink it at night!" The fierce man said to Lek.

"It's okay, drink less, I'll charge half a catty, and we'll share the four!" Rake said.

The seafood shells in front of the fat man were piled up soon. Fortunately, the waiter here was still working fast, and soon came over to take away these seafood shells.

Rake ate the cooked scallop meat, took a sip of wine, closed his eyes and thought, when he was free later, he ordered a copy of Neptune's follow-up.

And a copy of Superman, after the strength is stronger, you can go.

This is the Journey to the West. This hard copy is a dangerous copy. When you go to it, you will start from the suppression of Wuzhishan under the sea.

This time I went to Honghuang, I was ready to use the game coins that had been resurrected in place after my death, to get some benefits and come out quickly.

Rake prayed for his future self, and he would not pit himself!

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