Global Sky Online

Chapter 689: Honorable Earth Quest 1

Just when Rake was confused about his environment and status, the Tiantian Online task reminder sound finally came.

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the Honorable Player No. 2 who has entered the copy of the era of flood and desolation.

Brief introduction to the copy world: In the era of the flood and the end of the earth, the high-end players in the melee battlefield discovered the transmission channel to the earth's flood. The flooded earth is rich in resources, and high-end players in the universe have traveled to the flooded earth world in preparation for plunder.

The Hongyun ancestor, who felt the heaven and earth in Honghuang Earth, repelled the first invading army of high-end players at the expense of himself and sealed the large transmission channel that Honghuang Earth connected to the melee battlefield.

However, the coordinates of the flooded earth world have been exposed. High-end players in the universe, many races, have tried to break through the barriers of the flooded earth world through various methods, and entered the flooded earth to grab resources.

Already a small number of high-end players in the universe have reopened a small transmission channel to the flooded earth.

Fortunately, the great sage son-in-law, the great god, has the ability to make up for the sky and can seal this small transmission channel.

One year after His Holiness No. 2 entered this flood-stricken earth world, on the day of Qixing Lianzhu, Hongyun ’s seal on the melee battlefield transmission channel will weaken.

Now, in the time of flooding the earth, the twelve ancestors and many powerful men such as saints, demons, and human races have fallen.

The strong men of the flooded earth assembled in the Xiaoxiao Palace suspended in the clouds above the ground, ready to deal with the disaster of the invasion of the flooded earth by the high-end players of the universe one year later, on the day of the Seven Stars.

Player No. 2 status: The second disciple of the late Hongyun ancestor, No. 2 lord. (Pangu is your brother, your son-in-law is your sister.) You are now the owner of the Zixiao Palace in Honghuang Earth, and you are the leader of the powerful men in Honghuang Earth. (But as your identity, not long ago, in the process of killing high-end alien players who entered the floodland through a small transmission channel, they were just seriously injured.)

Duplicate World Mainline Mission: This duplicate world selects the mainline quest for two directions.

Main Quest 1: Honorary Earth I: Honorable Player II. One year later, on the day of the Seven Stars, when the high-end players of the universe invade the flood-earthed earth, command the commander of the flood-earthed earth and repel the army of high-end players.

Main Quest 2: The Traitor of the Flooded Earth: Player No. 2 and the Day of Seven Stars, help the high-end players in the universe, defeat the flooded Earth Powers, and plunder the flooded Earth.

Mission completion rewards: The main mission category will be selected according to the honorable player No. 2 and the main mission completion will be rewarded accordingly.

Mission Failure Penalty: If you are lucky enough to die, luck is yours, Zhu Tian Online is very kind, and there is no penalty for this copy.

Player No.2, please select mainline task 1 or mainline task 2 within 30 seconds. If it is out of date, do not choose it. Zhutian Online will randomly choose for the player.

Tips: Please be careful when choosing the main task of the No. 2 player. Once selected, you cannot change it. "

Rick listened to the introduction and explanation of the mission world of Zhutian Online, thinking about these two main-line missions. One was to destroy the floodland gangsters with high-end players in the universe and join the team that plundered the floodland.

One belongs to the aboriginals who lead this copy of the world's flooded earth to fight the invasion of the universe players.

Rick thought about it. The former future self should have selected Mainline Mission 1 to help the aboriginal people of the flooded earth and fight against alien players together.

After all, I [into the famine in early June] was the one who entrusted the son-in-law in the future to preach.

This shows that in the future, he will have a good relationship with his son-in-law.

Rake didn't want this flood-stricken earth to be plundered by aliens. If he wants to plunder, he can take some good things alone.

The flooded earth world should be the parallel space of the earth's main world.

Rick felt that the things here belonged to the Earth people, not to those alien universe players, and he happened to be Earth people.

"Choose the main task: Honor the Earth I," said Rick silently in his heart.

"Congratulations to Honorable Player No. 2 for completing the mainline mission selection." Zhu Tian's online prompt sounded again in Rick's head, and in front of Rick's right eye, a countdown of 365 days of the seven-star renju day appeared.

This copy of the flood and drought is not the same as what Lake had guessed before. After entering, he did not start from Pangu.

In the early and middle periods of the flood shortage, Lake felt he couldn't reach it.

Rake had planned before to go for a long time to see Pangu open up the world, listen to Hongyun's sermons, and try his best to get a chance of sanctification.

Later, in the continuous mainline mission of this flood copy, find one who can use game coins to die and quit.

As a result, this situation, this copy of the end of the flood era, there is no continuous mainline task at all, just a final mainline task.

And the unmasked Pangu Brother that Zhu Tian arranged for him has already opened up a world. Now in the flooded earth Xiaoxiao Palace, more than a dozen strong men are still suggesting to revive Pangu.

Rick looked down the stage and was the master of the Ling Xiao Palace.

This Ling Xiao Palace is suspended in the clouds of the flood-stricken earth. It is itself the Ling Xiao Palace Hall. The leaders of these copies of the world's aboriginal gods, at least before their identity.

Rick also knows why the son-in-law and sister-in-law of the audience and the strong and frightened powers had dared to oppress themselves to force themselves to resurrect Brother Pangu. It is estimated that these were also intended to test themselves.

The status of the current No. 2 lord, which was arranged by Zhutian Online, although he is a leader, was seriously injured in a recent battle with the invading universe Gao Wan.

The powerful men and women of the flood-stricken earth under the stage should guess that their strength is very weak after being seriously injured, and then they dare to unite. Similar to rebellion, they should resurrect Pangu.

As for reversing the earth and resurrecting Pangu Brothers, Lake didn't know how.

Zhutian Online didn't give any hint, but Rake guessed that resurrecting Brother Pangu would have to pay some, which is not a small price.

Before he could figure out how to resurrect the great **** Pangu, Rake decided not to agree to the proposals of the flooded and powerful leaders.

Find out the situation before making a decision.

Rick decided to hide himself, not to let those who are on the floodfields of the earth find that their strength is really low, at least they must be very strong, or they will become very strong in the future.

Otherwise, the identity of the earth's Lingxia Palace's main Honghuang earth leader may be overthrown by these big men in the audience, and no one will listen to his own orders.

One year later, on the day of the Seven Stars, when the high-end players in the universe invaded, he could not command anyone else. It is estimated that he would not be able to complete the task of leading the flooded earth to defeat the high-end players in the universe.

What's more, Rick is worried that once he reveals the identity of the weak, these aboriginal aboriginals are not all benevolent, and he will not be able to live until one year later.

After Rick had counted up, while the bell jar was still around, he stood up and glanced down the hall with a contemptuous look at the dozens of strong and horrible heroes.

"Previously, the deity attacked the cosmic players who entered the flooded earth from a small space channel. The deity only pretended to be injured. In order to fight against the robbery of the Seven Stars after one year, the deities used the Supreme Secret Method to spread their cultivation and have been separated 300 extra-legal avatars, sent to other space for penance. One year later, when the universe players invaded, I will recall 300 avatars, united to fight against the invading universe players. "Rake Hu said, saying that he Feeling impossible content, said to the hall, the more than a dozen flood-earth strong earth.

"Brother No. 2, do you have so many extra-legal avatars! Can you distribute 300 to other spaces at once? Why didn't I find out when you sent the avatars to other spaces?" The son-in-law of the snake's lower body, the great god, wondered. Watching Rick asking, before Rick asked her to explain the current situation, the son-in-law God hasn't said it yet.

Rake looked at the half-snake and half-woman son-in-law, and Rick smiled and continued to hustle: "This Supreme Secret is Master Hong Yun, who had previously deduced to the flooded earth. This teacher is sacrificing herself. Earlier, I was told the law, saying that I was born out of robberies, and told me not to say this.

But today ’s situation, I can only say in advance that I believe that the people present will not disclose that I have sent 300 extra-legal avatars to practice this Supreme Secret Law. On the day of Qixing Renzhu, after the recall of my 300 extra-legal avatars, my strength will soar again, and my deity is confident to lead Seoul and so on to resist the invasion from high-end players in the universe.

The calculation and preparation of Hong Yun's teacher can be figured out. We collectively thank Master Hongyun, who has calculated that he is going to fall, and he is working for the future of the flood-stricken earth. It is indeed a sage of heaven. "

Rake said, turned around and took the lead to salute behind the main hall of the back seat, and shouted: "Master Hongyun blesses Honghuang in the spirit of heaven!".

In the palace, the big brothers of the earth and wasteland, looked at each other, and this time they also worshiped in the direction of Rick's salute.

After all, His Holiness No. 2 has moved out of the last words of Master Hong Yun, who is a master of Taoism. Even if they are a little confused, they are not good to ask questions.

"Holy Lord No. 2 is one year away from the day of the Seven Star Lianzhu. Even if your three hundred extra-legal avatars can return, this year's time will be limited. Whether the holy Lord will consider reviving Pangu again The action of the Great God, after the resurrection of the Great God, which is integrated with the earth, we are more secure when we hold the earth in the wasteland! With the magical power of the ancestor of Hongyun, facing the invaders who are called high-end players in the universe, we all fall down. Have to guard! "Said a male brother in white.

After listening to it, Rick stared at the brother in white, and all of them flickered on it. The goods were still thinking of resurrecting Pangu. They didn't believe their strength.

Of course, compared with them, they really have no strength.

"This matter is very important. It takes a long time to discuss it. I will study it for a few days before making a decision." Rake said in a firm and unquestionable tone.

"This time we gather in the Ling Xiao Palace, we need to work out countermeasures against the invasion and disaster of high-end alien players, so that we can explain to the Honghuang Earth creatures and let them have the confidence to wait, otherwise I worry that the Three Kingdoms of the Honghuang people and the Lich will be a mess! Next, a white-bearded old Taoist spoke slowly.

Rick frowned after hearing this, and couldn't let these people tangle anymore.

"I am the Lord of Honghuang Lingxiao Palace, Lord No. 2! Only others will explain to me, and I do n’t need to explain to any soul. If you have to tell something to Hong Waste Earth, then tell them, No. 2 The holy one is the holy one, the universe is flooded, the world is full of wasteland, but this place is the only one. Only by obeying my assignments, on the day of the seven stars, the invasion of high-end players in the universe is not afraid. -

Seeing Lord No. 2 the Lord seems to be angry, the big brothers below no longer ask questions.

"That's it for today. I will study it with my brother later, and we will go to the nearest high-end player of the universe and see if we can find some useful information. You go back first, and I will inform you if there is any new news. "Said the son-in-law of the snake body, pinching a decree, and her snake's lower body became a human.

Many big brothers saw the son-in-law also speak, and then they said goodbye to Lord No. 2 and Son-in-law, and flew away one by one from the Ling Xiao Palace.

Soon in this hall, only Lek and Son-in-law were staring at each other.

Looking at the topic, Rick asked, "Are there too many high-end players in the universe? Can you ask them for useful information?"

After hearing this, the son-in-law sneered, "I ca n’t ask, if I could ask it long ago. These high-end players who invaded the floodland are all very tight-lipped, and they will not explain any useful information. Even if we have previously With the magic of torture the soul, they are suffering on the surface, the soul is almost collapsed, and they will not say any information. I really admire the perseverance of these universe players! I proposed to question the captives of the high-end players in the universe, It was just an excuse to let the saints go first, "the son-in-law said to Lake.

After listening to it, Rick thought about it. It stands to reason that players should not be so hard-hearted. The goddess of the son-in-law can start to torture the soul's spells, which is enough for most players to confess.

Rick suddenly thought that it may be the reason for the shielding ability of Zhutian Online in this mixed battlefield.

In the Zhutian online copy, any content that the player said about Zhutian Online will be tampered with by Zhutian Online, making these contents inaccessible to the aboriginal people of the copy world.

For the high-end players in the universe, now the flooded earth world is where they entered through the melee battlefield transmission channel. Gu Yi also exists like a copy of the player ’s world, so when these captive players are questioned, they explain , Aboriginal people of the copy world heard, but also useless words that have been tampered with.

Rake thought to himself, "It's really hard for these captive universe players to suffer. It is estimated that these captive players have been tortured during the interrogation process. They have long confessed, but the sons-in-law of these sons and daughters cannot listen at all Understand their confession. "

Now in the hall of the Ling Xiao Palace, all the aboriginals of the copy world are gone, and the son-in-law is left. Finally, Rick has no such sense of oppression.

Rake opened the fire-eye golden eyes perspective ability, observing the ancient Ling Xiao Palace and the situation outside.

The Ling Xiao Palace is suspended in the clouds, and complex matrix methods are continuously operating inside.

These formations automatically absorb the aura of heaven and earth, and the formations are also inlaid with many energy-like things to assist in providing power.

Lake looked at the flood-stricken earth below the Ling Xiao Palace, and saw the deep pits that fell behind like meteorites.

In some deep pits, there are living alien creatures.

Outside of the deep pits of living alien creatures, the light screen composed of the French array was sealed.

These alien creatures should be high-end alien players. They are imprisoned in the circle and cannot get out, and most of these aliens play high, and they are mostly wounded.

Some dying lying in the deep pit, looking at the sky with pitiful eyes, looking forward.

Rick feels that these high-end alien players really deserve it.

The flooded earth duplicates the world. The aborigines inside are everywhere, but the gods are everywhere. The strong are like dogs.

These aliens play hard and dare to open a small portal alone to break through and not follow the large troops.

They came and were sealed in a deep pit. They were not killed or taken away immediately, and their souls were used by the powerful craftsmanship of this flooded world. They were all lucky.

Rick continued to look up at the sky. The sky here is different from normal earth.

Every so far away in the sky, there is a large patch of energy circle. These big patches hit the sky as if it had been exposed before.

Rick thought that these patches should be in front of him, the masterpiece of the son-in-law and sister-in-law, and the son-in-law God sealed the small transmission channels opened by high-end alien players, but the seal was a bit unsightly.

"You should learn more about female workers!" Laike smiled ~ ~ and said to the son-in-law next to her.

"Brother No.2, are you really not prepared to resurrect Brother Pangu? In fact, we have resurrected Brother Pangu, and it will be easier for us to fight against the invasion of high-end alien players. Master Hongyun said before that you and Pangu have the closest system. Now At this time, the twelve ancestral witches who were transformed after Pangu opened the sky are dead. Only if you take the shot and run the Twelve Capitals of Gods and Demons, and use your blood to bless you, you can reunite the Pangu virtual image. As long as the Pangu virtual image comes out Too much, let Pangu's virtual image reverse the way Pangu opened up the sky, recapture part of the earth's energy, open up the world to reverse, and reunite the true body of Pangu! "The son-in-law said quietly to Lake.

After listening to it, Rake seemed to be unmoved, but he understood it in general. This is to let himself bleed. No wonder just now that not many big guys proposed to himself. It turned out to be a blood transfusion alone, only his blood type and Pangu is the closest.

"Am I going to die?" Rick asked the son-in-law somewhat.

"Twelve days, a large amount of blood and consciousness will be released every day, which will be able to operate the twelve capitals of the gods and demons. Based on your cultivation of Brother No.2, there should still be the possibility of survival. The damage is more serious. As long as you agree to this plan, I will let the existing saints and demons give you elixir to supplement the essence of blood and blood. With these drugs, you should not die. "Son-in-law seriously Expression, looked at Rick and said.

After listening to it, Rick felt that the aboriginals in this copy of the floodland were all bad guys. They even made themselves blood transfusions to awaken Pangu, which was so straightforward.

Rick felt that he should choose the main line task 2 before. Following the high-end players in the universe, he destroyed the flooded earth world.

Unfortunately, it is too late. Once the main task is selected, it cannot be changed.


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