Global Sky Online

Chapter 777: Stay on mars

The four of Rick went to the hot pot restaurant and ate a hot pot before returning to the bedroom.

It was more than eleven o'clock at night in the bedroom. Fortunately, the gate on the first floor of the bedroom was not locked at night in the new campus because of the reason of logging in to the egg cabin to go to the offline offline copy three years old.

After the four of them returned to the dormitory, they went to bed quickly. After all, they had to get up for class tomorrow morning.

Rick lay on the cot in his bedroom and soon fell asleep.

In the early morning the next day, the daring fat man roused Rake, and the macho and skinny monkey did not dare to call him while Rick was sleeping. He was afraid of being beaten.

Wake woke up stupidly and didn't want to go to class anymore, but today is the course of the cruel Taoist aunt.

After quick washing, Rick followed the macho, skinny monkey, and fat man to the cafeteria for a bowl of rice porridge, and after eating a piece of potato cake, he walked to the classroom.

Today, the brutal Dao came to see the morning self-study. When a few of Rick went to the classroom, the brutal Dao was already sitting at the teacher's desk and chair in front of the classroom.

The four of them did not speak when they entered the classroom. They quickly returned to their seats and took up their mobile phones to start studying hard.

Rick looked at the Zhutian Online Forum to see if there was any new news.

Now that the earth players have the Great Wall of Qin Shihuang in the melee battlefield, they have begun to go to the melee battlefield and try to explore the map farther away.

The forum said that the Earth Player Squad has also encountered other universe player teams in the melee battlefield.

However, in most cases, after encountering the universe players, both the earth players and the universe player squads will quickly get away, and there will be few battles.

Until now, the Earth Player Squad has not explored the area outside the Great Wall of the Earth, and the castles or portals of other universe players.

Looking at the information on the forum, Lake felt better, at least to prove that there is no castle like the Blue Star in the area around the earth.

However, as Earth players explore the melee battlefield in depth, it will be sooner or later to encounter other alien player castles and portals.

The bell rang during the class, and the cruel Taoist aunt stepped onto the podium.

Today, the cruel Dao Aunt did not talk about the cosmic players who infiltrated the copy, but began to talk about some of the precautions for the copy of the college entrance examination on Earth in previous years.

The time for the copy of the college entrance examination this year has been set by Zhutian Online. It is the time of the melee battlefield. On June 29th, there are more than 20 days for the college entrance examination.

However, this year Zhutian Online merged the Northern Hemisphere and Southern Hemisphere game areas, and the Earth advanced to the Silver Rank. What will happen to the copy of the college entrance examination this time, and the Earth Defense Forces are not clear.

Cruel Taoist aunt can only choose some typical examples from the copies of the college entrance examination in previous years, and tell the students.

In one class, after the brutal Dao gave five or six examples, it was time for the next class.

The brutal Dao directly announced the end of the class.

"Lake, Xiaobingnu, then come to the office!" The ruthless aunt finally said this after finishing class.

Rick was a little strange. He didn't do anything extraordinary at school recently. Why was the old class brutally called to the office?

After saying this, the brutal Daunt turned and left the classroom.

"Lake, have you done something wrong lately that has troubled me?" Xiaobing Nu raised her finger and asked Lek.

"You are the wicked, first, you are the right one to do the wrong thing. I am a good student with excellent academic skills, and my ruthless Dao asked us to go to the office. It may not be to preach to us. It is estimated that we will do something for us!" Analyzing, Xiao Bingnv's temper has become hot recently, and Lake feels that she has been a little bit quarreled with Xiao Bingnv.

Rick decided that when the next time he used the honor of No. 2 to take the copy of Xiaobingnv, he could no longer teach Xiaobingn to be bold and savage. To teach Xiaobingn to be a lady, it ’s best to teach Become the one who can't fight back or scold.

"Let's go, my sister takes you to see!" Xiao Bing Nu raised her hand and patted the table loudly.

"Go!" Rick also got up and left the classroom with Xiaobingnu, walking towards the office of the brutal aunt, after all, the brutal aunt was named, and he could not escape.

A few minutes later, Xiaobingnu first opened the door of the teacher's office and strode into it.

Rake looked at Xiaobingnu's indifferent look, smiled bitterly, and went in together.

The two came to the desk of Brutal Daunt, who had just sat down shortly after.

The brutal Daunt looked at Leike and Xiaobing Women and said, "Before graduating from high school, there was a simulated command league for senior high schools in this city. Only one class can sign up. Although this competition was a virtual command competition in, it won Students will receive rewards from the Earth Defense Forces.

While the winners can compete for glory in the school, they can also receive rewards from various coins. These Tianyuan rewards are sent to anonymous mailboxes and can be collected without revealing the identity of Zhutian Online. And in this virtual command competition, if it has achieved a good ranking, it will also receive key training in the universities of the Earth Defense Forces in the future.

In our class, both of you are not weak in virtual commanding ability, but only one person can participate in this competition. The two of you will first conduct a virtual command competition, and I will be the referee, and the competition will not be open to other students. "

After listening to it, Ruck knew that the ruthless Taoist auntie had herself or Xiaobingnu participate in the virtual command competition.

"How many celestial coins will you get in the first place in this virtual command competition!" Rake asked the brutal Daunt.

"Thousands of heavens reward!" Said Aunt Brutal.

After listening, Rick didn't want to participate in this virtual command match.

But I have a person with more than 20 million tens of thousands of coins, which is too little for myself.

And even if he can get the first place in the end, this high school command league is definitely not a command confrontation with a player. The whole league is too normal to compare ten games to eight games.

It took three or five days to finally be faster than the trial estimate.

At that time, Rick felt better to go to the copy or rest in the main world and relax himself. Master world

"Exactly, Rick, I have long wanted to compete with you again, this time I will definitely beat you a shame before the snow." Little Ice Girl waved her little fist, said excitedly in front of Rick.

Rick smiled when he heard it, "You have no chance, Little Ice Girl, I will keep your record of defeating you. Brutal Daunt, I decided not to participate in this high school league game, and this time to participate in the high school virtual command league class Give the place to Xiaobingnu. I have no intention of being a commander. I want to be an elegant mage or healer. Although the latest copy seems to be farther and farther from my original idea, I will try to correct it. of."

"That's all right, no, Rick, you have to command me again!" Xiao Bingnv was anxious to say before listening to the cruel Taoist aunt.

"The decision is in my hands. I say not to participate in the competition, I won't participate, I will win your record forever." Rake said sharply.

The little ice **** the side was anxious, but she also could n’t help Rick. The little ice girl looked at the cruel Taoist aunt to see if the cruel Taoist could tell Rick not to move.

Brutal Daunt frowned slightly, and she did not expect that Lake would simply not participate in this high school league.

"You think about it, once you get a good ranking, this is not only a matter of celestial currency bonuses, but also related to the material support of the Earth Defense Forces in the main world." Cruel Tao said to Rick.

Rick smiled. His future growth is not bad without the care provided by the 30,000 Yuan coins and the Earth Defense Forces, and his status as the honorable No. 2 has now grown up well.

"Think about it, I won't participate in this virtual match, and I'll leave before anything else." Rake said without hesitation.

The cruel Taoist nodded his head. It was really difficult to meet a student like Lake, but fortunately there was a little ice girl.

Rick then turned and walked outside the teacher's office.

"Lake!" Xiaobing Nu shouted, but didn't know what to say afterwards.

Rake left the teacher's office and decided to go to the Egg Classroom to get a copy. He won the 30,000 yuan tokens that did not participate in the high school league this time and earned it in the copy world.

Twelve I concealed copies in succession, and now there are four of me, and Rake thought about working hard to summon twelve me as soon as possible, so that he could sweep most of the copies that require combat power.

When he came to the egg cabin classroom, he found an egg cabin opened by the wall, and Rick contacted Gu Yi, Xiao Qing Xiao Bai, and others in their heads, and asked them to return first.

Then Rick sat in the egg cabin, waited a few minutes, and sensed that Gu Yi and Xiao Qing Xiaobai had returned.

Rick looked at the clothes on his left and right arms and saw that the tattoos of the green snake and white snake had reappeared on the arm.

Rick then pressed the start button of the egg compartment. With the metal lid of the egg compartment closed, when he opened his eyes again, he came to the main online interface of the heavens.

"Enable [Twelve Me] to continually hide copies!" Rake ordered online to the heavens.

"[Twelve of me] continually hide the copy to start, please player No. 2 Lord to enter the portal within 60 seconds!" Zhu Tian online prompt sounded.

Rake watched the first teleportation gate of the main online interface of Zhutian was lit, and a black vortex appeared in the teleportation gate, and the door frame said [twelve me].

Rick walked over, praying for an easier copy, and rewarded him better, then reached out and touched the swirl in the portal, and his body was quickly sucked into it.

When Lake opened his eyes again, he found that he was wearing a space suit, standing in a desert-like environment, and holding a small glass jar in his hand.

There were also several people in space suits digging soil into glass jars.

In front of Lake, Tiantian Online's temporary protective cover for players who have just entered the instance.

Zhu Tian's online prompt sounded in Rick's head.

"Congratulations to Player No. 2 on Mars Rescue for [Twelve Me] hidden serial copies.

Player No. 2 honored Mars, the main character in the rescue of Mars, will be left on Mars, waiting for rescue.

The main mission has not been triggered yet, please wait patiently.

Tips: Player No. 2 can only leave Mars by means of a spacecraft, and cannot fly away from Mars by himself or use a magic portal to leave Mars. "

After the sound of the Zhutian online reminder ended, Lake found that his body was not under his control, and his body began to dig soil. Then he filled the sample into a glass container. It seemed that Zhutian Online was controlling his body. .

Just entering this copy, body control has not been given to himself yet.

Rick tried to speak, but the teammates in space suits beside him couldn't hear his voice at all.

Rake then experimented, and now the only skill that can be used is the fire eye golden eye skill.

Rake opened the fire-eye golden-eye perspective technique, and he can already see a huge sandstorm in the distance.

Rake thought about following the online tips from Zhu Tian. It seemed that he had replaced the unfortunate protagonist in the original Martian rescue book, and was forced to stay on Mars.

It is estimated that after these teammates leave Mars, Zhutian Online will then give themselves physical control.

This time, I want to start living in the wilderness. I still want to survive on Mars. Without food, Rake considers whether he wants to try potatoes in Mars and eat potatoes every day like the original Chinese mark.

After another five minutes, several astronauts have collected some Martian soil samples, and finally received a communication from the Sun God spacecraft. The communication indicates that a huge sand storm is coming, and all astronauts will return to the Sun God as soon as possible. Spacecraft.

Rake watched the heavens control his body online, put down the collected pattern samples, and began to follow the other members of the team towards the distant Sun God spacecraft.

At this time, it can be felt that the nearby wind is increasing, and the sky in the distance has been covered by yellow sand. This big sandstorm came very quickly ~ ~ The sandstorm soon reached the area where several astronauts were located, visibility It has been lowered, with flying sand everywhere.

A female leader asked everyone to board the ship as quickly as possible in the connector.

Rake opened his eyes with golden eyes to see the skills, and he could see the environment in the distance.

Rick looked sadly, and above a small Martian base, a communication connector was blown down by the wind of the sandstorm.

A metal strip on the communicator connected to this metal plate flew in the direction it was in.

Rick wanted to escape, but now the body is still under the online control of the heavens. He can't escape at all. He can only watch as the metal bar pierces his abdomen, and the metal plate hits himself.

Rick could feel abdominal pain.

Fortunately, his high-status body and the spacesuit are thick enough, this metal strip does not penetrate his abdomen, but just penetrates the abdomen for a few centimeters.

However, the impact of the metal plate associated with the metal strip directly caused Rick's body to fly into the distance and fall into the sand.

Although Rick was not in a coma, he couldn't get up. Zhu Tian Online hadn't handed over control of his body to himself.

When Lake heard the communicator, the team members were calling "Honor No. 2, Honor No. 2!", They should be looking for themselves.

But after only looking for dozens of seconds, they gave up. The dust storm was too big, and the Sun God spacecraft should lift off as soon as possible.

Now the Helios spacecraft has tilted. Once the Helios spacecraft is blown down by sandstorms, it will not be able to lift off, and everyone will be forced to stay on Mars.

Rick listened to the communicator, and the female captain ordered all members to log in to the spacecraft to take off.

Rick knew he was going to be left alone on Mars as a potato in Primordial life.

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