Zhao Yi replied: "Every prison lord has done countless evil things and caused great terrorist incidents before being promoted to prison lord. Each one is not only unscrupulous but also powerful! It is difficult to deal with..."

"Every prison lord in the Divine Prison controls a force, and they have different names. The prison lord lurking in the darkness of Daxia calls himself the King of Hell. The force he controls is also called hell. He has countless bull-headed and horse-faced men under his command. There are also the more powerful Meng Po and the judge..."

When the conversation changed, Zhao Yi looked at the three people and said, "You must have seen Xie Hong's two powers, right?"

The three people nodded. Xie Hong's ability was shadow. Before his death, he showed a stone skin technique, which should be his second ability.

Zhao Yi's eyes were cold and he said: "If you guess correctly, the other super power should be Song Zhengming's..."

Jun Xiangnan Ying opened her mouth slightly, as if she was shocked.

"Yes, Xie Hong was not a bull-headed messenger before. He probably became a bull-headed messenger after he killed Song Zhengming and successfully transplanted Song Zhengming's superpowers."

"And this kind of transplantation technique requires devouring the brain of the transplanted person. Not only that, in order to improve the success rate, it is best to keep the transplanted person awake, and also need the brains of at least three blood relatives of the transplanted person..."

"...Song Zhengming's wife and daughter...the bodies are scattered around the house..."

Zhao Yihu's eyes flashed with deep guilt and hatred, and he couldn't say any more.

When Jun Xiangnan said this, he already felt a little uncomfortable: "This is too disgusting..."

Zhao Yi's eyes showed strong anger: "Disgusting? These bastards are insulting maggots by describing them as disgusting! Back then, almost all the people in a city on the border of Daxia were slaughtered by the Divine Prison! All people with the same surname and race in the village were experimented on , that allowed them to invent this kind of transplantation technique!"

"The current prison lord of the Divine Prison has become the third prison lord, King of Hell, thanks to that massacre!"

The three young people listened to the past quietly. For a moment, they suddenly felt that Xie Hong died too easily!

He should be chopped into a stick and executed in Lingchi!

...After offering his condolences, Zhao Yi left, leaving only Han Yuan and the other three.

Zhao Yi, who was walking back, felt that something was missing, but he couldn't remember it.

There were only three embarrassed young men left in the room.

"Then I'm leaving too." Wu Xuyang touched his nose and said.

He was not very embarrassed when Zhao Yi was around, but after Zhao Yi left, he thought of his previous behaviors again...

I simply couldn't stay any longer.

"Well, we will meet again." Han Yuan said.

Based on Wu Xuyang's college entrance examination results, he will definitely go to one of the four universities. There will be many intersections between the four universities.

"What are your next ideas? Are you interested in doing a mission together?"

After Wu Xuyang left, Jun Xiangnan sat on Han Yuan's bedside and peeled an apple for Han Yuan.

The fragrant breeze filled his nostrils, and the reflection of his long legs, which were still white, added a bit of brightness to the slightly dark ward.

In terms of appearance, Jun Xiangnan was definitely among the top three people Han Yuan had ever met.

She has fair skin, beautiful appearance, long legs, slightly exaggerated curves, and a sense of calmness and nobility in her charm.

The wonderful feeling of being suddenly near and suddenly far away.

Although Han Yuan has no idea at the moment, in the boring process of defeating monsters and upgrading to make money, it is really good to have a reliable teammate who knows the basics. What's more, this teammate is also a beauty.

Who should I team up with?

Han Yuan took the apple and smiled half-heartedly: "No one will refuse the beauty's invitation."

Jun Xiangnan knew that Han Yuan would not refuse, and she was very confident in her hard and soft power.

Men, nothing more.

She puffed up her chest proudly.

Suddenly, she seemed to remember something, and asked quietly: "Beauty? Am I more beautiful, or is Zhu Yanli more beautiful?"

Han Yuan's expression froze. Isn't this a classic proposition?

"...I haven't seen her since she grew up, I don't know."

Jun Xiangnan was a little surprised: "It seems that the online reports that you and Zhu Yanli were childhood sweethearts and loved each other, but were forcibly separated by the Zhu family are all false."

Han Yuan was silent for a moment, and did not say whether it was true or false. He just said lightly: "The Zhu family is from a wealthy family. I am just a commoner and cannot afford to reach such a high level."

A smile flashed in Jun Xiangnan's bright eyes, and he said meaningfully: "That's not necessarily true. You are very popular now. There is no guarantee that Zhu Yanli will not fall in love with you..."

Han Yuan was startled: "Very popular? Am I famous among rich women?"

Apart from his handsomeness, his other abilities are not worth mentioning at this stage.

Jun Xiangnan was shocked by Han Yuan's brain circuit. He rolled his eyes, took out his phone and showed Han Yuan some news.

"Four universities and four seven-level tutors jointly went to Luoshui County to look for Han Yuan, the top scorer in this year's college entrance examination, but they all failed."

"The four universities have sent countless students to look for Han Yuan, and they have all promised huge rewards! Chang'an University even offered a reward of one million yuan! In order to compete for Han Yuan, the other universities have offered to give Han Yuan an annual scholarship of one million yuan! "

"The latest news is that the Seventh Realm Phantom Fire Moth and the Divine Prison Messenger suddenly appeared in Yang City, and they were perfectly solved by a young man named Ximen Chuifeng and two of his peers! The possible danger was saved!"

"The legendary divine bird Bi Fang appeared in the world and seemed to have blessed Ximen Chuifeng!"

"It is rumored that countless powerful forces believe that Ximen Chuifeng is an anonymous candidate with better potential than the current number one candidate! They are looking for him in order to invest!"

"Big news! The Zhu family has been paid tens of millions of dollars to find Ximen Chuifeng! There is only one purpose - to train Ximen Chuifeng to fight against Han Yuan!"

Han Yuan:......

To be honest, there were times when he really wanted to sell his body.

They are all millions of dollars in remuneration!

Especially Zhujia! Pay tens of millions of dollars to find Ximen to show off!

Han Yuan has already begun to think about how to get this reward safely!

From Jun Xiangnan's perspective, Han Yuan is currently being scrambled by many big shots to find him, but he remains extremely calm after hearing the news!

In an instant, the image of a glorious young man who looked upon money as dirt appeared in his mind!

For a moment, Jun Xiangnan's beautiful eyes looked at Han Yuan with a strange brilliance.

However, the next moment, Jun Xiangnan heard Han Yuan say seriously:

"How about you take my information to the major forces and collect your reward? How about we divide it eighty-two?"


Jun Xiangnan's pretty face was filled with anger, and she punched Han Yuan's leg!

Han Yuan ducked away!

Jun Xiangnan snorted and walked away angrily!

Han Yuan shouted anxiously: "Don't be angry! Seventy-three points! Think about it! Crooked? Crooked!"

Looking at Jun Xiangnan's unyielding back, Han Yuan secretly cursed, "This is not enough!"

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