In the days that followed, Han Yuan frantically took over tasks with Jun Xiangnan.

Of course, all the missions he took were E-level tasks. Han Yuan knew that his D-level was just a fake D-level. If he really dared to fuck a monster in the fourth or fifth realm, he might really be seeking death.

The Phantom Fire Moth of the Seventh Realm was so seriously injured that he almost died and was almost taken away by me...

He is confident but not arrogant.

Time flies by like a flash, and in the blink of an eye, one month has passed.

Han Yuan didn't waste any time this month. Except for making jokes with Jun Xiangnan when doing tasks, the rest of his time was either killing monsters or practicing.

Within a month, his realm had also risen a level, becoming an intermediate level.

All the turmoil in the outside world has nothing to do with him. He clearly knows what he wants.

The infinite confidence in the future and the strong desire to control his own life are all the sources of Han Yuan's endless burning!

The system gave him the opportunity, and he cherished it extremely.

In one month, Han Yuan's net worth increased by hundreds of thousands.

At the same time, his understanding of monsters and his experience and knowledge of the world are far beyond those of his peers.

Shanhai coins also increased by a thousand, reaching 4,500, but there was still nothing that could be purchased.

Han Yuan estimated that it would take at least ten thousand before changes would occur.

The Shanhai coins required for each upgrade seem to increase tenfold.

Over such a long period of time, he and Jun Xiangnan had killed many demons, and Han Yuan also had a general understanding of the prices of Shanhai coins for demons in the lower three realms.

If you don't get into the mainstream, it's just 1 Shanhai coin. There's nothing much to say.

A level monster, depending on its type and level, costs about 1-10 Shanhai coins.

Second realm monsters, depending on their type and realm, cost about 10-50 Shanhai coins.

As for the Three Realms, Han Yuan was lucky enough to kill only one Xie Hong and gave him 100 Shanhai coins.

Xie Hong is not a weakling. Han Yuan guessed that the demons of the Three Realms were worth 50-100 Shanhai coins.

It is really not an easy task for Han Yuan to reach 10,000 Shanhai coins.

Either kill a hundred three-level monsters, or kill a few first-level demon groups...

Neither is easy.

The first time Han Yuan reached 10,000 was during the college entrance examination. He killed demons for a day and a night. In the end, he faced a swarm of bloodthirsty bees and almost died there before he could reach 10,000...

Han Yuan felt that there was no need to take risks. As long as he lived safely now, he would definitely achieve great results.

To live is to win, and to be steady and make progress is the way to go.

Today is the day before Han Yuan leaves Yangshi.

School was about to start, and Han Yuan needed to leave some time to fill out his application form before going directly to the university.

No demon slaying today.

Jun Xiangnan invited Han Yuan to go shopping.

Han Yuan followed Jun Xiangnan's instructions and arrived at a shopping mall area in Yang City on time.

The streets are busy with traffic and people coming and going, and it is completely impossible to tell that this is a world where monsters exist.

And all of this is thanks to many superpowers, which is why superpowers have a high status.

But no matter what group you are in, there will always be rat droppings, and this is inevitable.

Arriving at the entrance of a large shopping mall, Han Yuan immediately found Jun Xiangnan.

With her naturally round figure, proud S-shaped curves, and a pair of artistically slender legs, she is full of youthful atmosphere.

The 100% return rate is really too conspicuous.

Jun Xiangnan also noticed Han Yuan. He flicked his ponytail and looked at Han Yuan who was walking over with eyes like autumn water.

"Ximen, you're late." Jun Xiangnan said, she still used to call Han Yuan to Ximen for a blowjob.

"It's you who arrived early. I don't like being late." Han Yuan was noncommittal.

"How can a girl arrive first on a date?" Jun Xiangnan retorted.

"That's the kind of treatment you only get with your girlfriend, you..." Han Yuan looked Jun Xiangnan up and down, smiled slightly evilly, but did not finish his sentence.

"You! What a beautiful idea!" Jun Xiangnan was angry.

But after thinking about it, Jun Xiangnan was secretly surprised by the performance of his children... Obviously the female war goddess is her own style, but when she met Han Yuan, she seemed to automatically assume a strange role...

What happened to me?

"Forget it, I won't argue with you, straight man, let's go in."

Jun Xiangnan snorted and turned around and went straight into the mall, followed closely by Han Yuan.

Walking with Jun Xiangnan, many people in the mall couldn't help but cast envious and jealous looks when they looked at Han Yuan, but there were also many people whose eyes were full of disdain.

Jun Xiangnan wears famous brands, but Han Yuan wears a simple black jacket. Although he is clean and handsome, he looks a bit shabby when walking in a shopping mall full of high-end luxury brands.

Especially standing next to Jun Xiangnan, he looked like... a softie.

But Han Yuan doesn't feel ashamed at all. On the contrary, he still enjoys the feeling now, which is the feeling of "I'm not very good, but my girlfriend is awesome"...

Jun Xiangnan saw the smug Han Yuan in his peripheral vision, and couldn't help but feel a little funny.

Most of the time, Han Yuan behaves very maturely, especially when killing monsters. His calm judgment and decisive fighting style are not what a teenager of this age should have.

It always makes people want to explore the secrets of this young man...

But after all, he is still a teenager, and he still has childishness. For example, at this time, Han Yuan was not disgusted by Jun Xiangnan, but he found it a bit...cute?

As soon as this idea came up, Jun Xiangnan was shocked again, shocked that he could think like this!

Must be crazy!

"Ximen Chuifeng, let me take you to buy some clothes!" Jun Xiangnan said, "Your clothes are too boring."

Han Yuan was stunned and looked at Jun Xiangnan quietly.

Jun Xiangnan blushed. Only she knew that she was diverting her attention.

"Let's go! What are you looking at!"

Jun Xiangnan said softly.

For a moment, Han Yuan felt that if his eyes were like daggers, he would have been ignored by his friends in the mall!

Under the leadership of Jun Xiangnan, the two came to a store that looked magnificent but looked very expensive.

Han Yuan just shook his head and told Jun Xiangnan that with so much money, he might as well save up and buy a good knife...

Finally, with Jun Xiangnan's domineering promise to pay the bill, Han Yuan went in without hesitation.

I have to say, it feels really good to be taken care of...

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