"Why has it changed?" Han Yuan asked nonchalantly.

Nan Xiangjun rubbed her chin with her jade hand and stared at Han Yuan.

When Han Yuan was almost disgusted, Nanxiang Jun said: "...It seems to have become more manly?"

Han Yuan: ...A woman’s sixth sense is indeed terrifying!

"Stop talking, the train is about to leave. Thank you for coming to see me off." Han Yuan said.

Nan Xiangjun snorted: "That's it?"

Han Yuan's face darkened: "What do you want from me?"

Nan Xiangjun curled up the corner of his mouth and sighed quietly: "After all, we have been teammates for such a long time, brothers who have experienced life and death, and we are about to part ways. You are really indifferent!"

Damn straight man!

Han Yuan smiled, stepped forward and hugged his "brother" gently.

Suddenly, Han Yuan sighed, these are not brothers, but the chest emperor.

So powerful.

"Addicted to cuddling?"

I don’t know how long it took, Nan Xiangjun asked quietly.

Han Yuan spoke righteously: "Isn't it what you want? If you want it, I'll give it to you."


After getting on the train to Chang'an, Han Yuan looked at the receding scenery outside the window and felt filled with emotion.

I gained a lot this time.

Seeing the world outside Luoshui County for the first time.

Did something meaningful for humanity.

I found the upgrade route for Samadhi True Fire, and I have reached the intermediate level of the First Realm.

With a net worth of thirteen million, he is a D-class demon hunter.

I met a lot of friends and gained a lot of experience.

Also, I have become a real man...not just in terms of age.

In addition, university aspirations are also determined.

Or Chang'an University.

No matter what price other schools offered, Han Yuan always knew what he wanted. He needed money and resources, but his vision was not short-sighted.

Meeting Bi Fang this time made Han Yuan realize that there are many mysterious and ancient civilizations and species in this world.

Chang'an is such an ancient and time-honored place, and Chang'an Academy was once known as the "The Most Excellent Academy of All Nations"!

Even if it is not the strongest now, it is definitely the one with the longest history.

Thinking of this, Han Yuan felt happy!

As the old saying goes, it is better to travel thousands of miles than to read thousands of books!

A new life is about to begin!

Time is blurry, just one day.

That day, a young man in black appeared in Chang'an University Town carrying a shoulder bag.

It was Han Yuan who arrived in Chang'an after a day's ride.

The first thing he did when he arrived was to take a shower and then put on the clothes Nan Xiangjun bought for him.

It's still black clothes, but the texture and style are completely different.

Simple but not simple, black and colorful.

Overall, Han Yuan is now a hot-tempered handsome boy.

A beautiful and brilliant day has begun!

Han Yuan has a different kind of sacred feeling for the university.

Universities in this world are more important than in previous lives.

Whether they are the supernatural beings fighting the demons on the front line or the social elites with great prominence, they all came out of the university.

Without exception.

The four major universities are extremely aloof, controlling many important secrets of Daxia, and are the places where Daxia's fire will last forever.

As long as the four universities do not collapse, there will be hope for Daxia.

Han Yuan respected him in his heart, but he would never deify him too much.

The four major universities are so aloof that even if they do not intervene in the struggle for power in society, their will will inevitably influence everything in a subtle way.

God is merciless and has no fault. People are sentimental and often make mistakes.

This is destined that in many cases, the academy will become a chessboard for major families and forces to compete in the Central Plains.

This kind of transcendent influence is destined to make the competition among universities more cruel than that in high schools!

Han Yuan is a bloody person, but after growing up alone for so many years, he has some awareness of the way to survive.

But how to survive and become stronger in such a university, Han Yuan is now a little confused.

There was no one behind him.

So you can only rely on yourself.

There was a firm fighting spirit in Han Yuan's eyes! Just rely on yourself!

As he walked forward, Han Yuan was shocked again and again.

The four cities are indeed the four cities.

Compared with the majestic grandeur of ancient Beijing, the fantasy and prosperity of the Magic City, and the connected prefectures of Guangfu, Chang'an City has a bit more majestic and profound ancient charm.

Around the city, nine rivers have been winding around and running through the city since ancient times, forming a natural barrier against demons. It is also known as "Nine Dragons Circling Chang'an".

Rather than saying that the university town of Chang'an was built around Chang'an University, it would be better to say that the entire city of Chang'an was built like this.

A few kilometers away, a towering stone gate stood in the city, which seemed to be the gate of Chang'an Academy.

Chang'an, ancient, heavy, majestic, mysterious, spectacular...

Han Yuan didn't know how to describe it.

People are coming and going, traffic is busy, and the flow is endless.

This is the ancient capital of Chang'an, where "nine heavens open the palace and all nations wear their hats and hats"!

...In about a few minutes, Han Yuan watched the stone gate move forward, and finally arrived at the destination of his trip - Chang'an Academy!

When he got closer, the details of Shimen came into view, and Han Yuan knew what a top school was!

The bluestone gate stretches for hundreds of meters, and the whole thing looks like a knife and an axe, cold and deep.

The topmost stone beam spans across the sky, with four big characters written on it - Chang'an Academy!

Han Yuan had never studied calligraphy, but he felt as if these four words were about to fly up from the stone gate, with an arrogance like a dragon lurking in the abyss!

Apart from being shocked, Han Yuan no longer knew what to say. The four great universities and the four pillars were well-deserved!

I walked in through the side door and was stopped at the door.

An old man with a stature similar to Shi Dunzi, who seemed to be the school security guard.

"What do you do?"

Han Yuan said politely: "Hello, I'm here to report for admission."

The security guard looked Han Yuan up and down. Basically all the students had arrived a few days ago, and not many were here at this time.

"What is your name?"

"Han Yuan."

The security guard's eyes lit up and he said: "I know you! Are you the student from the four universities that the tutors from the four major universities couldn't even invite in person?"

Han Yuan nodded slightly embarrassed.

The security guard smiled and said: "Young man, study hard. Choosing Chang'an University will be the most correct decision in your life!"

Then he let Han Yuan in.

Han Yuan thanked and left.

The security guard looked at Han Yuan's leaving figure with a smile and nodded with satisfaction.

I secretly thought to myself that I came from a rough background and never had the ambition to fall into the clouds. Even though things are different now, I still remain humble to a security guard.

Regardless of good times or bad, never be proud or complacent, never be humble and self-pitying... Chang'an University has accepted another good student!

The security guard turned around and walked into the security booth, picked up the phone, and after beeping twice, someone answered the call.

"Crooked? Lian Hu? That kid is here... ah? Who are you talking about! It's the Luoshui Killer King you didn't pick up that day! What a reckless man with a thick head!"

Walking to Fengyu Square, a group of student union members and volunteers responsible for welcoming new students were chatting away boredly.

Today is the last day, and not many students have registered.

As soon as Han Yuan entered, he was as tall as a pine tree, and his cold appearance with sharp eyebrows and starry eyes instantly attracted the attention of many senior students!

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