
In the three-story villa, I heard the sound of frogs!

The figure beneath him kept kicking and beating. Han Yuan was extremely afraid that some of his life gates would be hurt, so he kept dodging!

Han Yuan tried while dodging. The bathtub was huge and extremely slippery at this time!

Under the mist, I didn't know whether what I touched with my hands was the wall of the cylinder or some other kind of snowy, greasy and crispy fragrance!

I only know that it will be hard and soft for a while, hot and cold for a while!

Two naked figures, one black and one white, were entangled with each other. Water splashed on the scene, and there were constant screams and chaos!

If the two people hadn't shouted in panic, others would have thought that Luan Feng and Ming were in harmony at this moment!

Dai Qu, who was lying next door to you on the balcony, looked strange when he heard Han Yuan's shouts.

Han Yuan, who seems to be a gentleman, is only on his first night...

"But this...sounds pretty fierce..."

Dai Qu whispered, turned around and walked into the house.

At this time, Han Yuan finally found a support point and instantly ejected!

He ran to his room in a hurry, grabbed a piece of clothing and put it on!

Late at night, two figures were sitting on the sofa facing each other.

Blushing and arguing with reason.

Han Yuan said aggrievedly: "How did I know that there would be outsiders in my own dormitory?"

The girl opposite has a beautiful face, her hair is still wet and draped over her shoulders, and her long legs are extremely conspicuous, and her strength is even more evident between the peaks.

"What do you mean your dormitory? I also have the key, okay?"

Han Yuan sighed and said: "Nan Xiangjun, wouldn't it be better if you told me directly that you would come? Will this happen again?"

It turns out that the girl opposite is Han Yuan’s old acquaintance Nan Xiangjun!

Nan Xiangjun said with a pretty face, "Where I go is none of your business!"

She would never admit that she wanted to give someone a surprise so she had to hide the fact that she was also admitted to Changxue Academy.

Han Yuan grimaced: "Who knew Chang'an University could have mixed housing for men and women..."

"I think you did it on purpose!" Nan Xiangjun said coldly.

For the sake of his innocence, Han Yuan directly picked up the phone and started asking the dormitory manager.

...Ten minutes later, the two finally figured it out.

It turns out that today is the last day of enrollment, so both of them arrived very late, and the villa area has already been occupied...

But Nan Xiangjun is also third in the country after all! How could she be the pearl of the Nan family and live in an ordinary dormitory!

So the dormitory manager directly arranged Nan Xiangjun in this spare villa...

As for Han Yuan, it was an accident. He filled in his application at the end and reported on the last day, but was personally led here by Zuo Lianhu...

The hostesses are all unaware!

So there was today's own situation.

Maybe it was a lighting problem, but Han Yuan seemed to have red eyes when he saw Nan Xiangjun's grievance...

Han Yuan said helplessly: "I really didn't mean it. If you don't vent your anger, I can take responsibility..."

Nan Xiangjun blushed and scolded: "Get out of here, you have such a good idea! Who wants you to be responsible?"

...I don’t know how long it took, but Han Yuan finally convinced Nan Xiangjun.

Nan Xiangjun temporarily believed that Han Yuan did not do it on purpose.

The two made a temporary agreement on the spot. The first floor belonged to Han Yuan, the second floor belonged to Nan Xiangjun, and the third floor was for public use.

After settling everything, Han Yuan was really tired, so he went to take a shower and planned to go to bed.

Looking at Han Yuan's back, Nan Xiangjun couldn't help but think of the strong and naked body just now...

She blushed and muttered in her heart, she was almost touched all over by this bastard just now...

But when she thought it was Han Yuan, she felt very complicated.

Anger, fear, happiness, shyness...all kinds of emotions were like a net, entangled in her heart.


"Bang bang!"

In the morning, the sky breaks.

The air in Chang'an University is particularly fresh.

In the yard of one of the villas in the dormitory area, a boy was hitting a big tree with a crooked neck, shirtless.

Heat surged in his body, and sweat flowed down his muscular body onto his six-pack abs, glistening in the sunlight.

The boy is Han Yuan.

Han Yuan got up early and started today's practice.

This is one of the simplest training methods of the Five or Six Mysterious Skills taught by Wen Xuan.

His fists, arms, shoulders, back, lower limbs, etc. all began to turn red and hot under constant close contact with the tree.

It was unbearable pain at first, but under the circulation of heat in the body, it started to become numb, and a lot of the pain disappeared.

Han Yuan could even feel the cells in his body dying and regenerating crazily, constantly stimulating the body's potential.

His whole body was wrapped in sunshine and sweat, and his whole body was constantly being tempered and controlled.

From hard to soft, from soft to hard, his skin becomes tough little by little.

According to Wen Xuan, as long as you persist in this auxiliary training method, your skin will become as tough as cowhide and as hard as copper and iron.

At that time, it will not only enhance one's control over the body, but also greatly enhance one's ability to resist blows.

On just the first day, Han Yuan felt changes in his body.

Using the physical body of the Rock Realm as a basis and then training it, Han Yuan now doubted that he could kill a cow just by relying on his physical body.

Thinking of this, Han Yuan fought even more energetically.


"Bang bang!"

...Nan Xiangjun was awakened by the sound of punching.

As the fragrant breeze floated, Nan Xiangjun walked to the window, opened the curtains, and looked down.

At a glance, Han Yuan was hitting trees with his upper body naked.

She suddenly thought of what happened last night, the rough and hot palms...

Blushing, Nan Xiangjun shouted down: "What are you doing so early in the morning? You're out of your mind!"

Han Yuan looked up and saw Nan Xiangjun wearing pink pajamas, looking at him sleepily.

The sun shone along the gap between the bulging breasts of her pajamas and shone on the girl's snow-white skin, making the spring light dazzling for a moment.

No wonder they say pink is delicate.

Han Yuan narrowed his eyes slightly due to the light reflected from the mirror on the window, and laughed: "It's time to change into your pajamas, you're too young!"

It seems small, but actually it is big.

Nan Xiangjun was stunned for a moment before he realized what he was doing. He cursed a gangster in his mind and quickly withdrew and pulled the curtains.


"Bang bang bang!!!"

The sound of the punching below seemed to be louder, and it was not clear what was causing it.

...At almost nine o'clock, Han Yuan finally stopped and simply ate a piece of bread and drank some water.

I took a shower and lay on the sofa.

Since graduating from high school, Han Yuan has never been idle. When he arrived at Chang'an Academy, he continued to practice.

Although I sometimes feel tired, I feel more fulfilled and at ease.

Having money in the card and constantly getting stronger is Han Yuan's sense of security.

Not long after he lay down, Nan Xiangjun came down from upstairs carrying a plate of steak.

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