Han Yuan naturally saw Chen Tingyu's gaze.

But he was very speechless at this time. How could Chen Tingyu be like a mad dog? He is truly a disaster.

Although I am not afraid of Chen Tingyu, there is no need to face a potentially strong opponent right from the start, right?

Chen Tingyu's eyes became more and more contemptuous, and his pride was palpable.

Han Yuan was very unhappy!

However, just when Han Yuan was about to stand up, a figure suddenly stood up!

"Special Academy Huo Liuguang asks for advice!"

I saw a heroic man with a height of at least 1.9 meters standing up!

"Huo Liuguang? He seems to be among the top thirty in the country, right?"

"More than that! This is the number one scholar in the Eastern Province!"

"Indeed, this seems to be a pure power type user!"

"This is not an ordinary power system! It is said to be a power system that has never appeared before - Tiger Soul! It is rated as B level!"

Huo Liuguang is tall and his exaggerated muscles can be seen through his clothes!

The momentum is extremely tyrannical!

When Chen Tingyu saw Huo Liuguang's appearance, he instantly became serious.

The battle began, and Huo Liuguang took the lead!

Beginner level! It looks like I’ve been in the country for a long time!

He raised his boxing frame, but no one saw how he moved. In an instant, Chen Tingyu was already in front of Chen Tingyu.

However, at the same time, Chen Tingyu has also made preparations!

"Cold Spirit King Yan!"

boom! !

A piece of faint blue flame spread instantly with Chen Tingyu as the center!

However, what is surprising is that there is no heat wave from this flame, but endless chill instantly sweeps across the entire battlefield!

The students in the audience couldn't help but shudder!

Fire sign’s A-level power!

"This flame is so weird, if you're not careful, you might be frozen into ice!"

"Is this the strength of the top ten superpowers in the country?"

It seems that Huo Liuguang is bound to lose!

Sure enough, with just a moment of power, Huo Liuguang, who had been bullying himself forward, retreated instantly!

Surprisingly, Huo Liuguang was not defeated in an instant. The few wisps of flames that were contaminated were isolated by a faint jade light outside Huo Liuguang's body and were slowly extinguished!

Huo Liuguang is not weak either...

At this moment, Chen Tingyu sneered and the flames started again!

boom! ! !

The powerful power makes everyone's hearts sway!

"No! Chen Tingyu seems to be at a high level!"


The weird fire power had already surprised everyone, and Chen Tingyu's already advanced state was even more incredible!

Everyone has just finished the college entrance examination~

Everyone couldn't help but begin to sympathize with Huo Liuguang.

Huo Liuguang had no chance of winning at the high level of the first realm, coupled with the A-level supernatural flame.

But Huo Liuguang didn't change at all. As always, he punched silently!


The moment Huo Liuguang punched, a tiger roar was heard!

It was so powerful that it was like thunder echoing in the mountains and forests. The shocking pressure made people feel suffocated!

Everyone was surprised to find that the flames on the field became extremely unstable, getting bigger and smaller at times! !

Chen Tingyu's originally smooth movements were now like a robot, dull and sluggish!

"Tiger Soul!"

Everyone exclaimed! This is the power of the B-level supernatural tiger spirit! Every time a punch is thrown, it can produce a shocking tiger roar, disturbing people's movements!

The casserole-sized fist passed through the flames and rushed directly to Chen Tingyu's face!

However, the next moment, Chen Tingyu's lips curved into a smile!

"I've been fooled!" Huo Liuguang was shocked!

next moment! boom!

The huge fire dragon instantly knocked Huo Liuguang off the field from behind!

"Good idea!"

"It turns out that Chen Tingyu was just faking! The tiger soul is indeed very strong, but the gap between the two levels is too big!"

"So that's it, the mental power of a high-level one is definitely much stronger than that of a low-level one! It's a pity that Huo Liuguang loses!"

It seemed like a long time, but in fact, in an instant, Chen Tingyu KOed Huo Liuguang!

Everyone could see how powerful Huo Liuguang was, but Chen Tingyu still ended the battle in two rounds!

Looking at the majestic Chen Tingyu on the stage, many people were still immersed in shock.

"Do you still have to defend the ring?" Another teacher asked.

"No, we'll fight again later."

After that, he turned around and left.

Chen Tingyu glanced at Han Yuan provocatively.

He was waiting for him, but he didn't believe that he had been acting like a coward!

After Chen Tingyu came off the stage, many people also started performing!

Battles between the same college and battles between different colleges began to happen one after another!

In order to speed up the progress of the battle, the battle field was also divided into nine squares by the light curtain!

What's even more interesting is that the school also provides free elixirs to restore mind power, which is quite encouraging to keep challenging.

It's not so much a freshman meeting as it is a revenge and blind date meeting.

Some conflicted students took this opportunity to humiliate each other, and many became the butt of jokes.

And some students are like peacocks spreading their wings, wanting to show their strong strength to attract the opposite sex and gain priority in choosing a mate.

It is not known who made whose puppy, who made whose fawn, etc. Everyone just knows that the hotel near the school will have a lot of business every time the school starts.

Han Yuan did not take action in the early stage. He planned to go to the back and directly challenge the players with higher points and resources, and then defend the ring!

His goal is the reward for first place!

Han Yuan, who was in the stands, seemed to have a small notebook at the moment, constantly writing down those who had more victory points...

Fortunately, no one came to challenge Han Yuan, but Dai Qu, a kid who kept taking drugs, came to the stage to show off his talent.

Han Yuan didn't know whether he was looking for Xiaolu or for family glory.

Zuo Lianhu on the stage had been paying attention to Han Yuan. Seeing the boy's unfazed expression, he secretly marveled at Han Yuan's composure.

Based on his experience, it is not difficult to guess Han Yuan's thoughts, but he still feels that Han Yuan is a little overconfident.

At three or four o'clock in the afternoon, Han Yuan finally started to take action!

Han Yuan did not defend the challenge, but directly started to challenge by name!

Although the risks are high, the benefits are equally high!

Basically, the people ranked at the top have already been memorized by Han Yuan.

Han Yuan stood in a nine-square grid and began to call names.

"Xiao Ran! Han Yuan asks for advice!"

"Qi Sumu! Han Yuan asks for advice!"

"Ji Kun! Han Yuan asks for advice!"


The people Han Yuan named were all people with more points, and relatively speaking, they were also relatively strong.

But Han Yuan quickly resolved the battle every time!

The fight on the Jiugong grid was lively, and no one noticed Han Yuan's side at first, except Chen Tingyu, who paid attention to Han Yuan from time to time.

He wants to defeat him when he has gained a lot of points, at the end of the game, when the whole audience is focused...!

But after a few games, many people noticed something was wrong!

Finally, after Han Yuan knocked someone off the field, the entire battle was stopped!

A fair-skinned, thin boy with a middle score and an earthy complexion had just more than half of his points taken away by Han Yuan!

Han Yuan kept repeating the challenge, completely ignoring the worldly rules!

He used his superpower and said loudly: "Everyone, there is a shameless person here who keeps repeating challenges to steal points!"

Maybe it's because the supernatural sound transmission is extremely penetrating, or maybe it's because Han Yuan has offended the public, but in short, all the fighting seems to have stopped!

All eyes were on the young man in black and carrying a knife!

The young man who was being watched just remained silent for a moment, then twitched his lips and spread his hands to express his helplessness.

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