Global Super Power, Infinite Evolution Of Samadhi True Fire At The Beginning

Chapter 54 The Final Battle! The Duel With Nanxiang-Kun!

Under the gaze of thousands of people, the girl slowly stood up.

The evening sun fell on her body, as if it was coated with a layer of holy brilliance, like a goddess, extremely dreamy.

However, the girl's willow waist is too thin to be held, and the waves are rough enough to sail a boat.

People can't help but have the evil idea of ​​blaspheming the goddess.

During this period, when boys are at their most ferocious, Jun Xiangnan just stood there quietly, making many male classmates uncontrollable and making all kinds of ugly appearances.

In this way, Nan Xiangjun walked onto the stage and stood opposite Han Yuan under countless gazes.

Just when countless people were about to cheer for joy, suddenly Nan Xiangjun's red lips slightly opened and he said:

"I can't beat you."

Not loud, but loud enough for everyone to hear.

The smiles on the corners of countless people's lips froze at this moment, and then there was a sound of inhalation that was almost wailing!

"What is the goddess talking about?"

"Nanxiang-kun is ranked third in the country. I heard that he was ranked third because his supernatural powers are not good at killing monsters..."

"This is the goddess who is both the most proud of Zhu Yanli! Why?"


Han Yuan smiled and said: "Then we still want to fight?"

Nan Xiangjun also smiled, and then his pretty face became extremely determined.

"Fight! Why not fight? You are taking the resources of all colleges! Including those from my special college!"

"As a member of a special academy, I naturally cannot give in!"

"...Besides, I also want to see how big the gap is between us."

Nan Xiangjun's words instantly made everyone happy again.

"Is the goddess being modest?"

"I knew how could someone as proud as Nanxiang-kun be captured without a fight!"

"But...doesn't anyone think that the goddess is too close to Han Yuan?"

Although Nan Xiangjun is not as cold-tempered as Zhu Yanli, she is also an extremely proud goddess. How could she be so kind to a boy she has never met?

I don't know whose question happened to reach Zhuang Mingyue's ears.

Zhuang Mingyue felt uncomfortable and couldn't help but complain: "We are all roommates, how can we not get close to each other since we all live together..."

The speaker was unintentional, but the listener was intentional. Zhuang Mingyue's words were like thunder on the ground, and they suddenly woke up!

"What did you say? Nan Xiangjun and Han Yuan are roommates? Are they living together?"

A boy's eyes were splitting when he looked at Zhuang Mingyue!


The news spread quickly, reaching the entire audience in an instant!

Countless people were shocked and heartbroken!

"I heard that the two of them came too late and didn't have a dormitory, so they were temporarily separated. They should be separated soon. It's not what everyone thinks."


Countless people breathed a sigh of relief. No matter which news was true, they were still willing to believe it.

Among the crowd, Dai Qu was stunned for a long time.

Because he thought about the crazy screaming of the two people in Han Yuan's dormitory last night...

He murmured: "It turns out that the scream was Nanxiang-kun..."


Ah! ! ! ! ! !

At this moment, Nan Xiangjun and Han Yuan were facing each other on the stage, and the war was about to break out.

But no one seems to care that much about the results...

Regardless of whether the news is true or false, it is so heartbreaking just thinking about it.

People's imagination is endless, as long as they think of those two pieces of snow being played with by a man who is not oneself...


Han Yuan instantly became the public enemy of boys!

...Nan Xiangjun knew Han Yuan's terror, so he didn't waste any time and directly summoned his own monster.

Earth Wolf Husky!

A mighty black and white wolf appeared in front of everyone.


With his proud head and wise eyes, the demonic wind suddenly stirred up a cloud of dust on the battlefield!

"The earth wolf at the beginning of the second realm!"

"I'll go! Is this the Nan family's inherited supernatural power?"

"Nan Xiangjun's Yuling seems to be different. The Nan family's Yuling can only control monsters of the same level at most. The goddess is only a high-level first-level monster. This second-level monster wolf..."

"Made, as expected, these top ten in the country are all monsters!"

"If it hadn't been for Han Yuan's coincidence, the goddess would have won the top prize in Hui Province!"

"What a coincidence, it wasn't you who was lying on the ground just now and couldn't get up..."


After the Earth Wolf came up, he looked around and his eyes lit up when he saw Han Yuan!

He immediately ran to Han Yuan and shook his head.

Han Yuan was startled and realized that the husky was asking for food.

In many previous missions, countless demons had entered the mouth of this demon wolf, so he was naturally very familiar with Han Yuan.

Countless students around were shocked. What is going on?

Isn’t it said that the earth wolf is extremely ferocious?

Could it be that Nan Xiangjun and Han Yuan really...

Nan Xiangjun also noticed the eyes of the people in the stands, his face turned red, and he shouted sternly: "Husky! Come back! This is your opponent this time!"

Husky was stunned for a moment, but he still understood Nan Xiangjun's words, and his eyes when he looked at Han Yuan became much fiercer!

Han Yuan secretly cursed a beast, and as expected, she is a mother if she has breasts, and she turns her back on him and refuses to recognize anyone else.

"Oh wow!!!"


With a wolf roar, demonic winds suddenly spread across the field, rolling out in all directions with the earth wolf as the center. Countless earth and rocks flew up and shot toward Han Yuan!

"The earth wolf's natural skill is flying sand and moving rocks!"

Han Yuan turned sharply, Tang Hengdao unsheathed, and wanted to use Tang Hengdao to block the rocks!

Dang Dang Dang!

What a powerful force! Han Yuan's expression changed slightly!

A stone or two was okay, but later on Han Yuan's body was somewhat unable to withstand the force!

Each one is simply more powerful than a bullet!

When he was a teammate in the past, it was obvious that the monsters on the opposite side could withstand it quite easily. Han Yuan wondered if the Earth Wolf was paddling at that time!

This is really not a wolf paddling in the water. The human body is inherently fragile compared to the body of a demon.

boom! !

The next moment, Han Yuan burst into flames! The high-temperature flames gathered extremely around itself, and all the stones were burned by the Samadhi True Fire when they came close to Han Yuan!

Although it cannot completely resist the power of flying sand and rocks, it can be easily blocked with the help of Tang Hengdao!

But Nan Xiangjun will not let Han Yuan have such an easy time!

"Husky, come on!"

The next moment, the husky disappeared on the spot, and then used the wind and sand to fly directly to Han Yuan's side!

A hint of ridicule flashed in its pupils, and its thick claws struck Han Yuan hard!


Han Yuan hurriedly dodges, but it's too late!

The sharp claws directly broke through Han Yuan's fire defense and hit Han Yuan's body directly. Although Han Yuan tried his best to dodge, a shallow blood mark was still drawn!

Han Yuan groaned and cursed secretly: The most poisonous woman has the heart!

Actually playing it for real!

When the Earth Wolf broke through the fire defense, his body was stained with a trace of Samadhi True Fire, and he retreated in pain at this time!

The demon power turned on the hard hair, but the flame did not go out!

Nan Xiangjun noticed the pain of the earth wolf, and was secretly surprised by Han Yuan's flames!

The two have been teammates for a long time, but they have never fought against each other!

Now she finally understands what it feels like for others to face Han Yuan's supernatural flame!

It’s so difficult!

"Mud armor!"

In an instant, countless soil instantly covered the Earth Wolf, and all the flames were extinguished instantly!

Han Yuan narrowed his eyes. This was the first time that his true fire of samadhi was extinguished by his peers.

Nan Xiangjun, it is indeed you!

But, it’s time to end!

The next moment, the grand flame spread again with Han Yuan as the center!

Han Yuan wants to directly deal with Nan Xiangjun with overwhelming force!

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