Nan Xiangjun admitted defeat.

Just when everyone thought she was about to win.

Others don't know why, but Nan Xiangjun knows it himself.

That firework is Han Yuan's most powerful move so far!

She will never forget how the Divine Prison Tauren died when she was in Yang City.

Fireworks exploded, flesh and blood flew everywhere...

Although it was three people working together, she knew how much role Han Yuan played.

So when her Shadow Scorpion sneak attack failed, she actually lost.

Somewhat regretful but convinced.

Han Yuan snorted and put down his hand.


A weak voice sounded, and the entire venue was silent.

After a long time, the venue exploded into pieces!

Lost! Did Nan Xiangjun lose?

Such a strong Nan Xiangjun has given up! !

This not only means that Han Yuan won first place, but also means that all the resources of the entire freshmen conference are in Han Yuan's hands!

Except for those students who were unwilling to compete in a wheel battle, everyone returned empty-handed!

"Why? Nan Xiangjun is so strong, two second-level beast masters..."

"Fake match! It must be a fake match!"

"Damn it, this is a fair! All the gift packs for freshmen from Chang'an Academy are gone! They're all gone! Who lost the duel with Han Yuan just now?"

The entire venue was wailing!

Nan Xiangjun, who was originally very calm, suddenly felt a little guilty...

After all, he also lost... Everyone's resources were taken away by Han Yuan, but he really tried his best...

"Dean Zuo, is this...really like this?"

One of the teachers muttered.

"The reason why the freshman assemblies of the four major universities have attracted much attention is because they have more generous freshman gift packages than other schools..."

"Dean Zuo, how about we persuade Han Yuan to give up voluntarily, as long as the first place reward is enough..."

"Yes, the impact is really big. After all, everyone knows our original intention, which is to provide basic training resources for ordinary students..."

All the rules are just for most students to have a cultivation resource based on their own strength, but no one expected this scene now.

Zuo Lianhu frowned and snorted coldly: "When did Chang'an University have a school spirit of going back on its word?"

"Why didn't anyone say such a thing to Han Yuan before the duel?"

"What if Han Yuan loses? Then he will return empty-handed!"

"It was originally an unfair duel, but the winner became the sinner?"

Zuo Lianhu's questions did not deliberately lower his voice. Instead, they struck a chord directly in the heart, leaving many teachers and students speechless.

"But..." There is something the teacher wants to say.

Zuo Lianhu waved his hand and said coldly: "The rules are the rules, no need to say more."

He cleared his throat and walked to the stage.

"I announce that the first place winner in this freshman conference is Han Yuan. In addition, all the gift packages for this freshman class belong to Han Yuan personally..."

"I don't accept it!"

A student in the crowd shouted.

Following the sound, there were sounds one after another.

"I don't accept it!"

"I don't accept it!"

Zuo Lianhu snorted coldly, and the aura on his body was fully activated. The terrifying aura of the Seventh Realm powerhouse overwhelmed the entire audience!

"Why don't you accept it? Is it because Han Yuan is not strong enough and lost to you? Or did Han Yuan beat you with more fights and fewer fights? You asked for the wheel battle. Now that you have lost, you are not convinced?"

"Is it possible that you are dissatisfied because of how generous the resources are? You just cannot accept that such a powerful person monopolizes so many resources!!"

"Then let me tell you, there is school protection in Chang'an Academy. Once you leave the school, those supernatural beings and demons will not spare your life just because you disobey!"

"No matter when you don't pay attention to how to improve your own strength, but instead go around jealous and jealous, you will never become a strong person!"

"This is Chang'an Academy. The school is tolerant of you to the maximum extent, but... you have disappointed me! Jealousy and siege, fighting unfairly, going back on your word..."

Zuo Lianhu was heartbroken and his thin body seemed to be shaking with anger!

Han Yuan won, Zuo Lianhu actually expected it in his heart, he just wanted to use this incident to teach the freshmen a lesson!

But I never thought that these students would actually do this!

If you pursue interests unscrupulously without reflecting on yourself, in society, sooner or later you will gradually fall into the abyss due to the entanglement of various interests and be unable to extricate yourself...

This is not what Chang'an University wants!

At this time, after Zuo Lianhu finished speaking, countless students lowered their heads in shame, as if they were awakened by the scolding...

However, at this moment, Chen Tingyu, who had been depressed, suddenly stood up.

He looked calm and proud: "Dean, what you said makes sense, but the students have some questions."

Zuo Lianhu glanced at Chen Tingyu, nodded and said, "You tell me."

Chen Tingyu said calmly: "I admit that Han Yuan is very strong."

"But have you ever thought about it, everyone's starting point is different."

"He comes from an extraordinary family and is a candidate from a small county. He has already won at the starting line."

"...Compared with students from poor backgrounds like us, he might be able to get into Chang'an University with less than half the effort like us!"

"But maybe Han Yuan works hard, so he is strong, so he wins with the few resources you said!"

"But have you ever thought about how important and valuable those few resources are to some poor students? How many parents of these students have to work day and night, through hardships and hardships, to get them?!!"

At the end of Chen Tingyu's words, his whole body seemed to be trembling slightly with excitement.

Countless poor candidates felt the same way and their eyes were red!

Even a top-notch rich man like Dai Qu felt sympathetic and moved!

Only Zuo Lianhu remained calm.

He looked at Chen Tingyu quietly and said, "Chen Tingyu, you work very hard and you are also very good."

"But... you have to know that there is no absolute fairness in the world. Some people are born rich, and some people's lives are like grass. However, the branches of the world are different. In the end, people rely on themselves."

"For example, Dai Qu, he is now the son of the largest plutocratic family in Daxia, but is he better than you?"

"There is an old saying in Daxia, jade cannot be made into a weapon if it is not polished, and this is also true. Dai Qu may be living a good life now, but who can guarantee that he will not be in ruins in the future?"

Dai Qu:......6.

"Being born into a wealthy family, not knowing the sufferings of the world, and not knowing what adversity is, is not a good thing for a person with super powers."

"Do you know how spiritual seeds are formed?"

Chen Tingyu was startled. He only knew that spiritual seeds are an extremely precious cultivation resource that can add additional attributes to people with powers...

Zuo Lianhu smiled slightly and continued:

"A stone is hidden in the mountains, and no one cares about it for thousands of years. After years of being burned by fire and wind, and tempered in various ways, the heart of the stone is like jade. After countless years, it develops spirituality. In the end, it still needs all kinds of thinking, chopping with knives and axes. Just become a spiritual seed!"

"Strong people never complain about the environment!"

Zuo Lianhu's words were sincere, but I don't know how many people listened.

Sure enough, the next moment, another student retorted: "Teacher, I am not a strong person, I want to complain! Dai Qu is better than many people even if he doesn't work hard! What's more, why doesn't the teacher compare him with Han Yuan?"

Dai Qu:......6.

Zuo Lianhu looked deeply at the stubborn student and said, "Do you think Han Yuan is better than you because he has a better family background? Why do you judge his family background?"

The student was suffocated. He had just heard what Chen Tingyu said, so he looked at Chen Tingyu.

Chen Tingyu's voice became weaker and weaker: "...He and Dai Qu are very close..."

Zuo Lianhu said directly: "So the disciples of the aristocratic family only play with the children of the aristocratic family? So Han Yuan is also a child of the aristocratic family? So it is unfair that Han Yuan is better than you?"

"Well, when I went to Luoshui to recruit students, I happened to be the one who went there. I also happened to go to Han Yuan's home. Here is a photo of Han Yuan's family history at that time."

After saying that, Zuo Lianhu took out a stone and used his telekinesis to make the shadow stone float in the air, slowly unfolding a picture.

What is shown in the photo is Yunni Lane in Luoshui County!

On one side are wealthy families, on the other side is Yunni Lane with broken tiles and red walls!


Dai Qu: My life is like walking on thin ice.

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