The eight pillars of divine fire are like eight fire dragons, soaring straight into the sky!

The huge sound left no other sound between heaven and earth, only the sound of burning flames.

Lu Yishui was surrounded by the pillar of fire, his body had been burned by the hot flames, and the majesty of the Eighth Realm powerhouse was completely uncontrollable.

Death, this word has been an extremely unfamiliar word to Lu Yishui for a long time.

As long as he doesn't want to die, he has the ability to escape even when facing a strong person from the Nine Realms.

But now, he really felt that the death scythe seemed to be hanging above his head.

He thought he had given up, but now he suddenly felt scared!

Those huge, bright eyes looked at him without any emotion.

The Eighth Realm seems to be just a slightly larger ant in front of this ancient creature that has lived for countless years.

He is not willing to give in!

The huge water curtain sizzled and was evaporated by the fire. A pale smile appeared on Lu Yishui's usually serious face.

"Let me go, and we'll cancel it all... No, I'll give you 100 million, and our bet will still count!"

"There is no benefit in killing me. Jianwu University will avenge me... No, no, I am not threatening you, I am stating the facts."

He began to beg Han Yuan for a way out!

Han Yuan looked at him coldly and said nothing.

Lu Yishui started to get scared when he looked at Han Yuan. The dignity of the Eighth Realm strongman seemed to be shattered at this moment.

His proud Eighth Realm cultivation seemed a bit vulnerable in front of the demons he once despised.

Maybe, you can be a little humbler.

Suddenly, he looked at Liu Jingting.

"Master Liu, I can go to the Endless Abyss. Even if I die in battle, I will have no regrets. Please save me!"

If he could be saved, Liu Jingting would have saved him just now, but Han Yuan is a boy who refuses to take soft and hard orders...

He shook his head secretly, he had known this, why did he do it in the first place.


The eight divine fire pillars suddenly merged in the middle!

boom! !

The sound of flames colliding suddenly sounded, and the scorching wind blew across the entire Shiwan Mountain, stirring up patches of dust.

With the help of Bi Fang, Han Yuan secretly shot a burst of flames, which was a last-minute hit, but he didn't know whether it was successful or not.

The thought flashed through my mind, and I saw that Shanhai coins suddenly increased significantly by 10,000!

A strong man in the Eighth Realm has directly increased by 10,000!

This also means that Lu Yishui is dead.

...After a long time, the dust finally dispersed.

The once arrogant and arrogant old man has disappeared, leaving only scorched earth everywhere, telling the story of the tragedy just now.

Liu Jingting felt the remaining power and said with some difficulty: "How is it possible that those gods who have long since disappeared in the desert of civilization... actually still have combat power at the top level..."

Witnessing the death of a strong man in the same situation with his own eyes, Liu Jingting suddenly had some insights.

Sometimes it's not necessarily the demon that brings life to an end, but rather your own heart that gradually becomes corrupted on the way to becoming stronger.

Strength is important, but sometimes strength is not an excuse or reason for bullying.

A thousand-mile embankment breaks in an ant nest. Lu Yishui perfectly explained this sentence.

He looked at Han Yuan sitting on the back of the divine bird, and secretly felt grateful for the goodwill he had towards this young man.

The wind rises at the end of the day, and the waves become at the end of the mountain. No one knows where they can go. Only by not forgetting the original intention can you go far.

The dust has settled in Zhang'e Mountain and the blockade of Shanhe Town has been lifted.

Humanity suffered heavy losses.

There were 100,000 superpowers in the mountain, plus the psychically infected superpowers in Shanhe Town, resulting in a total loss of nearly 10,000 superpowers.

Numbers are cold, but human life is warm.

The death of every person with a special ability means the collapse of the backbone of a family.

For a time, the entire Shanhe Town felt a little dull, and it was no longer as lively as before.

At this time, one person and one bird were having fun in the volcano of Zhang'e Mountain.

"Xiao Hui, you really don't want to come with me?"

Han Yuan wanted to abduct this terrifying divine bird.

If there was a magical bird with unimaginable strength by his side, what else would Han Yuan be afraid of?

What about Qi Jia, Zhu Jia... just kowtow!

But the facts ultimately disappointed Han Yuan.

No matter how many times I ask, Gray Bird just shakes his head.

Han Yuan didn't know the reason, but he could feel that Gray Bird seemed to want to go out, but it seemed that he couldn't go out due to some kind of sacred mission or ancient contract.

In this case, Han Yuan no longer forced it.

It's just that he killed a strong man in the eighth realm... I have a headache.

Although there is nothing wrong with him, he is still a member of the Eighth Realm and the head of a top prestigious school.

Han Yuan is not sure if Chang'an Academy will support him. Even if it does, he doesn't know if Chang'an Academy can withstand the pressure...

But one thing Han Yuan is sure of is that his teacher Wen Xuan will definitely support him...

It’s just that my teacher seems to be in the Sixth Realm...

Han Yuan cursed secretly, pretending to be cool was fun for a while, but he was cremated afterwards!

Sure enough, power that does not belong to you will always have sequelae. You have to be strong to strike iron, and your own strength is still too weak.

"It would be great if that heavenly seed was not wasted. My strength might even be improved..."

Han Yuan said to himself.


The gray bird jumped a few times, opened its mouth and spat out, only to see a crystal clear scarlet essence hanging faintly in the air!

Han Yuan looked at Gray Bird in surprise: "There are still heavenly seeds?"

Gray Bird shook his head.

"Not a natural seed? What is that?"

Han Yuan said in surprise.

A familiar mental wave came.

"You mean this is your companion origin?"

Han Yuan was immediately overjoyed after receiving the message from the gray bird that Bi Fang had transformed into!

It turns out that as long as Bi Fang goes through the moulting period every thousand years, a companion source will be produced. After Bi Fang is refined, his strength will be maintained for a period of time.

This is the reason why Bi Fang has managed to maintain his strength even though his faith has declined over the years! It is also a precious treasure cultivated by Bi Fang to attract flamingos.

Obviously, this accompanying origin is much more precious than the natural seed of heaven and earth!

"But, if you give it to me..."

If you give it to yourself, then this thousand-year-old Bi Fang will have nothing to cultivate...


Han Yuan pointed to himself in confusion: "You mean I can let you maintain your strength? My flame?"

After pondering for a long time, Han Yuan had some vague guesses.

Bi Fang has no source of faith, and his powers are equivalent to those of a rootless Ping, but his cultivation does not rely on faith!

My Samadhi True Fire has mutated by half, and as long as I refine this companion source, it will most likely evolve into Bi Fang Divine Fire!

When the time comes, my abilities and those of Bifang are of the same origin...

Han Yuan suddenly had an idea and exclaimed: "I became your power bank?!"


Gray Bird tilted his head, not quite understanding what the power bank meant.

After thinking about the joints involved, Han Yuan suddenly felt confident!

Although he has become Bifang's power bank, to put it another way, has Bifang become his companion beast?

Mad, you are so awesome!

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