Even if the lady at the counter didn't say anything, Duan Songqing probably knew what happened.

The previous counter lady died of mental pollution, and now the new one has obviously made a mistake of looking down on others!

Most of the people in the Demon Hunting Alliance are people with super powers, and judging people by their appearance is the stupidest thing.

The lady at the counter looked pale, knowing that what awaited her would be a severe punishment.

Ignoring the lady at the counter, Duan Songqing looked at Han Yuan with a smile on his face.

So much demon material means that a large number of tasks have been completed, and as the supervisor of settlement tasks, he can also receive a lot of commissions and commissions.

So even though he is a fourth-level superpower, he still has a good attitude towards Han Yuan at this time.

"Sir, please wait a moment, we will count her immediately." After a pause, Duan Songqing glanced at the counter lady: "Sir, what do you want to do with her?"

Han Yuan frowned: "That's your business. I just want you to settle the task as soon as possible and transfer the money to the card."

Han Yuan wasn't that bored just to vent his anger with the lady at the counter.

"Okay, I'll be ready soon."

Several people began to count Han Yuan's task information. As each task was submitted, new payment information continued to appear on Han Yuan's account.

"200,000 has arrived~"

"500,000 has arrived~"


Looking at the account information, Han Yuan also had a lot of smiles on his face.

It feels so good to stand and collect money!

And with the counting, Songqing and the others became more and more surprised during this period!

As one of the core managers of the Demon Hunting Alliance in Shanhe Town, he has a high level of knowledge about the demons in Shiwanda Mountain.

Bloodthirsty bees, white scorpions...

None of the various monsters in the first and second realms are good. Even if he hunts them down personally, it will take a lot of effort!

This means that the surrounding area of ​​Shiwandashan has been wiped out...

After a long time, Duan Songqing looked at Han Yuan with a smile on his face: "Sir, your mission has been completed, and there is still half of the demon material left. Will you take it back or sell it to us directly?"

Han Yuan knew that the remaining items were probably the school's tasks. With a flash of light, Han Yuan took them back.

In exchange for credits, it's quite delicious.

I don’t know what happened to my Shenhuo Club.

Duan Songqing raised his hand: "The total is 19 million, you can count it."

Han Yuan nodded, turned around and left directly.

Naturally, he would not tell Duan Songqing that he had been counting.

Han Yuan originally had more than 10 million left in his account, but now it suddenly became more than 30 million, which can be described as a sudden wealth.

"Wait a minute, sir, are you interested in joining the inner alliance of the Demon Hunting Alliance to form a demon hunting team?"

Duan Songqing's voice came from behind.

Everyone in the hall suddenly looked at Han Yuan in surprise. Is this person qualified to enter the Inner Alliance?

Joining the Inner Alliance means becoming a true member of the Demon Hunting Alliance! Neither the information resources nor the treatment are comparable to those of ordinary demon hunters.

But it’s not just for anyone who wants to join, the first requirement is a D-level or above demon hunter! The second is a high enough reputation score!

This young man who looks like he is in the second or third level is actually a D-level demon hunter? Do you still have a high enough credit score?

Naturally, they didn't know that when Han Yuan was in Yang City, the Hunter King of Yang City, Zhao Yi, gave Han Yuan a large number of reputation points as a reward!

Han Yuan paused. He had no intention of joining any force for the time being, and... no student could join the Inner Alliance.

He waved his hand and continued walking forward. He disappeared in a flash, leaving only a lazy voice.

"Thank you supervisor for your kindness, but I just entered college and I'm afraid I don't meet the conditions."

Everyone was stunned at first, and then a trace of disbelief flashed in their eyes.

Not graduated yet, just started college?

D-class demon hunter?

What kind of monster is this!

How can it be!

Walking outside, Han Yuan suddenly frowned.

The next moment, Youlong Treads Fire activates! Han Yuan quickly ran into the crowd.

He walked around countless streets until he made sure there was no one behind him before he stopped.

Although Shanhe Town strictly prohibits people with supernatural powers from fighting to the death, Han Yuan does not want to be targeted.

Especially now, it is a sensitive period. Han Yuan has just killed Lu Yishui, an eighth-level person.

Even if a strong person in the Eighth Realm does not deliberately develop, he will definitely have his own small power, so Han Yuan is extra cautious.

Moreover, the journey was a little too smooth. It was this smoothness that made Han Yuan feel slightly uneasy.

I always feel like I'm being targeted by something fierce.

After pondering for a while, Han Yuan decided that he could no longer stay in Shanhe Town and must rush back to Chang'an Academy as soon as possible.

What happened to Lu Yishui made him realize that no matter what the rules were, they were set for those who were incapable of breaking them. If Lu Yishui came again, he was not sure that the rules of Shanhe Town could protect him.

... Speeding all the way, Han Yuan finally caught up with the nearest high-speed train.

For people with powers in the lower three realms, high-speed rail is the fastest and safest way to travel.

Even the four and five realms that can control the air cannot fly for a long time because the consumption is too great.

The Sixth Realm is a watershed and the pinnacle of the three middle realms. At this level, flying is already a piece of cake. Only at this time can it be called a journey in the world!

It was about five or six hours' drive from Shiwanda Mountain to Chang'an. It would be safe soon, but Han Yuan still frowned.

I don't know why, but the uneasy feeling lingering in my heart is always there.

Han Yuan looked around vigilantly. The carriage was very quiet. He glanced around and found that most of them were ordinary people. Even if they were superpowers, there were definitely no superpowers beyond the third level.

Where does this uneasy feeling come from?

The car kept moving. It was already late autumn, and the cool weather was very pleasant, but the temperature inside the car was very high, and there was a sticky smell of sweat in the air.

Time passed by minute by minute.

"The station ahead is Chang'an South Station~"

The sound of mechanization spread throughout the carriage, and we will arrive in Chang'an in ten minutes.

Han Yuan almost broke out in a cold sweat. The aura lingered like a haunting resentful spirit and became stronger and stronger.

A huge shadow enveloped Han Yuan's heart.

People with superpowers are very sensitive to danger. Han Yuan knew that this was not his unfounded worry. There must be some danger surrounding him and it was about to explode at any time.

Han Yuan's mind changed rapidly.

The source of the shadow must be people.

Low-level monsters would not have such a high degree of tolerance.

If he didn't take action in Shanhe Town before, he must be concerned about the rules of Shanhe Town. As far as Han Yuan knew, Liu Jingting was still guarding outside Shanhe Town.

He didn't stay long and left directly, leaving the man with no chance to take action.

The high-speed rail's action is related to the names of the people on the bus. This is Daxia's bottom line, so he is safe for the time being.

If that person really takes action, it will definitely be the moment he gets off the car!

Otherwise, when he returns to Chang'an Academy, it will be difficult to kill him...

"The station ahead is Chang'an South Station. Passengers, please prepare to get off~"

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