Chapter 109: Binge Eating Pills, Becoming Stronger Quickly.

And the consumption of elixirs is also extremely fast.

Often a set of postures, it takes half a bottle of elixir.

“Quick… Sooner, I feel like I’m going to break through. ”

“No, this time I will eat four bottles directly.”

After Li Yanfeng tirelessly placed seven hundred and twenty postures for a day and a night, finally some kind of essence light appeared in his eyes, and then he directly copied two bottles of Golden Phoenix Capsules and two bottles of Jiuzhitang Six Flavor Kidney Pills, and swallowed them directly.

More powerful and turbulent energy traveled inside Li Yanfeng’s body.

“Still, not enough for ten more bottles.”

Saying that, Li Yanfeng took five bottles each of Golden Phoenix Capsules and Jiuzhitang Six Flavor Kidney Pills and swallowed them.


The energy of the fourteen bottles of elixir exploded directly inside Li Yanfeng’s body. At this time, he felt a little too big.

It seems that the pill really eats too much.

Because at this time, Li Yanfeng’s seven tips, as well as the skin outside, began to emerge with black blood. It looks terrifying.

This is the seven tricks of bloodshed… Exploded and died?

No, this is detoxification, expelling toxins from Li Yanfeng’s body.

310 In modern medicine, the metabolism is too fast, and the waste cells in Li Yanfeng’s body are expelled.

This time, Li Yanfeng’s posture of placing seven hundred and twenty positions was faster. He didn’t look tired at all.

The kind that doesn’t stop.

Because he knows, just take a breath. Maybe it’s really exploded and died.


I don’t know how long it took, as Li Yanfeng finished a group of seven hundred and twenty poses. Li Yanfeng’s heart exploded directly.


It really caused an explosion.

The seismic room was all upside down.

“Knock knock!”

This is accompanied by the powerful beating of the heart.

Its sound is like thunder, which deafens people’s ears. Right.

It’s just the sound of a heart beating. It’s deafening.

Every stroke is a powerful beat.

At the same time, the blood in Li Yanfeng’s whole body seemed to come to life at this moment. Under the action of this powerful perpetual motion machine of the heart, it boils directly.

In burning. Strength. Unmatched power.

At this time, Li Yanfeng had no doubt that he could shatter a mountain.

“Knock knock!”

Every time his heart beats, Li Yanfeng’s chest will sink and bulge again. From the heart, there is a powerful energy that spreads throughout the body.

At the same time, the kidneys, liver, spleen, and lungs are also working together.

Five different energies fused within Li Yanfeng’s body. Then, slowly formed an unprecedented energy.

More powerful energy. Right!

More powerful, more palpitating energy. This is not a question of 1+1+1+1+1=5.

This is definitely a question greater than five. It’s a geometric increase. Five energy fusions. Formation of new energy.

Finally, Li Yanfeng broke through the fifth layer… The five internal organs have been cultivated.

At this time, Li Yanfeng had changed from seven hundred and twenty postures to nine hundred postures. The speed did not slow down at all, but there was a feeling of getting faster and faster.

Skillfully do every movement to the extreme.

One difficult action after another, here in Li Yanfeng, it can be done in just ten seconds very standard and in place.

At the same time, the five energies in Li Yanfeng’s body had slowly fused together, turning into a brand new purple energy.

A very cranky energy.

As soon as it formed, it suppressed the energy from the five internal organs.

It seems that the five energies of the five internal organs have only the part of surrender in front of it, and they are courtiers.

And it is a king on high.

Although Li Yanfeng was now immersed in cultivation and could not extricate himself, when he felt this brand-new energy, he couldn’t help but be overjoyed, because he could feel the power of this energy.

It was more than ten times more powerful than any energy in his body. Right.

That’s more than a dozen times.

It is no exaggeration to say that this is a completely new energy formed by five energies, and in terms of “quality”, it is simply the same as the previous five energies.

Not only is it powerful, it’s also cranky.

Just a trace of brand new energy that had just formed made Li Yanfeng a little unbearable, and he felt as if his whole body meridians were about to explode.


A piercing pain spread throughout Li Yanfeng’s body.

“Nope. What is this pain, if I want to become a man like Chen Beixuan, I must hold on, not only to hold on to the pain of this energy, but also to refine more of this energy. ”

Li Yanfeng gritted his teeth, and after completing a set of nine hundred postures, he immediately took out the remaining twelve bottles of pills and swallowed them all.


Twelve bottles were swallowed at once.

Suddenly, Li Yanfeng felt that in his body, a powerful energy began to riot. Refining.

Refine this power.

So Li Yanfeng began to do nine hundred position movements without sleep.

At the speed of a group of actions every three hours, he began to frantically refine the elixir energy in his body and turn it into a brand new energy. A day later, Li Yanfeng finally absorbed all this energy.

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