Global Treasure Chest: Start With The Supreme Breathing Technique.

Chapter 1: Global Treasure Chests, The Age Of Warriors [New Book For Everything]

Chapter 1: Global Treasure Box, Era of Warriors [New Book Seeking Everything]

Dragon Country.

Jiangnan Base.

Nancheng No.1 Middle School.

Grade 12, Class 1.

Inside the classroom, fifty students sat upright, they were very young, not exceeding twenty years old, each in the prime of their youth.

And on the podium, a stunning woman gazed at the students.

Her gaze was icy, and her temperament was extremely serious, without a trace of gentleness.

"Dear students, there are less than one hundred days left until the college entrance examination."

"You must remember, in the era of warriors, high school is still about theoretical knowledge, but after entering university, it is all about practical combat. You may have to go to the underground caves to suppress ferocious beasts."

"Therefore, if you don't study hard, when you get to university, being bullied is a small matter, being hunted down by ferocious beasts is the truly pitiful thing."

"As for those who can't get into university, don't have any illusions. If you can't get into university, you must join the military, go to the army to suppress the underground caves, or go to the Ferocious Beast Mountain Range to quell the chaos. The mortality rate is even higher."

The stunning woman said so.

After these words were spoken, the people in the classroom became even more silent.

Only in the corner, a young man didn't remain silent, but rather seemed a bit dazed.

Ye Chen looked at everything with some confusion. Everything in the classroom seemed extremely familiar and yet extremely unfamiliar to him.

And as a large amount of information surged into his mind.

Ye Chen's gaze gradually became clear.

He had crossed over.

He had arrived in an era of global warriors.

In this era, everything else is inferior, only warriors are superior.

Three hundred years ago, the Earth suddenly underwent a change, and underground caves appeared one after another. These underground caves connected to different worlds, and large numbers of ferocious beasts or powerful beings would often appear.

And once these beings landed on Earth, there was only slaughter, without any chance for negotiation.

If it weren't for the fact that three hundred years ago, the number of underground caves that appeared was small, coupled with the enemy's underestimation and being suppressed by various heavy weapons, I'm afraid the human race would have already been conquered.

It was precisely because the first batch of underground cave beings were killed that Earth officially entered the era of global warriors.

Entering the era of global warriors, relying solely on three hundred years of time, humanity had become extremely powerful, and then concentrated all their efforts on development, effectively resisting other underground caves.

But a few hundred years ago, the human race discovered that the underground caves were not the greatest danger.

The Battlefield of the Heavenly Realms was the greatest danger.

Because Earth was chosen as the "Land of Creation", it attracted the invasion of various heavenly realms. They fought outside the domain, they were the true powerhouses, leading countless powerhouses, wanting to invade Earth.

Fortunately, Earth was chosen as the Land of Creation, having unique advantages.

This advantage is.

The Destiny Treasure Box!

Yes, it's the Destiny Treasure Box.

Since a few hundred years ago, a large number of treasure boxes would descend from the sky above Earth.

Within these treasure boxes, one could obtain many cultivation resources, such as Qi and Blood Pills, martial arts techniques, and even some divine weapons.

It can be said that the treasure boxes are filled with unknowns. As long as you have enough luck, you can even obtain treasures that make the heavenly realms envy.

It is precisely because of this that the heavenly realms are so eager to invade Earth.

It is said that among these treasure boxes are treasures from the heavenly realms.

There are also rumors that a supremely invincible being in the heavenly realms has hidden all the treasures of the world in the treasure boxes, waiting for someone with fate.

And these treasure boxes are called "Nine Star Treasure Boxes".

They are divided into nine stars, with the most common being one star, followed by two stars.

As for opening these treasure chests, you need keys with the same star rating. To obtain the keys, you just need to hunt down ferocious beasts.

Inside the classroom.

After understanding all of this, Jiang Chen couldn't help but feel helpless and fortunate.

The reason for helplessness is simple, after all, it's impossible to be happy when crossing over to a world filled with ferocious beasts.

The reason for feeling fortunate is also simple, at least he is still alive, still a student, and still has the opportunity to learn.

If he were to join the military or become a beast hunter, it would be extremely dangerous, and he could die at any moment.

"But you guys are really lucky. The country provides subsidies, and all students who are about to take the college entrance examination can open a Destiny Treasure Chest for free."

Just then, the beautiful homeroom teacher continued speaking, revealing some information.

The classroom instantly erupted.

"What? Open it for free?"

"Open a Destiny Treasure Chest for free?"

"Teacher, is this true or false?"

"Why do you even need to ask? It must be true. When has Teacher Liu ever deceived us?"

"Teacher, what star rating are the chests that we can open?"

For a moment, various voices filled the classroom, and it became lively.

Even Ye Chen couldn't help but feel slightly surprised.

The Destiny Treasure Chest is something unique to Earth.

As far as the memories in his mind knew, each Destiny Treasure Chest could contain the best of the best.

Although the Destiny Treasure Chests are divided into one to nine stars.

But each star rating of the chest can contain exclusive divine items.

"It's a one-star Destiny Treasure Chest."

The voice of the homeroom teacher sounded, and the noise in the classroom immediately subsided.

A one-star Destiny Treasure Chest is the lowest level, and most of the things that come out of it are some incomplete elixirs. The best things that can be obtained with good luck are just ordinary martial arts techniques.

Naturally, the enthusiasm of the students decreased.

However, the voice of the homeroom teacher sounded again.

"Don't look down on the one-star Destiny Treasure Chest."

"Based on the research of countless experts over hundreds of years, each star rating of the chest can contain a unique divine item."

Her voice sounded, revealing a secret that made all the students curious.

"Teacher, are you saying that even a one-star Destiny Treasure Chest can contain priceless treasures?"

A student asked.


She nodded, then looked at everyone and calmly said.

"The Destiny Treasure Chest is divided into one to nine stars. Each level of chest can contain some true divine items, and their value is equal."

"For example, according to some experts' speculation, a one-star chest can contain the strongest breathing technique in all realms, called the Supreme Breathing Technique."

Teacher Liu said seriously, word by word.

And when these words were spoken, the students in the classroom inexplicably became excited.

Supreme Breathing Technique?

The strongest breathing technique in all realms?

But just then, a crisp voice sounded.

"Ding, the divine-level cheat has been activated. Congratulations to the host for awakening 'Super Godly Luck'."

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