Global Treasure Chest: Start With The Supreme Breathing Technique.

Chapter 100: In The Extreme Northern Boundary Sea, Demons Dance In Chaos

In the far north, on the boundless ice field, the chilling cold wind howls, and the air is filled with a strong smell of blood that makes people nauseous.

The originally pristine white ground has now been dyed into a bizarre and colorful hue by blood.

Red, green, black, all colors are present, nothing is lacking.

Blood stains penetrate the ice surface, and dozens of meters below the ice is still a sea of blood.

Amidst the raging blizzard, there are constant cries and howls.

Whether it's ferocious beasts or humans, this ice field is like a meat grinder, constantly harvesting lives.

At the headquarters of the Extreme North Ice Field, a tall and muscular soldier with blond hair and blue eyes numbly looks at the frontline battle reports.

In his mind, there is only brutality!

Nothing but brutality.

The troops supporting the frontline disappear on the battlefield like moths to a flame.

The achievements gained are few and far between.

Since the appearance of the rift yesterday, to the "660" blood battle fought by the people of the entire country today, the total number of casualties has already exceeded one million, far surpassing the red tide disaster in the Dragon Nation's East Sea.

If it weren't for the war god of the Square Country fighting at the frontline, barely contending with the monstrous bear of the Sovereign Realm, it's possible that even the headquarters would have fallen.

Just thinking about that monstrous bear, the commander of the Extreme North Ice Field feels a wave of fear.

At the moment the rift broke, the entire Extreme North Ice Field was shrouded in boundless darkness.

Terrifying roars mixed with deafening vibrations, countless ice and frost blades shot out, splitting their Square Country's Extreme North City in half.

From the darkness came the chilling sound of swallowing, the agonizing cries of compatriots.

It's hard to imagine what they had suffered before their deaths.

At that time, the commander was patrolling the outskirts of the Extreme North City, unable to move due to the arrogant pressure and the aura emanating from the ferocious beasts.

Fear kept him frozen in place for a long time, as the thunderous footsteps approached step by step.

He could clearly hear the sound of the monstrous bear chewing on his compatriots, a demonic sound from hell.

Just as death was approaching step by step, just as he was prepared to sacrifice himself for the country.

A light that illuminated the entire darkness pulled him out of hell.

The war god of the Square Country, Gavisky, broke through the boundless darkness with a momentum that opened the heavens.

However, what came into view was a hell on earth.

Countless limbs and arms fell to the ground, and the towering Extreme North City turned into ruins.

Shattered skulls rolled in front of him, and the commander looked up.

That shiny black figure was massive and unmatched, its black fur emitting a cold and bloodthirsty luster, instantly absorbing all the blood of countless compatriots that fell on it.

The dark golden bear claws, like mountains, grabbed countless compatriots and threw them into its mouth, followed by a terrifying chewing sound.

The monstrous bear seemed to enjoy this chewing sensation, and a human-like expression of enjoyment appeared on its ferocious black bear face.

In its eyes, the hatred and madness lingered.

This was the hatred for the human race, the hatred for slaughtering its companions.

The monstrous bear was a variant of the bear-human race, still maintaining the appearance of a bear.

But all its fur had turned black, and as its strength grew, its size also increased.

The one before him had broken through the boundary sea from the various realms and arrived on Earth. Even though it was weakened by the will of the Earth, its size remained enormous.

With each step of this colossal creature, it left a huge pit in the ice field, and each pit was the size of a lake.

The monstrous bear ignored the commander and turned around, running towards the direction of the Square Country's war god.

Whenever the commander recalls this scene, he shudders.

If it weren't for the war god attracting the monstrous bear's hatred, he would have been trapped in the bear's belly at that moment.

However, the war continues, and there hasn't been any news from the War God for a long time.

But one after another, teams of compatriots continue to fill the gaps in the boundary sea. If not for this, the great armies of the various heavens and races would have long broken through the extreme northern defense line and ravaged the Earth.

The Garrison Commander's gaze was fixed on a broken screen, which was transmitting the situation in the boundary sea.

There, there were still surviving war correspondents broadcasting the situation on the battlefield worldwide, but soon, the signal would be interrupted.

But this live broadcast showed everyone the severity of the situation.

On the other side of the ocean, Karen, who had been defeated in the East Sea, didn't care about the extreme northern boundary sea at all.

He even wished for more savage beasts to come in. The Square Alliance and the God Alliance had always been at odds with each other.

He didn't want to provide any assistance, as this was a good opportunity to weaken the Square Alliance.

However, fishing boats from all sides forced him, as the leader of the alliance, to lead a military force to provide support.

His mood was as uncomfortable as eating feces.

The other two major alliances neighboring the Square Kingdom also dispatched troops to resist with all their might.

If the boundary sea fell, the Square Kingdom would naturally be the first to suffer, but they wouldn't fare well either, being so close.

The Five Great Alliances had no eternal friends, only eternal interests.

In the Dragon Kingdom, this brutal live broadcast caused a burst of applause.

"Serves them right! Where were they when the East Sea suffered from the red tide disaster?"

"They still want assistance? Dream on!"

"When they go extinct, we'll go and not only expand our territory but also lower housing prices. Killing two birds with one stone!"

"They're still our fellow human beings. We should help when necessary."

"Beast! Just a saintly mother, why don't you go help? You can say whatever you want without having to fight for it?"

"Get lost!"

Amidst the sound of fishing boats, the recently war-torn Dragon Kingdom Alliance urgently held a alliance meeting.

The meeting was held in the conference room of the Magic Capital Martial Mansion.

This time, Ye Chen, who had almost recovered, also attended the meeting.

Everyone looked solemnly at the live broadcast on the screen. The barrage of comments was like sharp blades cutting into everyone's hearts.

Indeed, when the red tide disaster struck, none of the other alliances came to help, and the tragedy in the East Sea was still fresh in their minds.

Old grudges were finally avenged today, and many people secretly celebrated.

Even in such a formal occasion, when it came to providing support, the whole room fell silent, and no one spoke up.

It wasn't that they didn't understand the consequences of the boundary sea being breached, but faced with the massive Dragon Kingdom fishing boats, no one was willing to shoulder this responsibility.

Once someone proposed support, they would face the violent fishing boats on the internet.

The overwhelming insults and mindless blame would be like a knife in the back. The keyboard was their murder weapon.

Confucianism uses words to disrupt the law, and chivalry uses force to violate prohibitions. It's just like that.

In the current meeting, besides Liu Changtian, who had the prestige to withstand it, anyone else who spoke up would not have a good ending.

But whether it was victory or defeat, it would damage Liu Changtian's reputation.

Tens of thousands of Dragon Kingdom citizens had recently perished, swallowed by fish, and now they were pushing Dragon Kingdom men into the fire pit.

How could such a thing happen in the world?

Ye Chen deeply understood the difficulties involved. Liu Changtian was not like him, with only himself to worry about.

Once he was attacked by the fishing boats, his family and friends would also suffer from the violence on the internet.

This was a dilemma.

Looking at the Dragon Kingdom War God in front of him, who had cut his long hair and had a slightly angry expression, Ye Chen finally spoke up and took on this burden.

"I propose to go and provide support..."

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