Global Treasure Chest: Start With The Supreme Breathing Technique.

Chapter 45: Peerless Beastmaster, Attack With A Sharp Knife! 【A New Book Asks For Everything】

Ye Chen's gaze was sharp as lightning, looking into the smoke.

Only to see a bloody hole appeared on the head of the young lion, and the spear of the god of the underworld was inserted into his brain. He lay on the ground, constantly howling in pain. His originally golden fur was dull and lifeless, and his beast eyes were dull.

Obviously, he was not long for this world, on the brink of death.

Before Li Shuyi could thank him, Ye Chen put her down from his arms.

Looking around at the crowd, the mission recorded a team of thirteen people, but now there were only seven left, obviously they had already perished.

Immediately, Ye Chen spoke.

"I have accepted the mission and will protect you to safely return to the fortress... The commotion here must have already alerted the old lion. It is not suitable to stay here for long, we must hurry..."

Before Ye Chen could finish speaking.


Suddenly, a loud roar that was loud enough to echo throughout the Beast King Forest came, and it could be felt that the sound was filled with anger.

The ground shook violently, and leaves fell rustling down.

In an instant, the earth shook and the mountains trembled, as if something was rapidly approaching in the direction where Ye Chen and the others were.

"Not good, the old lion is coming... Let's go deeper into the Beast King Forest!"

There was no time to explain, Ye Chen directly struck the severely injured young lion with another blow, completely killing it.

Then, his figure turned into a ghostly shadow, quickly leading them towards the depths of the Beast King Forest.

The outskirts had already been blocked by a tide of ferocious beasts.

If they decided to return to the fortress, their footsteps would definitely be hindered by the tide of ferocious beasts.

Once caught up by the enraged old lion.

With Ye Chen's current strength, he could still escape if he encountered it alone, but now there was also the research team.

They could only escape towards the depths of the Beast King Forest, where there was still a glimmer of hope!

Unexpectedly, this mission had actually provoked this top-level ferocious beast, the peerless Beast King at the peak level!

Ten thousand merit points, it was a loss, they had to find a way to compensate for it.

The group quickly moved through the forest, concealing their figures along the way, carefully converging their aura.

After a moment, the furious roar sounded again. Ye Chen felt that the old lion had stopped, presumably it had seen the corpse of its offspring.

Immediately after, he felt that terrifying aura getting closer and closer.


At the same time.

Command Headquarters of the Magic Capital Underground.

Commander Tang Hao sat upright in front of the battlefield simulator, looking at the red dot moving rapidly towards the Beast King Forest, his heart filled with joy, and he gave the order.

"Spread the word, Dagger Squad, follow me to the Beast King Forest and kill that old lion!"

"Yes, sir!"

He turned his head and gave orders to the deputy officers standing behind him. The voice filled with killing intent echoed in the command headquarters.

Since this old lion dared to show itself and leave behind a group of top-level ferocious beasts, venturing alone into the Beast King Forest.

The reason why this old lion was able to survive until now had a lot to do with its cunning nature.

But now, someone had provoked it to such a rage that it disregarded its own safety.

Such a heaven-sent opportunity must not be missed.

It was the best time for the dagger to be unsheathed!

After a moment, he took out his tiger-headed machete from his spatial ring, rushed out of the door, and headed towards the Beast King Forest.

"Dagger Squad, follow me and kill!"

Outside the door, several young figures stood in a row, among them were two people who exuded the aura of top-level martial artists.

Watching Tang Hao's gradually receding figure, everyone hurriedly followed.



Fortress Number 14.

A black-dressed girl flaps the pitch-black wings behind her, soaring in the sky.

She holds a huge scythe that is disproportionate to her body, causing the entire sky to darken because of her presence alone.

Her pitch-black wings, over ten meters long, spread out, and her long black hair flows in the wind like a waterfall.

She wears a crying clown mask on her face, and her arms and thighs are wrapped in bandages. She is Liu Luoli, currently ranked first on the freshman battle merit list, from the Kyoto Martial Academy.

At this moment, she is actually contending against a top-level early-stage beast king!

Her strength is terrifying!

Her speed is extremely fast, like an elf in the darkness, and the huge death scythe in her hand is like a toy.

Every time the scythe's huge blade cuts across the body of the top-level beast king, a huge wound appears.

After a moment, the top-level beast king falls in a pool of blood.

Her battle merit instantly increases by 1120 points, reaching a terrifying score of 6280 points, pulling ahead of the second place by over two thousand points!

After killing this top-level beast, she seems to sense something.

"The Dagger Team..."

Immediately, she waves her wings and flies towards Tang Hao's direction.


On the other side of the battlefield.

A figure burning with red flames continuously turns the approaching beasts into ashes. After seeing Tang Hao flying in the sky, he also joins the Dagger Team's pace.

The group advances towards the Beast King Forest.

Similarly, young figures scattered throughout the battlefield also join the team heading to the Ten Thousand Beast Forest.

Their individual strengths are all very good, and together they form a very powerful force.

Even though they are not opponents of the Old Lion Beast, as long as they can assist Tang Hao in killing the Old Lion Beast and help suppress the beast tide, they can obtain a lot of battle merits.

Moreover, once the Old Lion Beast dies, the chaotic beast tide can be ended ahead of schedule.

This is a great achievement.


Inside the Beast King Forest.

Ye Chen and his group are running wildly in the jungle.

At this moment, they no longer care about hiding their tracks.

The cunning Old Lion Beast immediately discovered their whereabouts and chased after them.

Feeling the increasingly violent aura getting closer.

Ye Chen suddenly stops and turns to the researchers of the Beast Research Team.

"You guys go first, I'll hold back this beast... It's the offspring of the Old Lion Beast that I killed, it won't chase after you."

After hearing Ye Chen's words.

Li Shuyi is the first to step forward and stand beside Ye Chen, her eyes filled with unwavering determination.

"It was you who saved us from the beast's mouth and had no choice but to kill it... Besides, we are already exhausted, maybe you can escape alone."

Her clear voice is like a falling jade bead.

She cannot let Ye Chen stay behind, no matter what, for he is the peerless beast king who is just one step away from entering the Martial King realm!

If Ye Chen stays behind, he will undoubtedly die.

"We can't escape anymore, prepare for battle."

Ye Chen takes a deep breath.

The Great Desolation Halberd appears in his hand, ready for battle.

If he were to face the top-level beast king Old Lion Beast alone, he might be able to hold it back for a while and then retreat.

But now, he can only fight it head-on.

Because danger is already approaching...

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