Global Treasure Chest: Start With The Supreme Breathing Technique.

Chapter 62: The Passage Will Open, And Finally Get The Treasure Chest! 【A New Book Asks For Everythi

Chapter 62: The Passage to the Treasure Chest is about to Open!

Wu Mansion in the Magic City.

Ye Chen sat cross-legged on the bed, his fingers flipping through information about the six-star treasure chest, constantly searching and browsing on his phone.

"A year ago, a six-star treasure chest landed in the Qinling Mountains, causing a frenzy among the people. In the end, it was obtained by a powerful Martial King."

"Six years ago, several Martial Kings joined forces to attack a beast king hidden in the Taihang Mountains and discovered a six-star treasure chest in its lair."

"Ten years ago, a shocking water tornado erupted in the East Sea, suspected to have given birth to a six-star treasure chest, triggering a battle among many Martial Kings."

Among all the news, the earliest mention of a six-star treasure chest was one year ago, and the remaining information about the six-star treasure chest was mostly from ten years ago.

There was not a single piece of information about the key to the seven-star treasure chest.

This was because the corresponding beast for the seven-star treasure chest could only be obtained by killing a Supreme Realm expert above the Martial King Realm.

The reason why the Martial King Realm experts didn't compete with him was because they didn't have the key to open it. As long as the beast didn't get it, it was fine.

Ye Chen sighed and prepared to switch to his phone to check the rewards exchange treasury of the Wu Mansion in the Magic City.

At this moment, a piece of news caught Ye Chen's attention.

There seemed to be a passage in the Arctic Cold Region that was about to appear, and the supreme experts from various realms were planning to open a passage to invade Earth, signaling the beginning of an invasion war.

Seeing this, Ye Chen's heart trembled.

A new passage opening?

Doesn't that mean the human race is about to face another life-or-death battle?

The last time a passage opened was in the God Alliance of the Five Major Alliances, which governed the North American region.

Hundreds of human base cities were completely destroyed, and tens of thousands of humans were slaughtered.

Ye Chen had seen this scene in the news before, and two words came to mind: brutal!

And this time, the passage actually appeared in the Arctic Cold Region!

The living environment there was extremely harsh, and only a few cold-resistant beasts lived there, which was not suitable for human survival, let alone stopping the opening of the passage.

Since the invincible kings among the various realms would let the human race discover it, they were not afraid of Martial King Realm experts going to seal the passage.

They wanted to first plunge the human race into endless fear.

Once the Arctic region was occupied by the various realms, they would probably quickly mobilize their armies to invade the human territories.

And the Dragon Kingdom Alliance near the Arctic would undoubtedly be the first to bear the brunt!

At that time, who knows how many base cities would be destroyed and how many Dragon Kingdom humans would be slaughtered.

With the North American tragedy as a precedent, it was truly terrifying.

In the face of such news, the Dragon Kingdom Alliance's usual strategy was not to hide, just like the eruption of the underground caves, they would make it public for everyone to know.

Even though it would cause panic.

But only by uniting as one and fighting against the invasion of the various realms could the human race survive in this cruel world.

Ye Chen took a deep breath. If the Dragon Kingdom Alliance was annihilated, where would he go?

If the country was gone, the family would be gone. Although he was an orphan, he had a deep affection for the Dragon Kingdom Alliance, after all, it was the place where he relied on for survival.

He would never allow such a thing to happen!

With this in mind, Ye Chen's eyes became firm.

Since he already knew this news and it was inevitable, a battle for the survival of the Dragon Kingdom Alliance was about to begin.

Therefore, it became even more important to open the supreme artifact in the six-star treasure chest he had obtained.

He opened the rewards exchange treasury of the Wu Mansion in the Magic City.

Clicked on the search for the six-star treasure chest.

Suddenly, a treasure chest emitting a diamond-like radiance appeared on the screen in front of Ye Chen, catching his attention.

A six-star treasure chest worth 400,000 merit points!

This price is equivalent to two sets of Martial King's ultimate skills. Last time, when I killed the old Sanniyi in the underground dungeon and obtained the first battle achievement, the academy rewarded me with a set of Martial King's ultimate skills. This shows how precious the six-star treasure chest is.

Moreover, there is only one six-star treasure chest available for exchange in the Merit Treasury of the Magic City Martial Mansion.

And Ye Chen has used up all his merit points in his account to prepare for entering the secret realm.

It seems unlikely that he will be able to exchange for the six-star treasure chest with his merit points, at least not in the short term.

Just when Ye Chen felt desperate about opening the six-star treasure chest.

A gentle voice suddenly sounded in his ears and entered his mind.

"Ye Chen, come to the principal's office when you have time. I have something to give you."

This magical means, is a Martial King powerhouse communicating with me?

The principal's office, the teacher?

His teacher is naturally Lu Gang, the principal of the Magic City Martial Mansion.

Although he had just become his disciple, Lu Gang had hurriedly left the Magic City Martial Mansion and went to the battlefield of the heavens, leaving behind a cultivation manual. But Ye Chen could immediately recognize that it was Lu Gang's voice.

Suddenly, Ye Chen felt delighted. Since his teacher has returned from the battlefield of the heavens, he said he has something to give to him.

Could it be the six-star treasure chest?

Perhaps Ye Chen's thoughts were too beautiful, but the thing he currently desires the most is naturally the six-star treasure chest. As for the key to the seven-star treasure chest, he doesn't have any expectations at all.

Soon, Ye Chen got up and left his apartment.

Soaring into the sky, a wingspan of tens of meters of the divine and demonic wings unfolded behind him.

In the Magic City Martial Mansion, there is no need to be too ostentatious, so Ye Chen shortened the length of the divine and demonic wings from hundreds of meters to only tens of meters.

Ye Chen waved his wings and slowly flew towards the direction of the principal's office.

In the principal's office.

Several figures were sitting around a huge oval-shaped conference table that was tens of meters long. They all had solemn expressions, looking a bit heavy-hearted.

Among them was an old man dressed in white research clothing, very eye-catching. He was Li Wende.

"I think it is very appropriate to give Ye Chen the six-star treasure chest that has been left idle in the Merit Treasury as a reward for killing a Martial King realm ferocious beast and preventing a disaster. This young hero, who doesn't have the backing of major families, should be given special attention by the Martial Mansion. He will definitely become another Xiao Poyan in the future."

At this moment, he was talking incessantly, constantly speaking to the people around him, with a somewhat proud expression, showing that he highly admires Ye Chen.

And sitting in the center was a middle-aged man with a tall figure and a refined temperament. His face was calm and composed. He was Ye Chen's teacher, the current principal of the Magic City Martial Mansion, Lu Gang.

It was he who proposed the idea of giving the six-star treasure chest to Ye Chen.

However, the six-star treasure chest is too precious and requires the approval of the Martial Mansion's elders.

"Cough, I think Ye Chen has only been enrolled for less than half a year, and we don't know much about his character. Although he has made many contributions to the Dragon Nation, if he is someone who only knows killing and has a dark heart, I think this matter still needs to be discussed."

Suddenly, an old man interrupted Li Wende's words directly, making the latter angry and puffing his beard.

Although the Magic City Martial Mansion naturally devotes great efforts to cultivate talented students, they need to pass multiple tests.

Suddenly, the elders began to reconsider and raised their hands in agreement.

They decided to give the treasure chest to Ye Chen after a longer period of time and passing the tests.

This is because there have been cases in the past where people obtained resources and then defected from the Magic City Martial Mansion.

That is the shame of the entire Magic City Martial Mansion, and even the human race!

Thinking of this, a figure appeared in the minds of everyone.

Back then, that was an existence that could rival Xiao Potian. I suppose that person has already broken through to the realm of Martial King.

"Since that's the case, let's discuss this matter later."

Seeing the opposition to the matter, Lu Gang's expression remained unchanged, and his tone was extremely calm.

It was impossible to tell what he was thinking.

"So, esteemed elders, let's discuss the upcoming opening of the North Pole Cave Passage... and what actions our Demon City Martial Mansion should take in response."

Lu Gang changed the topic and directly addressed the main point of this meeting.

Upon hearing this, everyone's hearts trembled.

Indeed, what was bound to happen eventually happened.

The opening of this cave passage was related to the survival of the Dragon Nation, and as one of the two great unparalleled mansions, the Demon City Martial Mansion would undoubtedly have to fight at the forefront!

"What else can we do? Since the Dragon Clan dares to come, then we dare to fight!"

An old man with a slender figure stood up and said loudly, his eyes bursting with dazzling light, as if there were tears in them.

He was one of the surviving elders from the Second War of the Ten Thousand Clans, and he belonged to the same generation as the former principal, Xu Mingzhi.

When it came to the Ten Thousand Clans, his hatred was definitely stronger than anyone else's.

Immediately, the slender old man sat back down.

Only to see the spark of determination ignite in everyone's eyes, forming an unstoppable momentum.

Since the Ten Thousand Clans dared to come, then we dare to fight!

The Demon City Martial Mansion has no one who fears death!

Soon, a quaint and elegant teaching building appeared before Ye Chen's eyes.

Arriving at the office door, Ye Chen saw a very familiar figure, it was Ma Yue who had guided him into the school in the beginning.

Ma Yue grinned at him and made a crazy gesture, as if hinting at something to Ye Chen.

At this moment, a voice came from the office.

"Come in."

As if sensing Ye Chen's arrival.

Lu Gang closed the book he was reading, sighed softly, and said in a low voice.

Ye Chen walked into the office.

What came into view was an ancient and elegant oval conference table.

And Lu Gang was still sitting in the center of the conference table, with leftover water cups on the table, and the tea in the cups was still steaming, obviously there had just been a meeting.

"I'm sorry, I haven't taught you anything since I accepted you and hastily left the Martial Mansion. Do you blame me?"

Lu Gang's voice was extremely gentle, with a hint of apology in his expression.

Then, he waved his hand for Ye Chen to sit down, looked at Ye Chen with a calm gaze, and continued.

"However, your recent performance has been seen by me... From the eruption of the cave, to winning first place in the grade, entering the Heaven and Earth Secret Realm, annihilating the Ten Thousand Clans' conspiracy, killing the Martial King realm monstrous beast, and preventing a disaster."

"All these achievements are things that I never accomplished at your age. I am proud of you from the bottom of my heart."

"This time, this six-star treasure chest shouldn't have been given to you, but I believe that your future achievements will surpass mine, so I have decided to give it to you as a reward for killing the monstrous beast."

As he spoke, Lu Gang suddenly produced a diamond-glowing treasure chest in his hand, his gaze sincere as he slowly handed it to Ye Chen.

This treasure chest was exactly the same as the one Ye Chen had seen in the Merit Exchange Treasury.

Looking at the treasure chest being handed over.

Ye Chen's breathing became slightly heavier.

Is he really going to give this six-star treasure chest worth 400,000 merit points to himself!?

If he says he doesn't want this treasure chest, then it must be fake.

A war of invasion is about to break out, and the six-star treasure chest is right in front of him. He can definitely open another supreme divine item.

Thinking of this, he has no reason to refuse.

He reaches out with both hands and slowly takes the treasure chest.

Ye Chen's expression is solemn as he speaks.

"Teacher, although you haven't taught me anything, I understand that you have your own reasons. The cultivation notes you left behind are very useful to me."

"I know this treasure chest is very precious, but I really need it right now... so I'll accept it, thank you!"

Although Ye Chen hasn't had much contact with Lu Gang, he can feel that Lu Gang has high expectations for him.

Moreover, he privately gave him this treasure chest, so he must have paid a great price.

However, Ye Chen is not worried about these things.

With the six-star treasure chest in his hands, it will definitely be able to exert its maximum effect, and he will not disappoint Lu Gang's expectations.

Lu Gang nods and speaks.

"I'm sure you've heard about the opening of the Earth Property Channel. This time, all the teachers and students of our Shanghai Martial Arts Academy, except for a few who will stay to suppress the Earth Property, will all go to the Arctic Frontline to fight against the invasion of the Ten Thousand Races."

As he speaks, Lu Gang's tone pauses slightly.

"You have just entered the school, so you probably haven't met your senior brothers and sisters yet. This time, I will inform them to pay attention to your safety during the battle against the Ten Thousand Races and intervene if necessary... Moreover, the strength of our Dragon Country Alliance is not weaker than the God Alliance, so you don't have to worry about this war."

Ye Chen nods with a serious expression.

Suddenly, several figures appear in his mind. When he first entered the school, he heard Ma Yue talk about the legendary experiences of his senior brothers and sisters.

But he hasn't seen them with his own eyes, and now he hears Lu Gang say that he will meet them in the battle against the Ten Thousand Races.

Ye Chen can't help but feel excited.

Being able to become the disciple of the Principal of the Supreme Martial Arts Academy, all of them are top scorers in the national college entrance examination, and they are all outstanding.

Taking this opportunity, Ye Chen also asked Lu Gang for advice on some problems he encountered in his usual cultivation.

For example,

How to communicate the power of heaven and earth correctly in the body and break through to the top-level warrior?

What is the power of the universe? How strong is the true strength of a Martial King?

What kind of existence is above the Martial King, and why hasn't anyone from the human race broken through the Heavenly Realm?

Lu Gang patiently answered all these questions for Ye Chen, fulfilling his role as a teacher.

As for some supreme secrets that exist in Ye Chen's sea of knowledge, Ye Chen remained silent about them.

As they chatted, the two of them talked about the battlefield of the heavens.

The strength of the Ten Thousand Races in the heavens is many times stronger than that of the human race. If it weren't for the existence of the will of the Earth, the Earth would have long been conquered.

Among the Ten Thousand Races in the heavens, there are also human races, but they are just lowly existences enslaved by others.

Finally, Ye Chen bid farewell to Lu Gang.

He returned to his apartment.

Looking at the six-star treasure chest shimmering with diamond light in the spatial bracelet.

Ye Chen's gaze is firm.

Next, he just needs to consolidate his cultivation and successfully break through to the top-level warrior realm.

Most importantly, of course, is to wait for the talent refresh time and open the treasure chest!

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