Global Treasure Chest: Start With The Supreme Breathing Technique.

Chapter 87: If You Want To Go To The Heavens, The Red Tide Disaster! 【A New Book Asks For Everything

Chapter 87: Aspiring to the Heavens, the Catastrophe of the Red Tide!

Dressed in white.

Standing in the center of the memorial hall.

Ye Chen's gaze flickered, his figure tall and straight, standing alone in the world.

Looking at the huge portraits displayed in the memorial hall, everything around seemed to fade away.

Their eyes seemed to be staring at him.

Among them, there was Xiao Potian who self-destructed in front of him, there was his teacher Lu Gang.

And there was that shameless old man who left silently with a cart full of achievements.

Thinking about the dozens of Martial King powerhouses who died in battle, the collapse of the defense line of the heavens, and the many difficulties the alliance was about to face.

Ye Chen couldn't help but clench his fists, making a cracking sound.

"In this lifetime, I will not be a war god, only a god of slaughter! I will make all races tremble in fear, make the heavens tremble beneath my feet!"

Ye Chen muttered to himself.

In his eyes, there seemed to be a flame burning slowly.

Everything still required strength!

Without strength, he couldn't even protect the people he cherished!

Without strength, how could he fulfill his vow to avenge them?

A terrifying killing intent spread from his surroundings.

The temperature in the memorial hall quickly dropped, and there were faint traces of frost spreading in the corners.

How many lives had to be annihilated to condense such a terrifying killing intent?

Yes, everything within the alliance has temporarily come to an end.

With Liu Changtian, a high-level Martial King, the remaining four Martial Kings are enough to deter the small, suppress all the land cultivation and tide increase.

And in the extreme northern underground passage, the heavily injured Monarch-level Long Night Profound Snake could appear at any time.

With only Liu Changtian and a few others, they were simply unable to resist the terrifying might of the invincible king.

And the Dragon Nation has already withdrawn from the Five Great Alliance Community.

The other four alliances will definitely take advantage of the situation and watch from the sidelines, not sending a single soldier to support.

When the Dragon Nation Alliance completely collapses, countless cities will be destroyed, hundreds of millions of people will be homeless, exposed to the claws of ferocious beasts, and become their food.

This scene must not be allowed to happen!

Only by breaking through to the Martial King realm can he match the Monarch-level Long Night Profound Snake!

Time is of the essence.

He must immediately go to the battlefield of the heavens and follow in the footsteps of his senior brothers and sisters.

To break through to the Martial King realm, he needs terrifying cosmic energy to condense his small world within his body.

In addition, in his sea of consciousness.

There are also several big consumers of cosmic energy.

On Earth, he can't fully display his abilities, only limited improvement.

Only there, in that place called the 'Martial King Meat Grinder'.

By constantly killing and slaughtering all races, he can provide him with enough surging cosmic energy to support his breakthrough.

Not far away, Liu Luoli and Li Shuyi were still playing with Xiaoxingran.

This heartwarming scene.

Even if he had to risk his life, he must protect it!

"Master, Senior Sister, it's time for us to go home."

Approaching the group, Ye Chen reached out his big hand and gently rubbed the short-haired head of Lu Xingran.

He said softly to Xu Lan.

Now that most of the people in the memorial hall have left, they naturally should leave as well.

And the home Ye Chen mentioned in his words naturally referred to the Martial Mansion in the Magic Capital.

Ye Chen and Li Shuyi were students of the first and second year of the Martial Mansion in the Magic Capital, while 'Master' Xu Lan was a teacher at the Martial Mansion in the Magic Capital.

Unlike other Martial King bloodlines, Lu Xingran is currently attending a regular elementary school in the Magic Capital.

Before his death, Lu Gang wanted him to have an ordinary and happy childhood.

But Ye Chen disrupted it like this.

When the latter was only eight or nine years old, he directly took him as a disciple, and everyone knew about it.

Lu Xingran could no longer live an ordinary life.

Not only that, but it also helped him open up his knowledge and become a warrior.

Even if he was a descendant of another martial king family, he would have become a warrior at the age of eleven or twelve at the earliest, so as not to affect his own development.

But Xiaoxing naturally didn't have this concern.

He inherited the supreme boxing intent and embarked on a path of invincibility that was different from ordinary people.

Hearing this, Xu Lan and Li Shuyi nodded.

"Then let's go back now."

Xu Lan said.

"Ye Chen, I'll go with you."

Liu Luoli, who was on the side, said.

She also wanted to go to the Magic City Martial Mansion with Ye Chen, as if she knew what Ye Chen was thinking, her eyes were determined.

"No need, Luoli, stay in Kyoto and cultivate with peace of mind, leave everything to me."

Ye Chen said softly.

Looking at the stubborn Liu Luoli in front of him.

It was as if the fragile girl in the small courtyard had appeared before his eyes again.

Therefore, Ye Chen did not let Liu Luoli accompany him.

He was going back to the Magic City Martial Mansion this time.

He was going to the battlefield of the heavens, where the danger was extremely high.

And Liu Luoli's cultivation had not reached the point where she needed to break through to the Martial King realm, and he didn't want her to take this risk with him.

Under the Magic City Martial Mansion, there was a suppressed underground cave.

Deep inside, there was a passage to the battlefield of the heavens, and he needed some time to prepare.

Saying that, Liu Luoli didn't seem to insist.

But her eyes were filled with stubbornness, as if she had made a decision in her heart.

As a descendant of the Martial King, she naturally had her own pride.

Soon, Ye Chen walked out.

The few of them arrived at the square outside the memorial hall.

At this moment, the square was already empty, and the rain had stopped.

The sunlight shone on the towering human hero monument on the square, as if everything had cleared up after the rain.

Behind him, the wings of the gods and demons spread out.

His figure soared into the sky and flew directly towards the direction of the Magic City Martial Mansion.

One day later.

Magic City Martial Mansion, New Student Apartment King.

Ye Chen sat calmly on the bed in his small room.

Just now, he had adjusted his state to its peak.

And after a night's time.

He roughly understood the current situation of the Dragon Country Defense Line in the battlefield of the heavens from his phone.

A large part of this information came from his second senior brother Yuwen Ye, who sent it from the battlefield of the heavens.

There was also a part of it that was transmitted back by war correspondents from the battlefield of the heavens.

From the pictures that came, he could see.

The current Dragon Country Defense Line was nothing but ruins.

And the army of the Ten Thousand Races had long since left.

In the midst of the ruins, countless bodies piled up, with the appearance of ferocious beasts constantly appearing, emitting a foul smell, extremely tragic.

There were human warriors as well as various races from the Ten Thousand Races.

Here, the army of millions of human warriors died in battle, none survived.

Among them, the bodies of the Armored Demon race accounted for the highest proportion.

The Armored Demon race was a notorious race among the Ten Thousand Races, ranking within the top three thousand of the Ten Thousand Races.

Similar to the human forces, their main combat power was only a few high-level Martial Kings.

But their reproductive ability was extremely strong.

From the bodies of the Armored Demon race, one could see that they were like a giant beetle.

Like humans, they walked upright on two legs, but had four arms and were covered in a huge carapace.

Their strength was distinguished by the color of the carapace covering their bodies.

From beginner to super, they all wear black armor. The top level of martial artists wear green armor, while the martial king level wear red armor.

However, from the images sent back by war correspondents, it is known that among the various races participating in the siege of the Dragon Kingdom's defense line, the Armor Demon Clan played a major role. They were led by a high-level martial king named Kai Feng, leading the Demon Armor Legion.

Relying on their strong reproductive ability as a race, they charged forward like cannon fodder, quickly breaking through the human defense line. There were also the Red Bird Demon Clan, Iron Armor Bull Clan, and dozens of other races among them.

In the images, there was no sight of Ye Chen's teacher, Lu Gang.

The battle fluctuations of the martial king experts were too terrifying, and their speed was extremely fast. Ordinary war correspondents couldn't capture them on film.

Regarding this, Ye Chen memorized these dozens of races in his heart.

Now, the Dragon Kingdom Alliance's defense line on the battlefield of the heavens has already collapsed.

Because of the barrier set up by the will of the Earth, the various races cannot cross the boundary sea deep in the earth's abyss and invade the Earth.

Therefore, the races that came to siege have long since retreated.

The remaining few have already been killed by the human geniuses who were killed in advance from the passage.

The main purpose of these races is to destroy the human defense line.

The next Great War of the Ten Thousand Races is about to begin.

And their ranking on the Ten Thousand Races List is similar to that of the humans.

With the weakening of the human race, they naturally cannot achieve results in the Great War of the Ten Thousand Races, and their ranking plummets.

Once their ranking on the Ten Thousand Races List is low, they will receive much less cosmic fate.

But they are the opposite.

They can plunder more cosmic fate and strengthen their own population.

After watching all the images.

A hint of killing intent burst out from Ye Chen's eyes, overflowing.

"Since that's the case, let's start killing from these dozens of races."

Ye Chen kept muttering in his mouth.

He had already made up his mind to cross the sea deep in the underground of the Demon City.

He would directly charge into the defensive line on the battlefield of the heavens, where dozens of races participated in the siege of the Dragon Kingdom.

Just as he was about to get up, suddenly, a powerful voice spread out from somewhere in the Dragon Kingdom, echoing throughout the country like ripples.

"In the East Sea, the Black Sky Dragon King is suspected to have broken through the Sovereign level and is leading the Five Great Beast Kings to invade. A disaster is approaching, and all Dragon Kingdom residents in coastal areas must evacuate immediately!"

"All residents in coastal areas... evacuate immediately!"

The voice echoed three times, reverberating in the void.

It was not difficult to hear that this was Liu Changtian's voice.

Immediately, Ye Chen's gaze became focused.

He quickly turned on his phone screen.

The scene before him shocked him. It was a scene of chaos.

Among them, a terrifying image appeared, like a horrifying natural disaster.

In the image, the coastal areas of the Dragon Kingdom Alliance were shrouded in dark clouds, with strong winds sweeping and heavy rain pouring down.

A terrifying sky-blocking giant wave surrounded the land.

The giant wave surged high, reaching a height of ten thousand meters, but under an inexplicable force, it stopped in mid-air without crashing down.

The seawater submerged the land.

Many coastal areas had already been submerged, buildings collapsed under the waves, and many people who had not had time to evacuate were struggling in the waves.

Countless sea monsters lurked in the waves, their eyes filled with ferocity, directly biting at the struggling people in the waves.

Soon, the entire sea was dyed red with blood.

A red tide formed.

Everything was like hell on earth, with countless warrior armies fighting against them.

There were also human warships lined up in formation, with the sound of cannons constantly roaring.

But in terms of numbers, they were completely incomparable to the ferocious beasts, lacking any deterrent power. Soon, countless warriors perished in the bellies of the beasts, and numerous warships were destroyed.

The defensive line that was originally built on the coastline collapsed instantly.

A warrior fights desperately in the surging tide.

Countless people cry out.

A beautiful home has turned into an ocean.

The hunting ground of monsters.

What's even more terrifying is that within those sky-obscuring giant waves.

There is a terrifying beast shadow, faintly visible.

Under the cover of the sky-obscuring giant waves, its true appearance cannot be discerned.


The body of the beast shadow is as tall as the sky-covering ten-thousand-meter giant waves, giving people a feeling of facing the abyss of the sea, a fear that lingers.

No less terrifying than the invincible sovereign, the Long Night Black Serpent, that broke out of the Extreme North Underground Passage.

A pair of golden beast eyes, like two little suns, hang high in the sky, emitting a fierce light.

According to what Liu Changtian said.

This should be the terrifying beast king suspected to be at the sovereign level, the Black Sky Dragon King!

In the midst of the giant waves, apart from this terrifying sky-obscuring dragon shadow.

There are also five terrifying beast shadows.

Their bodies are hundreds of meters tall, exuding a formidable aura, standing like mountains in the raging storm.

They are all ocean overlords, martial king-level beast kings.

Now, their figures are all hidden within the sky-obscuring giant waves, manipulating the tide of beasts, sweeping across the land, staining the entire sea area red with blood.

It seems that as long as the Black Sky Dragon King gives the order, they will invade the territory of the human race.

On the other side.


A thunderous thunderbolt crosses the sky.

Apart from the sky-obscuring giant waves, everything is illuminated by a (Zhao's) lightning.

A tiny figure suddenly appears in the sky.

Releasing terrifying lightning, golden thunderbolts surround its body, like little suns.

Within this small body is filled with cosmic energy, emitting a terrifying aura.

It is even stronger than the five kilometer-tall beast shadows lurking under the ten-thousand-meter beast shadow.

This is a human martial king powerhouse!

This person is none other than the "Sea Guardian" Meng Tiange, responsible for guarding all the sea areas.

Meng Tiange is like a flash of lightning.

His figure stands proudly in the sky, with a hint of lightning flashing in his eyes, confronting the giant waves without retreating.

But in the face of this terrifying dragon shadow and the five beast kings.

His figure appears so small, like a flat boat swaying in the raging waves.

There is no way out.

Behind him is the territory of the human race.

Although he is alone, he will fight to the end.

With lowered eyes, he looks at the city submerged by the tide, those people who are completely exposed under the giant mouths of the ocean monsters, struggling desperately.

He clenches his fists, his face determined.

But he still hasn't made a move, standing heavily in front of Shen Lang.

Seemingly waiting for something.

The area of the ocean is obviously much wider than the land.

Because the living space for the beast kings in the ocean is very vast, except for the Hundred-Clawed Zhang King that he killed.

There are almost no beast kings invading the land, and there has been peace all along.

Until recently, the Black Dragon appeared, but it was still frightened away by the aura raised by the human martial king.

Unexpectedly, at the moment when the Dragon Alliance Building was about to collapse, this old dragon actually broke through to the sovereign level!

Not only that, it also led its five beast king subordinates to return and invade once again.

And on the human side, there is only him...

Suddenly, a deep sense of powerlessness surges in his heart.


Even if he dies in battle.

He will not retreat a single step!

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