Global Trial: Awakening Twins At The Beginning

Chapter 176 Demon Emperor Palace

"Since that's the case, we don't have much to say." The sea monster sighed, unable to beat the opponent, what can he do.

"Stop it, Jun Xie." Ling Chen yelled in the direction where Jun Xie and the other demons were chasing after him.

Hearing Ling Chen's voice, Jun Xie stopped immediately, and the giant phantom behind him also scattered away. Dozens of demon warriors came back, and soon returned to Ling Chen's side.

"Jun Xie big brother." Seeing Jun Xie, Soka immediately flew in front of Jun Xie, and sat on Jun Xie's broad and straight shoulders without any notice.

Seeing this scene, the sea-monsters in the Saint Realm were stunned. How could these demons be different from the previous ones? They were all lucky enough to have seen the last demon with their own eyes. The blood-red murderous look in their eyes made them unforgettable for life.

But in front of him, this Jun Xie, although he looked like a demon, had clear eyes, and he was somewhat evil but not bloodthirsty. It seemed to be two races from the demons they had known in the past.

"Jun Xie, they said that your demon race once had an extremely bloodthirsty demon who came to the East China Sea and dyed this sea area red. But that kind of thing seems to be very different from yours." Ling Chen looked at with a smile Jun Xie said slowly, with a hint of curiosity in his tone.

"That's because it's a demon with impure blood. He became a demon himself. He doesn't have a complete cultivation system. He can only improve his strength through continuous killing and blood, but he is also lost in the constant killing." Jun Xie was expressionless, and said coldly:

"As for me, I am an authentic demon clan, a descendant of a demon god, and have a complete cultivation system, so I can improve my strength without losing myself..."

Through Jun Xie's explanation, Ling Chen nodded. It turns out that Jun Xie and the others are authentic descendants of demon gods, and their status is based entirely on their bloodlines.

Jun Xie, on the other hand, has the highest bloodline among the descendants of this generation of demon gods, and is also a descendant of the demon god blood that is rare in a thousand years. He is the last prince of the demon clan who can inherit the position of demon god.

"I see."

The sea monsters on the side also nodded. From this point of view, all this is just a misunderstanding. However, if you go back like this, it is not easy to deal with the Demon Emperor. This can stump this group of saints.


At this time, Ling Chen seemed to see something, looked at the sea monsters who were a bit depressed, Ling Chen's mouth slightly curved, and said lightly: "Actually, we can go with you to meet the demon emperor."

Hearing this, all the sea monsters were overjoyed: "It's true."

If Ling Chen and the demon warriors could be brought back, he and the demons would be able to deal with each other, and what happened afterwards would have nothing to do with him and others.

"Lead the way ahead." Ling Chen nodded slightly, and said to the sea monster.

"Okay, this way please."

These sea monsters in the Saint Realm hurriedly said respectfully, and then led the way in front, Ling Chen took all the holy angels into the space, leaving only Soka sitting on Jun Xie's shoulder, and then led everyone The magic soldiers followed closely behind.

After an hour or two, a group of people and the demon arrived in front of a huge palace.

This palace is so tall that it is hundreds of feet high, with simple and complicated patterns carved on it, and a breath of vicissitudes and ancient vicissitudes pervades, giving this palace a very mysterious feeling.

On the plaque at the entrance of the palace, there are three big characters flying like dragons and phoenixes, Demon Emperor's Palace.

Outside the Demon Emperor's Palace, there are some murloc guards guarding with long halberds. These guards are all wearing silver-white armor, with black swords around their waists, and serious expressions on their faces. When they see someone coming , These guards looked at the direction they came from vigilantly.

Seeing these guards, Ling Chen was slightly taken aback, because he found that the strength of these guards had already reached the peak of the supreme class.

"These are the demon soldiers guarding the palace. They are the reserve soldiers of the Demon Emperor's personal army battalion. When their strength reaches the saint level, they can become the Demon Emperor's personal soldiers." The sea monster said to Ling Chen, his tone was quite envious.

Hearing this, Ling Chen was taken aback, a barracks full of saints? This demon emperor has some tricks.

"Then this..."

"I don't know." The Kraken directly interrupted what Ling Chen wanted to ask, and even if the Kraken knew about it, he couldn't just tell an outsider these secrets, even if his own life was at the other's thought.

Ling Chen smiled and did not continue to ask.

When they came to the guards, the leading siren took out a token from his waist.

The card was handed over, and the word "Emperor" was engraved on the token. Obviously, it was the token given by the Demon Emperor.

After a brief inspection, the guard at the door stepped aside.

"Let's go in."


A group of people entered the palace one file at a time. The promenade behind the entrance of the palace was quiet, only the sound of everyone's footsteps stepping on the floor of the underwater palace could be heard.

Walking through the promenade, you can see that the interior of the palace is very luxurious, with magnificent decorations everywhere. Ling Chen smiled. He didn't expect that the Kraken has the same decoration style as the human race.

"See you elders." A maid greeted her and bowed.

"Where is Lord Demon Emperor now? Take us to find him." One of the sea monster elders in the saint realm nodded casually and asked.

"Back to the elders, Lord Yaohuang has just set off, and is now... the imperial concubine's bedroom." The maid's voice softened a few degrees at the end.

"Hey, then let's go to the main hall and wait for Lord Demon Emperor, please report." The elder coughed lightly and waved his hand at the maid.

"Yes." The maid bowed again and then retreated.

Ling Chen looked at the maid's back, the corners of her mouth slightly curled up, thinking that this demon emperor seemed to be a man of temperament.

"Young Xia Ling, let's go to the main hall and wait for a while. Lord Demon Emperor will come over soon...he will come directly after he finishes his work." The sea demon elder in the saint realm said with a smile to Ling Chen, and then took the lead to greet Ling Chen. go forward.

"Well, let's go." Ling Chen didn't think too much, and the group went straight to the main hall.

Soon Ling Chen and other human demons came to the main hall entrance.

At this time, a row of sea monsters stood at the entrance of the main hall. Seeing the arrival of Ling Chen and other human demons, they all showed unkind eyes. They clearly remembered that the demons almost wiped out all their groups To destroy.

However, although their eyes were full of hatred, they did not act immediately, but waited for Lord Demon Emperor's order.

Ling Chen and the others ignored them, walked straight into the gate of the main hall, and walked into the hall.

At this time, just as the maid walked to the imperial concubine's bedroom, she heard a "creak", the door of the imperial concubine's room opened, and the demon emperor came out with a satisfied face.

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