"Tell me more about it."

At the halfway point of the Black Magic Mountains, Zhou Jun asked with interest, his hands behind his back.

In front of him, Sun Yuwen, who was about to tell him the secret, naturally did not keep him in suspense.

He said in silence: "I believe you also know that adventure copies are hard to come by, and many people think that this is something that can only be encountered by luck."

"But in fact, this is not the case. Adventure copies are divided into two types. In addition to the first type that is purely randomly refreshed and can only be encountered by luck, there is another type that is refreshed at a fixed location!"

"And in the depths of the Black Magic Mountains, it is said that there is such a fixed adventure copy!"

Sun Yuwen said loudly.

At the same time, after hearing these words, Zhou Jun was also surprised.

Fixed refresh adventure copy!

He really didn't know this.

All Zhou Jun's knowledge of the world of the Heaven-Fighter came from the Internet, except for his past and present life experience and the knowledge he learned in class.

On some dark web forums, there would be some gossips from time to time.

Of course, the Internet is a place where even regular forums are mixed, not to mention the dark web.

So the things learned from there are true and false, which led to Zhou Jun's knowledge situation.

There are indeed many things that he doesn't understand.

After hearing what Sun Yuwen said, Zhou Jun first pondered for a moment, and then suddenly asked doubtfully: "Where did you hear this news from? Did you hear it from the Internet?"


Sun Yuwen was stunned at first, then blushed a little, scratched her head and said:

"There is indeed news about the legend of Black Demon Mountain on the Internet, but I have also confirmed it from a senior in school. This news is indeed true! Moreover, he also told me the refresh location and rules of the copy."

Hearing this, Zhou Jun frowned again.

He looked at Sun Yuwen, who was the standard "clear and stupid only college students have", and he really doubted the authenticity of this news.

And Sun Yuwen seemed to be a little guilty when Zhou Jun looked at her like this.

After thinking for a while, she reaffirmed:

"That senior student shouldn't lie to me, because he has been pursuing me."

"And he is the one who has actually entered that adventure dungeon once, and he also told me that this dungeon is not dangerous, and it is full of intelligent humanoid monsters."

"I came to the Black Demon Mountains this time to find that adventure dungeon, but I encountered this kind of thing when I was halfway up the mountain... Alas, I think the outside world is too dangerous, and I am still not suitable to level up alone."

At the end, Sun Yuwen sighed with melancholy, and her expression was quite lonely.

Obviously, what happened just now still had a great impact on her.

The dark laws of the outside world made her unable to adapt for a while.

After hearing these words, Zhou Jun showed some contemplation.

Since the so-called senior student wanted to pursue Sun Yuwen, he would not have released false news.

After all, the truth of this kind of news can be known at a try, and it is too easy to verify.

If it was fake news, it would undoubtedly greatly ruin the impression in the girl's mind, and normal people would not do that.

So the senior student might have been really lucky to find this great opportunity.

It's just because a person can only enter the same adventure copy once.

So the senior student made full use of his last resource as a means to pursue Sun Yuwen and told this secret.

As a result, who would have thought that Sun Yuwen, who was ignorant of the world, ran to the Black Demon Mountain alone, and almost got into trouble just halfway up the mountain.

After being rescued by Zhou Jun, she realized that she was not the type to take risks alone, so she told him the news as a reward.

With this inference, it all matched.

Thinking of this, Zhou Jun couldn't help but get interested again, and nodded: "I believe it, so what is the time and place of the refresh?"

Hearing the question, Sun Yuwen quickly took out her mobile phone.

Then, in Zhou Jun's puzzled and speechless eyes, he took out his notebook and said seriously: "Senior told me that this copy refreshes every ten days as a reincarnation."

"He has been calculating the days. The next reincarnation is seven days later. There is no exact value for the specific time, but it is when the moon is the fullest."

"As for the location..."

Sun Yuwen slid the screen, clicked on the navigation map, and zoomed in

He pointed to a place that had been marked long ago, "Right here!"

Zhou Jun: "..."

He looked at Sun Yuwen, and for a moment he didn't know whether to praise her for being steady or stupid.

After all, as a slayer, it was the first time he met someone who had to rely on a notebook to record information.

Are all the spiritual attributes added in vain?

Touching his nose, Zhou Jun nodded and said, "Thank you, I will go and see when the time comes. You should also go down the mountain early."

"Oh, okay..."

When Sun Yuwen heard this, her expression returned to a bit of gloom, but when she caught a glimpse of the corpses on the ground, she shuddered all over, and the gloom on her face was also dispersed a bit.

Hurry up and trotted down the mountain.

Zhou Jun was also extremely helpless when he saw this.

As an old man who has been deeply involved in the education field for many years, the old principal should know how to cultivate an excellent student. How could there be such a naive granddaughter?

Is this what is called the so-called "the authorities are the most confused"?

Zhou Jun shook his head in confusion and was too lazy to think about these things.

At this time, after remembering the refresh location and time of the adventure copy, he continued to walk deep into the mountains.

Saving Sun Yuwen and killing the Xing family members were just small episodes.

Even the adventure copy would not be refreshed until seven days later.

So the main theme at the moment is still leveling up.

This time, Zhou Jun quickened his pace and walked further and further into the Black Magic Mountains.

In the afternoon, he had already gone deep into it for an unknown number of kilometers.

There were no people around, and almost no one would come here.

Zhou Jun also began to search the copy carefully.

After a long time, he finally saw a rotating dark purple portal at sunset.

[Copy Name]: Vast Forest

[Recommended Level]: LV70~LV90

When he saw the specific information, Zhou Jun's eyes lit up.

It was worth it that he had searched so hard for so long, and finally found a dungeon with a level cap that was high enough for him to upgrade.

The highest level of monsters was LV90, which was 50 levels higher.

Even if upgrading on Blue Star was difficult, this would definitely allow Zhou Jun to restore his previous upgrade speed, and one level a day was not a problem.

After all, in addition to the experience of hunting monsters, Zhou Jun also had core skills that continuously provided experience!

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