The old man was so angry that he left.

"No, it just left like that?"

In the small village, Chu Xiuyan watched the short monster merchant return home with a 180-degree change of attitude after hearing that they had no gold bars, and couldn't help pointing at the thatched house with some indignation.

"Our boss is like this, more...realistic."

A voice came from the side, it was the monster merchant who led them earlier came over and spread his hands and said:

"If you two are interested in working to earn gold bars, please follow me."

As he said, he turned around and walked in one direction.

Zhou Jun and Chu Xiuyan looked at each other and found that the current situation was still unclear and there was no good way, so they had to follow.

On the way, Chu Xiuyan may have seen the Tianxuelian that she had been thinking about, but she couldn't get it, which made her a little impatient.

She couldn't help asking: "What kind of work do you mean by working?"


The monster merchant didn't hide it when he heard the question, and said directly: "There is a gold mine full of gold in the back mountain of our village."

"Unfortunately, all our people are cursed and can't get close to this gold mine. Therefore, if there are travelers passing by who want to buy supplies but are short of money, we will lead them to mine."

"In this way, you can use the gold you dig to exchange goods with us."

The green-skinned merchant talked freely.

It sounds reasonable and reasonable.

Chu Xiuyan breathed a sigh of relief and said: "Since there is a gold mine waiting to be mined, it should be easy to collect fifty gold bars."

After all, it is a gold mine!

Just dig a few times and you can dig out a large piece of gold. Its value must be more than fifty gold bars, right?

Thinking about it this way, it is indeed not difficult.

Zhou Jun didn't say anything, but he always felt a little strange in his heart.

Could it be so simple?

Although the way to enter this adventure copy is obscure, since Zhou Jun and Chu Xiuyan can appear here at this time, it means that there are still many people who know about this copy.

But if the way to get gold is really so simple, then I am afraid that others can buy all the items of monster merchants in this village by just digging casually, right?

But Zhou Jun walked all the way here, but found that every merchant's bamboo basket was full, and it seemed that they had never successfully sold any goods.

Maybe there is something unknown and strange in it.

Thinking this way in his heart, unknowingly, the group also walked to the back mountain.

But I saw that the originally lush green forest suddenly opened up, and a large and magnificent mine suddenly appeared in front of me.

Its surface was glittering with gold, and it was so dazzling under the sunlight that people could hardly open their eyes.

It was gold!

A whole mountain of gold, so much that it made people dizzy.

There was no need for a mine, just pick up the pickaxe and dig on the surface of the mountain.

With a random chisel, pieces of gold fell down.

"You two, please!"

The monster merchant who led the way shook his hand, took out two pickaxes from nowhere, and handed them to the two.

[Name]: Gold Miner's Inferior Pickaxe

[Type]: Weapon

[Rank]: Bronze

This pickaxe was actually a graded equipment.

Zhou Jun and Chu Xiuyan looked at each other, both very surprised.

But since they had come here, there was no reason to retreat.

So they both equipped themselves with these two pickaxes.

Seeing this, the monster merchant smiled and said:

"These two pickaxes are my gifts to you two, so you must work hard."

For some reason, the smile squeezed out of the other party's green face always seemed to Zhou Jun like a successful scheme.

On the contrary, Chu Xiuyan didn't think so much, picked up the pickaxe and rushed in.

Seeing this, Zhou Jun could only keep up with the pace.

Although I don't know if this monster merchant has hidden any secrets.

But what is certain is that there is definitely no danger to life.

Because this adventure copy is a neutral place.

In a neutral place, there are independent rules, and humans and monsters cannot attack each other.

Even if they release skills to each other, there will be no harm to each other.

So there is no need to worry about safety.

After following Chu Xiuyan to the mining area, he touched the gold ore on the rock wall in front of him, and saw that there was indeed no problem, so he smashed it with a pickaxe.

With the force,

A fist-sized gold nugget fell visibly, then disappeared and automatically entered the backpack.

"It's quite convenient."

Chu Xiuyan also knocked down a large piece at this time, and a smile appeared on her face.

Such a large piece of gold must be worth several gold bars. It is not difficult to collect fifty gold bars to exchange for Tianxuelian.

Thinking of this, the thoughts flowed into his own space backpack.

However, the next second, the pretty face full of smiles froze, and he said blankly:

"How could this happen?"

Hearing this, Zhou Jun frowned, knowing that there must be something wrong with the gold, and hurriedly looked at his backpack.


He saw an almost annoying scene.

I saw that such a large piece of gold that I just knocked down, after falling into my backpack, turned into a very inconspicuous piece of debris that was not even the size of a fingernail!

If it hadn't occupied a backpack grid, it would have been almost difficult to notice it.

[Name]: Gold slag

[Type]: Metal props

[Description]: Gold, a specialty of the Adventure Realm, is deeply loved by monster merchants. It can be traded with monster merchants, but it cannot be taken out of the Adventure Realm

[Remarks]: Collecting 1,000 gold slags can generate 1 gold dust, collecting 1,000 gold dusts can generate 1 gold ray, collecting 1,000 gold ray can generate 1 gold thread, collecting 1,000 gold threads can generate 1 gold ingot, collecting 1,000 gold ingots can generate 1 gold bar, and collecting 1,000 gold bars can generate 1 gold brick

The huge gold nugget directly turned into gold slag!

Looking at the crazy remarks of the gold slag, Chu Xiuyan and Zhou Jun were silent for a while.

What kind of inferior online game setting is this?

From gold slag to gold dust, and then to gold ray, gold thread, gold ingot, and gold bar.

It takes five promotions in the middle!

And you have to collect a thousand each time!

Calculating it, the difficulty almost doubled.

Even if they can get a stable gold slag every time they dig, and without considering the physical consumption, it is unknown when they can collect a gold bar.

Not to mention that whether it is to exchange for the Supreme Essence Blood or the Heavenly Snow Lotus, it takes fifty gold bars.

"This adventure copy is too tricky! Under this mechanism, even if you work hard for a full number of days, you can only get one gold bar at most!"

Chu Xiuyan reacted and angrily said.

In an adventure realm, explorers can stay for a maximum of seven days, and after seven days they will be automatically expelled from the copy and return to reality.

But in the current situation, even if the liver emperor comes, he will work day and night.

After seven days, if he can collect a gold bar, he will be considered a little cow going home - awesome.

And a gold bar can only be exchanged for a level 20 mythical equipment in this monster merchant village.

And this is still an ideal situation.

Considering various factors such as fatigue and boredom, in fact, most people can't even make it to the seventh day.

Or the speed of digging is slow, and when you finally collect a few gold ingots, the time is up and you are forced to be kicked out of the dungeon.

You know, it is specifically stated on the gold slag that this kind of metal is a specialty of the Adventure Realm and cannot be taken away.

In other words, when you are kicked out, these gold ingots that you have worked hard to dig will be directly separated from the backpack and given to the monster merchants here for nothing.

It is equivalent to working for seven days in vain and getting nothing.

"So this is their routine..."

At this moment, Zhou Jun understood everything.

No wonder the monster merchant just now had a treacherous smile on his face. He had been working for a long time to get the treasures in the Adventure Realm, but he could only look at it.

Wanting to get it is a fool's dream.

Because it is impossible for anyone to collect so many gold bars.

Previously, many merchants in the village were vying to display their goods, just to attract these outsiders and give them more motivation to dig gold.

"Hey! Aren't you bullying the honest people!"

A cry came, but it was Chu Xiuyan who threw down the pickaxe and strode towards the previous monster merchant. Her chest rose and fell obviously, and it was obvious that she was about to explode.

"You didn't ask."

After hearing this, the monster merchant rolled his eyes, picked his nose with his little finger, and spoke in an extremely annoying tone.

"You fucking..."

Looking at this scene, Chu Xiuyan couldn't hold it anymore, and even forgot her identity as a teacher, and even cursed.

But this is a neutral place.

You can't fight, you can only follow other people's rules, there is no way at all.

"Don't worry, it's not like you get gold slag every time you dig. You can buy more

Good pickaxes will speed up the mining income! "

The monster merchant waved his hand in a mean way, interrupting Chu Xiuyan's outburst, and also made her collapse back to her rational line.

But he still said angrily: "Where is the better pickaxe? !"

"Haha, did you see that dead otaku who was sleeping? He specializes in selling pickaxes."

The monster merchant pointed to the edge of the mining area, and saw a very inconspicuous shed there, with a pile of iron pickaxes of various styles placed inside.

And on the counter in the front, there was a short and fat green-skinned merchant, who was snoring.

"You guys study it yourself, I'm going back to the village first, hao hao!"

The monster merchant snorted twice, waved his hand and walked away from the area, leaving Zhou Jun and Chu Xiuyan, who was very angry, looking at each other.

"Old class, anger hurts your body, you take a rest first, I'll go over and take a look. "

After thinking for a while, Zhou Jun coughed lightly, comforted Chu Xiuyan, and walked towards the shed.

The dead otaku merchant was sleeping very deeply. Zhou Jun came over and knocked on the table before he opened his eyes dazedly.

Then he threw a pile of pickaxes forward, muttered "Look for yourself", and fell asleep again.


Zhou Jun was speechless, shook his head, and picked up a pickaxe to look at it.

[Name]: Ordinary pickaxe of gold miners

[Type]: Weapon

[Grade]: Silver

[Description]: Compared with inferior pickaxes, it is a qualified product. Each mining can obtain 80 gold slag

It is different from the bronze grade pickaxe given by the monster merchant before.

This silver grade, and Independent description.

After reading the description, Zhou Jun's eyes lit up.

It turns out that the higher the grade of the pickaxe, the higher the mining efficiency.

Thinking of this, he quickly picked up several other pickaxes and found that the highest grade pickaxe here was the mythical [Gold Miner's Diamond Pickaxe].

Every time you mine, you can get 20 gold ingots!

But the price is also very expensive. On the price tag attached to it, it is written that there are 3 gold bars.

Zhou Jun doesn't have 3 gold bars.

But who said that if you want to get a high-grade pickaxe, you must spend money to buy it?

Zhou Jun looked down at his bronze pickaxe that he had given for free, and suddenly a wicked smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

A bold idea gradually emerged in his mind!

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