Global Voyage: My Probability is 100%

Chapter 1014: Entry DIY of Soul Eater Sword

   Chapter 1014 Entry DIY of the Spirit-eating Sword

  There are many types of cold weapons in front of you, and the number is even more numerous.

  Knives, guns and sticks are available.

   Some of them are weapons with some black and gold qualities.

   Chen Feng directly classified these cold weapons.

   There is no entry effect, and Chen Feng, the cold weapon that only attacked with the weapon itself, gave up directly and threw them directly back to the warehouse.

   The cold weapon without an entry did not react at all even if it was swallowed by the Spirit-Eating Sword.

   After rummaging through the invalid weapons without entries and throwing them back into the warehouse, Chen Feng divided the remaining cold weapons into two categories.

   One is the entry effect that acts on the user himself, and the other is the entry effect that is used as an attack.

   Among them, there are a total of three weapons that act on the user's own entry effect.

  【Qiankun stick (black gold)】

  Description: This weapon is made of ten thousand-year-old black iron at the bottom of the sea. The texture is extremely hard. It can be enlarged or reduced by the will. Weapons of dazzling gold quality and below cannot cause any damage to it. When attacking, there is a 10% chance to increase the user's power a hundred times!

  Evaluation: Can zoom in and zoom out, isn't this a 'Ruyi Golden Hoop Bar'?

  The entry effect of this weapon is that there is a 10% chance of increasing the user's strength by a hundred times. The effect of this entry is similar to Ma Xiaoting's [Qiankun·Meteor Hammer].

   However, Ma Xiaoting's meteor hammer achieves a 100% increase through a certain attack method, and this weapon is triggered by probability.

   So when the two are compared, the Qiankun stick is a little tasteless.

   And the attributes of zooming in and out must be used by players who can transform. Orcs are very good, so there are no suitable candidates in the country of wind, so they are thrown into the warehouse by Chen Feng.

   Of course, if this entry is used by Chen Feng, it will definitely increase his power by a hundred times, and increase his own power by a hundred times, which can be considered.

  【Quick Dagger (Dark Gold)】

  Description: A 20cm long short-handled dagger, small and flexible, it is very concealed when used for attack, and can often damage the enemy unexpectedly. When attacking, there is a 1% chance to increase the user's arm speed, enabling it to swing the weapon up to 20 times in one second.

  Review: When using this weapon, it can enhance the speed of both hands, twenty times a second, you hold the dagger in one hand, and I can't control what you hold in the other! hey-hey!

   Although the quality of this swift dagger is not high, the effect of the entry made Chen Feng's eyes shine, and it was retained.

   When you have nothing to do with it, it can greatly increase the speed of both hands. The hand that is not holding the dagger can sometimes…

  Cough! Closer to home, the weapon can be swung twenty times in one second, and the attack channel is almost invisible to the eyes. Combined with the sharpness of the [Spirit Eating Sword], the attack power will definitely increase greatly.

   The effect of this entry is also good.

  The last piece, even the [Demon Sword Ronin (Orange)] that can make the user blur.

The entry effect of   blindness: It allows the user to enter into a virtual state that is immune to physical attacks.

   These are three weapons with entry effects that act on the user himself

   There are two weapons used as the entry effect of the attack.

  【Meteor Sword (Black Gold)】

  Description: Cold weapons are of average hardness and sharpness, which somewhat humiliates the quality of black and gold, but don't underestimate this weapon, it has a special entry effect. Summons a meteor, when attacking, there is a 30% chance to summon a flaming meteor that falls from the sky to attack the enemy, which can seriously injure or instantly kill an enemy with level 8 strength.

  Review: Well...Although it is a cold weapon, it can summon a powerful fire attack, you can use it as a magic cold weapon.

   This meteor sword Chen Feng used to like very much. Every time he attacked, with his European Emperor talent, he could definitely summon a meteor to attack the enemy.

  But Chen Feng didn't pay much attention to it after using it a few times. The reason is that the speed of the formation of each summoned meteor is not fast, and it takes three seconds from summoning to falling down.

   In three seconds, the fast enemy had already disappeared.

   However, now that there is a spirit-eating sword, the entry effect of the meteor sword can be considered to be absorbed.

  How to cooperate reasonably, the tasteless meteor may also become a powerful means.

   The last weapon with an entry.

  【Sharp Spear (Dark Gold)】

   Description: An extremely sharp spear, when attacking, there is a 10% chance to trigger the sharp entry effect. When this effect is triggered, the armor-piercing effect of the weapon is increased, and part of the enemy's defense can be ignored.

  Evaluation: A qualified offensive cold weapon, it is a weapon that is completely inclined to attack and give up defense.

   This sharp spear, Chen Feng felt that his attack power was very strong.

   But there is no defensive effect, and the attack power is strong and limited, so Chen Feng also idled it and did not use it.

   These two weapons are used as the entry effect of the attack.

   Five weapons with different attributes, different types, and different entry effects are neatly placed in front of you.

  Chen Feng looked at them with a thoughtful look on his face.

  【Spirit Eating Sword】can devour the entry effect of three weapons.

  How to swallow it so that the combat power of the Spirit-Eating Sword can be improved to the greatest extent, so that it is the most suitable for Chen Feng, this must be thought carefully.

   Chen Feng pondered, unable to decide for a while.

  According to his original intention, the 'blur' effect of the demon sword like a shadow must be preserved.

  Ablation can be immune to physical damage, and the effect on Chen Feng is too great, so no matter what, this effect must be retained.

   There are still two entries left for the Spirit Eating Sword.

   That 'strength increased by a hundred times', 'increase hand speed up to 20 times per second', 'calling meteors', 'armor breaking effect', can only choose two of these four entry effects.

  Chen Feng tried to guess the effect of each entry effect and his own skills and blur effect.

  Strength enhancement is one of the simplest and crudest attack power enhancement methods, and it has certain cooperation with every other entry.

   But Chen Feng thought about it, he didn't take strength as his development direction, if he were a power enhancer like Ma Xiaoting.

  The entry attribute of 'Hundred-fold increase in strength' must be won.

  Unfortunately, Chen Feng's skills are mostly based on movement and flexibility. Although the strength is increased by a hundred times, it is not the most suitable choice for Chen Feng.

   And if increasing the hand speed is combined with summoning meteors or breaking armor, then each attack will be able to quickly summon a large number of meteors, or ignore most of the enemy's defense effects.

   The shortcomings of slow meteor summoning speed and ignoring the enemy's lack of defense are gone.

   Moreover, Chen Feng's skills are inherently flexible, and his hand speed is increased. If he flashes an attack once, each time it is more than 20 attacks, the effect is destined to be terrible.

   Thinking of this, Chen Feng decided that among these entry effects, 'increase hand speed to twenty times per second' must be selected.

  The next step is to select the third entry effect to cooperate with the other two entry effects.

   It seems that the entry effect of Chen Feng's DIY colorless quality spirit-eating sword is about to be completed.

   The Spirit-Eating Sword can retain the entry effect of the three swallowed cold weapons.

   Now Chen Feng has identified two of them, one is the 'blank immunity to physical attack effect' of the demon sword like a shadow, and the other is the 'effect of swiping the knife twenty times a second' of the swift dagger.

  The last one can only be selected from the three effects of 'one hundred times stronger', 'calling a meteor', and 'armor breaking effect'.

   (end of this chapter)

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