Global Voyage: My Probability is 100%

Chapter 1018: Chen Feng VS Rocks

   Chapter 1018 Chen Feng VS Rox

  The official game of Lord Arena is coming as scheduled, and the live broadcast room function in the game interface of each player in Ocean World has been reopened.

  Although it is already the third round of the official competition, the popularity has a tendency to become more and more popular.

   The live broadcast room just opened for a second, and countless viewers swarmed in. In the chat box of the live broadcast room, it can be clearly seen that the number of players watching the game is increasing at a soaring rate.

   In the chat box, a large number of messages are also flying.

  Suddenly, a system prompt rang in the ears of all the audience.

[Players of Ocean World, the registration for the third round of the official competition of Lord Arena has been completed. There are 15 Lords who meet the requirements for this round of official competition, so there will be 8 games in this round of official competition. There will be a lord player who will win the game directly by bye! 】

   [Next, the first official match will start later, please get ready for the first participating lord who received the system prompt. 】

  【The first official match of the third round starts now. 】

  【Arena: Beach! An area of ​​500,000 square meters! 】

  【Matching contestants: human lord player Chen Feng VS wizard lord player Rox! 】

  【The competition officially begins! 】

   As the system prompts the broadcast to be completed, the chat box in the live broadcast room 'exploded' instantly, and the messages in it kept scrolling.

   Live chat box:

   "Haha! This round of official matches is a little better than I expected! There are actually eight matches! Uh... Although the last match should not be held!"

"Fuck! 15 lord players participated in the competition, and the lord player in the last game actually took a bye! This is so enviable, right?! You don't have to do anything, just win, and the system's reward is like a free gift. !"

   "My God! I won the bye, I'm numb! The envied Jill is purple!"

   "Hehe! I don't know who the lord of this bye will be, but now this lucky bye lord is not important, have you heard? The lord of the first competition is actually Chen Feng!"

"Chen Feng is actually the first to appear, my good boy! It just exploded! We were talking about his level reaching level 9 in the world chat just now, but I didn't expect that the next game would be his! In this game, his opponent is a wizard family. Rox boss, a boss with level 9 strength, although he has a domain, he is probably not Chen Feng's opponent!"

"Isn't what you said upstairs nonsense? Chen Feng was able to defeat the orc Garuru of level 9 strength at level 8. Now at level 9, his strength is definitely stronger. Even if Garuru comes again, he is not an opponent. What kind of onion is this Rox of the wizard family, Chen Feng will blow him up in minutes!"

"I can watch the first two games of Rox of the wizarding family. Although the opponent is not strong, he is a complete victory, so his strength is not bad. The last time Chen Feng defeated Garuru by strategy, Although the level has increased now, Rox will not underestimate the enemy like Garuru, so the game has not yet started, and no one can predict the result."

   "It's a pity that Chen Feng didn't meet Reba. When will the century war I'm looking forward to start!"

   "It doesn't matter who is better than Chen Feng or Rox, as long as the fight is good, not much nonsense! The battle is about to start! Look, there are already pictures in the live broadcast room!"


   In the excited round of the audience, the picture in the live broadcast room gradually became clear.

  The Lord's Arena reopened, and two figures were slowly teleported in.

   The arena environment this time is a sandy beach. The entire arena is a shallow beach with a depth of no more than half a meter.

   At the edge of the beach arena, a slightly slender figure was holding a silver long sword in his hand, and he was lightly looking at the arena environment and the opponent on the opposite side.

   This slender figure is none other than Chen Feng who was just sent in.

   On the opposite side of him, there was a rickety figure in a black robe. At this time, he slowly took off his hood, revealing the helpless face of an old male.

  The old man is the leader of the wizarding family, Rox.

   The two stood in the arena and saw that the other party was actually their opponent, and there was a hint of surprise in their eyes.

  Chen Feng was already ready to encounter Reba, and he still had some expectations in his heart.

   But things often backfire, this time the opponent is not Reba, but Rox.

However, Chen Feng quickly accepted that although Rox had been friends with himself in the past, since the last time Chen Feng wanted to buy the dazzling golden quality [Prayer Chest] from him and was rejected, Chen Feng decided to break up with him. relation.

   In the future, if you encounter each other for some reason, there will be no friendship mixed in.

   This time the official match happened, but Chen Feng felt that defeating him would not have any burden in his heart.

   Chen Feng's mentality is very good, but Rox is different. He is in a bad mood now.

   When he met someone, he didn't want to meet Chen Feng, and even when he met Reba, he didn't want to meet Chen Feng.

There is no other reason. He also knew that Chen Feng was a little unhappy with him two days ago. Now that the official match is bound to fight, the relationship between him and Chen Feng will inevitably become more after such a fermentation. Difference.

  Chen Feng's power is at its peak in the ocean world.

  Rox never wanted to offend Chen Feng at this time.

  How fate makes people, they meet in the official game, they must fight with real swords and guns and go all out.

   So at this moment, Rox is a pained expression.

   The two of them didn't do anything for a long time, and Rox was the first to speak: "Brother Chen Feng, I didn't expect that we would meet in this official competition. This is really embarrassing!"

   Hearing Rox's words, Chen Feng raised his brows and slowly stepped forward with the Spirit-Eating Sword in his hand.

At the same time, Chen Feng said: "Rox, there is nothing to be embarrassed about. Everyone wants to get more territorial rights scrolls. Since they have encountered them, of course they will go all out! You and I are both players of Ocean World. I met you in the lord arena today, and you can fight a battle that doesn't involve life and death.

  If you meet in the ocean world because of your interests, you should fight! After was forced by fate! "

  Chen Feng stepped forward, and the killing intent in his eyes gradually became stronger. Everything he said at this moment undoubtedly completely abandoned his friendship with Rox.

   This is also equivalent to telling Rox that from now on, our relationship is broken, if you want to provoke me, you will definitely **** you!

   Chen Feng's words and the killing intent in his eyes made Rox feel a chill in his heart. He was not a fool, so he could naturally hear what Chen Feng meant.

   At this moment, there is a faint regret on his old face. If he had followed Chen Feng's wishes at first, it would be fine, but now that he has offended Chen Feng, he will have to be careful in the future.

   Regret is regret, and now it has progressed to the current situation, Rox didn't say much.

   A black flame suddenly ignited in his hand, and he was obviously ready to do it.

   "Since Brother Chen Feng doesn't remember the affection of the past, let's have a good fight today, just in time... I will also see how strong Brother Chen Feng is now at level 9!"

   Having said that, the black Guangmang Dasheng in Rox's hand was obviously preparing to release some skill.

   Chen Feng, who was in the distance, suddenly sped up his pace when Rox started, and his figure suddenly flashed, flashing skills were continuously used, and he was rushing towards Rox.

  Battle, ready to go.

   (end of this chapter)

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